IDI Business Register data
en-NZThe Business Register (BR) data documents the content of the Enterprise, IRD Enterprise, PBN, and PBN Employee Count tables that Stats NZ to use in the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI). The BR datasets contain derived administrative data collected from 1999 to (ongoing) for enterprise-level data, permanent business number (PBN)-level data, and the relationships between business IRD numbers to enterprises from the Stats NZ Business Register.
en-NZThis dictionary provides information on the variables contained in the datasets including technical information and descriptions. The dictionary also provides encyclopaedic information on concepts, policies, and other high-level information relevant to this dataset. Use this data dictionary if you are interested in understanding and accessing BR data in the IDI for your research.
Business Register data
Type of data: Administrative data capture
Data collector: Internal Revenue, Statistics New Zealand Mode of collection: Data system capture
Frequency of collection: Updated quarterly with the latest data from the BR and LEED. Updates are applied at the time when new information is made available to Statistics New Zealand, and, where possible, backdated to the point at which the change in status occurred. From a practical perspective, these maintenance rules imply that under both the BF and BR regimes some variables appearing “annually” on the LBF fact table in the LBD are actually observed (updated) less frequently for many firms. [pbn_employee_count] is updated quarterly.
Data Quality Editing: Many non-profit organisations are not required to file an annual tax return but will still be recorded as live in the CR. Trusts with no business income are classified to the household sector. These units are removed from the BR population if they do not show any tax activity within 12 months of registration.
Missing data: none specified
Other quality issues: [enterprise], [pbn] data will have approximately a 2-3 month lag. For example, data was available up to April 2014 after the completion of the June 2014 refresh.
en-NZExtra Metadata