Conceptual Variable
Employment and unemployment (society)
Employment and unemployment (society)
Unnamed Universe
Dataset | Variable |
No variables to compare
Employment and unemployment (society) - Employment and unemployment (society)
- Q19b - If more hours had been made available last week would you have worked them?
- Q11 - Were you absent from work because of illness, holiday or other reason?
- Q25a - In the last 3 months has your occupation changed?
- Q19 - Prefer to work more hours?
- Q26 - Looking for another job?
- AGE - Age of respondent held in single year format
- Q25 - Industry
- Q2 - Are you staying at the sampling dwelling tonight?
- Q14 - More than one job because of job change?
- DVTotalHourlyAll -
- Q27 - Looking for full or part-time work?
- Q18 - Main reason did not work usual hours
- MS - Marital status
- DVHoursWeeklySec -
- Q17 - Hours usually worked
- FAMCODE - Family code
- FULLTIME - Part-time/Full-time status
- YRSINNZ - Years in New Zealand
- DVHoursWeeklyAll -
- Q1 - Usually lived at sampled dwelling?
- Q13 - Did you have more than one paid job?
- Q31 - What qualifications have you obtained since leaving school?
- COBIRTH - Country of birth
- Q29 - Highest school qualification?
- Q22 - Occupation
- Q30 - Have you obtained any qualifications since leaving school?
- DVHoursWeeklyMain -
- Q20 - Main reason not working more hours?
- Q21 - Employment status
- Q12 - Were you an unpaid family member?
- LGR/OLDLGR - Regional council areas
- DVRegHourlyAll -
- CHILD - Child
- EMPDIST - Employment district
- Q32 - In the last week have you studied or worked towards a qualification?
- AGE1 - Age held in 5-year age groups
- Q3 - Will you be away from the sampled dwelling for more than 6 weeks?
- ETHNIC - Ethnic group
- LFSTATUS - Labour force status
- Q19a - Done any of the following to get more hours?
- Q28 - School qualifications?
- Q16 - Did actual hours worked equal usual hours worked?
- Q10 - Did you work for pay or profit?