Imprisonment sentences include life imprisonment, preventive detention, and imprisonment.
Life imprisonment and preventive detention
Life imprisonment and preventive detention are both indeterminate sentences (i.e. the sentence continues to apply for the entire life of the person who offended, although they can be released on parole). These sentences are generally only imposed on people convicted of murder or on serious repeat sex-offenders.
Prior to the commencement of the Sentencing Act 2002 and the Parole Act 2002, people sentenced to these indeterminate sentences were not eligible for parole until they had served 10 years in custody. However, for both sentences, a minimum non-parole period longer than 10 years could be imposed by the court. Under section 89 of the Sentencing Act 2002, people sentenced to preventive detention must be ordered to serve a minimum period of imprisonment of at least five years.
Determinate sentences of imprisonment are sentences with a fixed term that can be imposed at the discretion of the court, up to a maximum period set out in legislation.
Sentence types en-NZ