Data Collection

Subnational short-term NZ-resident arrivals

Subnational short-term NZ-resident arrivals en-NZ
Subnational short-term NZ-resident arrivals en-NZ

Short-term NZ-resident arrivals for Regional Council areas, Territorial Authority areas and Auckland Local Board areas.


The collection of subnational short-term NZ-resident arrivals is available for Regional Council Areas (16), for Territorial Authority Areas (67) and for Auckland Local Board Areas (21) from June 2014. Subnational short-term NZ-resident arrivals are derived from integration of NZ-residents’ short-term traveller histories and Stats NZ Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) address notifications data. The subnational series also include a ‘Not stated’ category indicating the number of short-term resident arrivals for the period where geographic information is not available.

IDI address notifications data

The IDI is an integrated database that consists of de-identified administrative and survey datasets from a wide range of subject matter areas and sources.

Individuals' location information is accessible in the IDI in the form of a dataset containing their full address notification histories. When an individual engages with a service for the first time in New Zealand (such as health care, education, or tax services), or when a New Zealand resident notifies an agency of an address change, the address information is updated and subsequently added to the individual's address history in the IDI.

The IDI address notifications are ‘observational’ in the sense that an address is recorded when a person notifies an agency of a change of address. These observation points are dates of notification, and not usually the actual date of moving to a location. All sources are likely to have missing data or other quality issues, such as a supplied address becoming out-of-date when a person moves without notifying the agency. There are also differing time lags by respective agencies in compiling address notifications. These lags are generally unknown and may change over time.

Several key agencies contribute to the regular updates of address notifications for geocoding to meshblock geographic areas by Stats NZ. Each address notification includes an administrative reference date recorded by the agency. The sources collecting information on residential address and/ or notification of address change are:

• 2013 Census (Stats NZ)

• tax registrations (Inland Revenue)

• National Health Index and Primary Health Organisation enrolments (Ministry of Health)

• motor vehicle registrations and driver’s license registrations (NZ Transport Association)

• primary and secondary school rolls (Ministry of Education)

• ACC claims (Accident Compensation Corporation)

• working age benefits and superannuation (Ministry of Social Development).




Methodology for determining the NZ-location information in short-term NZ-resident arrival records

The geographic location of short-term NZ-resident arrivals is determined by a process that accesses integrated records of NZ-residents’ unique travel histories (sourced from NZ Customs Service) and address notification histories in the Stats NZ IDI (address_notification table compiled by Stats NZ IDI).

From integration of NZ-residents’ travel histories and IDI address notifications the addresses with notification dates closest to the arrival dates are selected as the NZ location. Short-term NZ-resident arrivals may have a recorded NZ location from a previous short-term overseas trip, and this is regarded as a valid NZ location when a subsequent movement for the traveller has not been linkable to the IDI.


The results in this collection are not official statistics They have been created for research purposes from the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI), managed by Stats NZ.

Access to the anonymised data used in this study was provided by Stats NZ under the security and confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act 1975. Only people authorised by the Statistics Act 1975 are allowed to see data about a particular person, household, business, or organisation, and the results in this collection have been confidentialised to protect these groups from identification and to keep their data safe.

Careful consideration has been given to the privacy, security, and confidentiality issues associated with using administrative and survey data in the IDI. Further detail can be found in the Privacy impact assessment for the Integrated Data Infrastructure available from


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