Census night population count (information about this variable and its quality)

Variable Description

Census night population count (information about this variable and its quality) en-NZ
Census night population count (information about this variable and its quality) en-NZ

The census night population count of New Zealand is a count of all people present in New Zealand on a given census night. This includes visitors from overseas who are counted on census night but excludes residents who are temporarily overseas on census night.

The census night population count of an area (subnational count) is a count of all people present in that area on a given census night. This count includes visitors from elsewhere in New Zealand and visitors from overseas who are counted in that area on census night but excludes residents of that area who are temporarily elsewhere in New Zealand or overseas on census night.

For example, the census night population count of the Auckland Region includes all people present and counted in the Auckland Region on census night. It includes residents present, visitors from elsewhere in New Zealand, and visitors from overseas. It excludes people who usually live in the Auckland Region but were not in the Auckland Region on census night.

Other Variable Information

Priority level

Priority level 1

We assign a priority level to all census variables: Priority 1, 2, or 3 (with 1 being highest and 3 being the lowest priority).

Census night population count is a priority 1 measure. Priority level 1 variables are core census variables that have the highest priority in terms of quality, time, and resources across all phases of a census.

The priority rating for the census night population count remains the same as 2013.

Quality Management Strategy and the Information by variable for the census night population count (2013) have more information on the priority rating.

Overall quality rating for 2018 Census

Moderate quality

Data quality processes section below has more detail on the rating for this variable.

The External Data Quality Panel has provided an independent assessment of the quality of this variable and has rated it as moderate quality. Initial Report of the 2018 Census External Data Quality Panel has more information.

Subject population

Census night population

‘Subject population’ means the people, families, households, or dwellings to whom the variable applies.

How this data is classified

The census night population count is a count of forms received plus administrative enumerated records. No classification is used for the count.

2018 Census night address information by variable has more information on how we classified the location of the census night population.

The Standards and Classifications page provides background information on classifications and standards.

Question format

Stats NZ Store House has samples for both the individual and dwelling paper forms.

Census night population count is a count of all individual forms and individuals enumerated through administrative data sources.

How this data is used

Outside Stats NZ

  • To formulate, monitor, and evaluate central and local government policy.
  • To provide information on how communities are changing.
  • To understand service populations, especially in areas with high numbers of visitors or tourists.

2018 data sources

The table below shows the breakdown of the various data sources used for this variable. The census night population count was mainly a count of responses, with the addition of administratively enumerated records.

2018 Census night population count – census night population
Source Percent
Response 89.0 percent
Admin enumeration 11.0 percent
Total 100.0 percent
Due to rounding, individual figures may not always sum to the stated total(s)

Administrative data sources

Admin enumerated records were added to the census file to count people who were missed. Data from the range of sources available in the IDI was used

Addition of administrative records to the New Zealand 2018 Census dataset: An overview of statistical methods has more information on the methodology.

Please note that when examining census night population data for specific population groups within the subject population, the percentage that is administratively enumerated may differ from that for the overall subject population.

Missing and residual responses

There is no non-response for the census night population count.

  • In the 2018 Census, we used admin enumerated records for missing responses.
  • In 2013, we created substitute individual forms for missing responses.

2013 Census data user guide provides more information about non-response in the 2013 Census.

Data quality processes

Overall quality rating: Moderate quality

Data was evaluated to assess whether it meets quality standards and is suitable for use.

Three quality metrics contributed to the overall quality rating:

  • data sources and coverage
  • consistency and coherence
  • data quality.

The lowest rated metric determines the overall quality rating. For census night population count, the lowest rating of ‘moderate’ was for metric 2, consistency and coherence.

Data quality assurance for 2018 Census provides more information on the quality rating scale.

Data sources and coverage: High quality

We assessed the quality of all the data sources that contribute to the output for the variable. To calculate a score for a variable, each data source is rated and multiplied by the proportion it contributes to the total output.

The metric 1 rating for the census night population count is the same as for census night address because the two variables are closely linked.

2018 Census night address information by variable has more information on how we rated the location of the census night population.

Consistency and coherence: Moderate quality

Census night population count in the 2018 Census is moderately comparable with 2013 Census night population data.

Variable data is mostly consistent with expectations across consistency checks. There is an overall difference in the data compared with expectations and benchmarks that can be explained through a combination of real-world change, incorporation of other sources of data, or a change in how the variable has been collected.

When compared with expectations and previous years, the increase of the census night population was evenly distributed across age and sex, but not geographically. The geographical inconsistencies when compared with expectations and previous years are more pronounced at lower geographical levels.

Fewer overseas visitors were counted on census night than expected. There are no alternative administrative data sources available that would enable us to count overseas visitors at their geographical location.

Data quality: High quality

The data quality checks for census night population count included edits for consistency within the dataset and cross-tabulations with other variables to statistical area 2 level. There are only minor data quality issues and the impact of alternative data sources is minor at the national level.

Overall, there were significant changes to how we collected the data in the 2018 Census. A new collection methodology was introduced for 2018 which drew on both survey responses and administrative data to make up the census night count. While the inclusion of these records has improved data quality, it may affect time series comparability of data on a variable by variable basis.

Recommendations for use and further information

At lower geographies, the census night population count may have some quality issues when compared with previous years. This is due to the lower than expected response rate and the use of administrative data.

Contact our Information Centre for further information about using this variable.

This variable is not part of a dataset.


Aggregation Method


Conceptual Variable



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