Conceptual Variable Groups
Agriculture en-NZ
LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5550 - Area irrigated for dairy farming or dairy grazing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5521 - Land area irrigated by micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5902 - Single storage ponds/tanks (with sufficient storage to irrigate when suitable - no solid separations system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5686 - Other farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5125 - Burning of other crop residue
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6002 - Grass land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5105 - Burning of tussock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6013 - Total land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5607 - Potassium chloride and/or potassium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5750 - Total nitrogen
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6410 - Pasture/lucerne (hay, silage and balage)
This variable is not part of a dataset.- LC6232
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5010 - Land area direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5600 - Urea (2002~2016)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5660 - Effluent sprayed on fields
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5045 - Over sowing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5516 - Land area irrigated by spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5000 - Land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5517 - Land area irrigated by centre pivots and linear moves
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other fertilisers applied (2006~2015)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5603 - Superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5903 - Single storage ponds/tanks (which include a solid separation and storage system)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5012 - Other land area cultivated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5752 - Total potassium
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5511 - Land area irrigated by flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6016 - Native scrub and regenerating native bush
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5748 - All other phosphatic fertilisers (2005)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5649 - All other nitrogen based fertiliser (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5608 - Urease inhibitor coated urea (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5506 - Land area actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6050 - New area planted (don't include areas previously in exotic tree plantation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6019 - Harvested exotic forest area awaiting restocking
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5687 - No formal farm nutrient planning document
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5510 - Flood systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5601 - Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5602 - Ammonium sulphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5554 - Area irrigated for fruit crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5751 - Total phosphorus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5789 - Other potassic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5025 - Reduced cultivation
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.Lc5904 - Sump storage (storage for at least 1–2 days prior to irrigation)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5518 - Land area irrigated by all other travelling and sprayline systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5505 - Total area that could have been irrigated using existing resource consents and equipment on the farm
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6052 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Cubic metres
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5609 - Urea ( 2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5753 - Total sulphur
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5685 - Nutrient management plan (NMP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5605 - 30% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5901 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which occasionally discharge and use land application the rest of the time)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6051 - Areas replanted that were previously planted in exotic trees
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5606 - Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5501 - Land actually irrigated
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5755 - All other fertilisers (2017 onwards)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5683 - Nutrient budget (NB)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5555 - Area irrigated for other hort crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9595 - Total outdoor area other commercial outdoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5759 - All other phosphatic (2002)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5502 - Main farming activity on irrigated land
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5551 - Area irrigated for other livestock
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5011 - Land area cultivated out of pasture (incl long-term and short-term pasture)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6012 - Grain seed and fodder crop land and land prepared for these crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5500 - Land under an irrigation system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC9999 - Total indoor area other commercial indoor crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5120 - Burning of crop residue from wheat, barley and other grains
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5670 - Nitrogen inhibitor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6239 - Land area disposed of
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5040 - Direct drilled
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5905 - Other effluent management system
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5655 - Dolomite
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6580 - Total outdoor area used for vegetables and cooking herbs
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6003 - Tussock and danthonia used for grazing (whether oversown or not)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5553 - Area irrigated for vegetable crops
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5900 - Multiple pond system (with anaerobic and aerobic ponds which discharge)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5604 - 15% Potassic superphosphate
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5520 - Micro systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6462 - Other crops silage
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5552 - Area irrigated for grain/seed/arable crops (excludes process vegetables)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC6053 - Exotic timber harvested (eg areas that have been clearfelled or salvage logged) Hectares
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5682 - Don't know
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5684 - Good agricultural practice (GAP)
This variable is not part of a dataset.LC5515 - Spray systems
This variable is not part of a dataset.Conceptual Variables
Irrigation en-NZ
Forestry and farm practices
Agriculture en-NZ