CENSUS 2013 Meshblock Code

Represented Variable

CENSUS 2013 Meshblock Code en-NZ

A meshblock is both a geographic unit and a classification. It is the smallest geographic unit for which statistical data is reported by Stats NZ. A meshblock is a defined geographic area, varying in size from part of a city block to large areas of rural land. Meshblocks are contiguous: each meshblock borders on another to form a network covering all of New Zealand, including coasts and inlets. The meshblock classification extends out to New Zealand’s 200 mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

Primary purposes of a meshblock classification are: • to provide a small, relevant, and flexible building block geography for aggregation into statistical geographies such as sampling, collection, and output areas • to ensure geographic boundaries can be physically identified and located on the ground by alignment with geographic or physical features, or with the cadastre (New Zealand’s land information and survey system for the accurate identification of boundaries for land tenure purposes) • to form the basis of the New Zealand electoral system as the lowest level building block, by which it defines electorates and polling areas for both parliamentary and local government elections.





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2 30/11/2021 4:11:21 PM