Variable Description

Passenger Type en-NZ
Passenger Type en-NZ

This divides passengers in to one of three groups: overseas visitors; New Zealand-resident travellers; permanent and long-term migrants/migrants. (Collected for all passengers)

Variables notes

Overseas visitor arrivals - People who live overseas and are visiting New Zealand for a stay of less than 12 months

Overseas visitor departures – Overseas residents departing New Zealand after a stay of less than 12 months.

New Zealand resident arrivals – New Zealand residents arriving back after an absence of less than 12 months.

New Zealand resident departures - Before November 2018, New Zealand-resident traveller departures were New Zealand residents departing New Zealand for an absence of less than 12 months. From November 2018, New Zealand-resident traveller departures are New Zealand residents departing New Zealand irrespective of duration of absence.

Permanent and long term arrivals - People arriving for a stay of 12 months or more, including New Zealanders returning after an absence of 12 months or more.

Permanent and long-term departures – New Zealanders departing for 12 months or more, and migrants leaving after a stay of 12 months or more in New Zealand.

Migrant arrival (outcomes-based measure) - A migrant arrival is an overseas resident who arrives in New Zealand and cumulatively spends 12 out of the next 16 months in New Zealand.

Migrant departure (outcomes-based measure) - A migrant departure is a New Zealand resident who departs New Zealand and cumulatively spends 12 out of the next 16 months out of New Zealand. 

Net migration - Net migration is the difference between the number of migrant arrivals and departures. When there are more migrant arrivals than migrant departures there is a net gain in migration, and when there are more migrant departures than migrant arrivals there is a net loss in migration.

This variable is not part of a dataset.


Aggregation Method


Conceptual Variable
conceptual-variable-16.png Migration en-NZ
concept-16.png Migration en-NZ

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3 29/09/2022 2:51:20 PM
2 16/02/2022 6:42:34 PM