Business Demography Statistics
en-NZBusiness demography statistics provide an annual snapshot as at February, of the structure and characteristics of New Zealand businesses. Statistics produced include counts of enterprises and geographic units by industry, region, institutional sector, business type, degree of overseas ownership, enterprise births, enterprise deaths, survival rate of enterprises and employment levels. The series covers economically significant private-sector and public-sector enterprises that are engaged in the production of goods and services in New Zealand.
Up to the 2015 release, the business demography statistics series used the Longitudinal Business Frame as its data source. The Longitudinal Business Frame was constructed from all current and historic Business Frame data. The Business Register (BR) that replaced the Business Frame in 2014 allows for easy creation of longitudinal snapshots. From the 2016 release onwards, the business demography statistics use the BR as its data source.
In 2021 Business Register (BR) changed its name to Statistical Business Register (SBR). From the 2021 release onwards, the business demography statistics use this new name.
en-NZBusiness demography statistics are used for the research purposes and support policy analysis on regional, national and international level.
en-NZ4 Annual
Business demography en-NZ