Conceptual Variable

Dataset | Variable |
No variables to compare
Migration - Migration
- Age - Age
- Air Route - Air Route
- Carrier - Carrier
- Citizenship - Citizenship
- Closest Overseas Port of Flight - Closest Overseas Port of Flight
- Country of Birth - Country of Birth
- Country of Last Permanent Residence - Country of Last Permanent Residence
- Country of Main Destination - Country of Main Destination
- Country of Next Permanent Residence - Country of Next Permanent Residence
- Length of Stay/Absence - Length of Stay/Absence
- New Zealand area - New Zealand Area of Residence
- New Zealand Port - New Zealand Port
- Occupation - Occupation
- Overseas state/province - Overseas State/Province of Last Permanent Residence
- Passenger Type - Passenger Type
- Period - Period
- Sex - Sex
- Travel Mode - Travel Mode
- Travel Purpose - Travel Purpose
- Visa Type - Visa Type
- Zip Code - Zip Code
- Age - Age
- Air Route - Air Route
- Carrier - Carrier
- Citizenship - Citizenship
- Closest Overseas Port of Flight - Closest Overseas Port of Flight
- Country of Birth - Country of Birth
- Country of Last Permanent Residence - Country of Last Permanent Residence
- Country of Main Destination - Country of Main Destination
- Country of Next Permanent Residence - Country of Next Permanent Residence
- Length of Stay/Absence - Length of Stay/Absence
- New Zealand area - New Zealand Area of Residence
- New Zealand Port - New Zealand Port
- Occupation - Occupation
- Overseas state/province - Overseas State/Province of Last Permanent Residence
- Period - Period
- Passenger Type - Passenger Type
- Sex - Sex
- Travel Mode - Travel Mode
- Travel Purpose - Travel Purpose
- Visa Type - Visa Type
- Zip Code - Zip Code
- [snz_cus_journey_uid] - Unique identifier for each journey record.
- [snz_cus_movement_uid] - Unique identifier for each journey record.
- [cus_jou_customs_port_code] - New Zealand port where customs processed the passenger.
- [cus_jou_citizenship_code] - Country that issued the travel documentation
- [cus_jou_birth_month_nbr] - The month the passenger was born in.
- [cus_jou_birth_year_nbr] - The year the passenger was born in.
- [cus_jou_sex_snz_code] - Sex variable concorded to the statistics nz standard.
- [cus_jou_passenger_type_code] - Passenger type code
- [cus_jou_visa_code] - Immigration visa held or issued on arrival in new zealand.
- [cus_jou_visa_date] - Expiry date of the passenger’s immigration visa held/issued on arrival.
- [cus_jou_losa_nbr] - Length of stay or absence, in days.
- [cus_jou_travel_purpose_code] - Purpose of travel.
- [cus_jou_clnpr_code] - Country of last/next permanent residence.
- [cus_jou_main_country_visit_code] - The country the passenger will spend the most time in while overseas.
- [cus_jou_overseas_state_code] - Overseas state of residence
- [cus_jou_occupation_code] - Occupation group.
- [cus_jou_ta_code] - Territorial authority code
- [cus_jou_country_of_birth_code] - Country of birth.
- [cus_jou_event_ind] - Passenger came to New Zealand for a major event
- [cus_jou_marital_status_code] - Marital status
- [cus_jou_overseas_port_code] - Overseas port code
- [cus_jou_sched_date] - Scheduled date and time of arrival/departure
- [cus_jou_direction_code] - Direction of travel
- [cus_jou_travel_mode_code] - Travel mode
- [cus_jou_actual_date] - Date of arrival/departure.
- [cus_jou_is_long_term_mig] - Migrant status
- [cus_ltm_date_finalised] - Date a passenger's migrant status was finalised
- [cus_ltm_final_long_term_mig_ind] - Long term migrant status
- [cus_ltm_res_status_before_code] - Resident status before their border crossing
- [cus_ltm_date_final_res_before] - journey
- [cus_ltm_res_status_after_code] - Resident status after their border crossing
- [cus_ltm_date_final_res_after] - fd3a738b-8105-4569-b573-1f80ec670d77