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[cyf_investgtns_details] en-NZ
IDI CYF Investigation Details (Published) en-NZ

Table CYF_DT_CLI_CFAS_INVESTGTNS_CYS_D holds details of Investigation/CFA Events. An Investigation/CFA event follows a Client Intake Event (also called a notification or Report of Concern (ROC)) when the outcome of the Intake is Further Action Required (FAR). It is a phase of work where a client is rolled into the phase from the Intake and certain actions take place (stored as records within the phase). A key worker is assigned to an Investigation/CFA phase and an assessment is carried out in which the investigation/CFA findings are recorded. The investigation may result in a finding of a form of abuse or Not Found in which case the recorded outcome will be No Further Action. If there is more than one client involved in an investigation/CFA there may be more than one assessment carried out with different combinations of participants in each assessment. All investigations and CFA events are Care and Protection business area. YJ notifications proceed directly to an Intervention phase where notification findings are FAR. NB: During the years 2006 to 2008 a pilot was operated in 4 sites where DRM (Differential Response Management) CFA phases were created and assessments of a different form to current prepared. These phases and assessments do not contribute to this event.


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6 23/12/2021 8:17:41 AM
5 30/11/2021 4:09:58 PM