Variable Description
A 4-digit code representing the healthcare user’s usual address on the date of service.
Name of classification:
Notes: The domicile code is retrieved from the healthcare user's NHI record using the address history that relates to the date of service, therefore the caveats associated with the quality of the domicile code in the NHI should also be considered here. For instance, it should be noted that before the NHI moved to its new platform in 2012, the address fields in the NHI were free-text with little validation. This meant there could be considerable variability in accuracy, which, in turn, meant addresses could not always be geocoded to a domicile code, or could result in rural addresses being assigned to an urban domicile code where there was insufficient data to generate the correct code. This is because the automated geocoding software relies on generating a post code in order to determine where in a related table it should look to find the code. However, a number of validation checks were included when the NHI moved to its new platform and the quality of address information should improve markedly.
Usual residential address is defined as the address at which the person has been, or plans to be, living for 3 months or more (Statistics NZ’s definition of 'usually resident'). If a person usually lives in a rest home or a hospital, that is considered their usual residential address.