Variable Description
The time spent in New Zealand (for overseas visitors) or out of New Zealand (for New Zealand-resident travellers).
Before November 2018, length of stay in New Zealand was captured from their intentions on the arrival card. Visitors who departed before processing of their month of arrival was completed, had their length of stay recalculated based on their actual stay (day of arrival to day of departure). From November 2018, all visitors have their length of stay recalculated based on their actual stay. Before November 2018, residents' length of absence away from New Zealand was captured from their intentions on the departure card. Residents who arrived before processing of their month of departure was completed, had their length of absence calculated based on their actual absence (day of departure to day of arrival). From November 2018, all residents have their length of absence calculated on their actual absence.
Length of stay is a dynamic variable and is subject to revision.