Variable Set

IDI ACM Household Members en-NZ
[acm_household] (Published) en-NZ

This table captures relationships between individuals who share a house with a Client who visits the Mission. This table is overwritten with each visit a Client makes to the Mission, and the entered_date will reflect the most recent visit made by the Client. The majority of the variables contained in this table will only be used for linking and will not be available to researchers, to protect the privacy of individuals.

AS AT JUNE 2016: This table contains a large amount of missing name information. We have linked as best we can, but there may be individuals who appear to be IDI-orphans on this table, but who are actually present in other datasets. Because of the potential duplicate secondary identities on this table, we have also done many-to-one linking – this means that multiple records on this table are allowed to link to the same record on the Spine. There may be a number of duplicates remaining on this table due to missingness of information. In future, we will seek to investigate ways to increase the link rate and overall accuracy of this table.


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7 1/12/2021 7:18:04 AM