Variable Groups
Housing en-NZ
Conceptual Variable Groups
Housing (society) en-NZ
HOUQ04_11 - HOUQ04_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_date_of_application_date] - This is initial date of the application
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_NoHeat - DVNoRBedHeat_NoHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_13 - HOUQ04_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_analy_score_afford_text] - Clients most recent SAS affordability as at the end of the month.
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_Size - Why is your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHHTen - DVHHTen
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMoveRentReas - DVMoveRentReas
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_region_code] - The regional council associated with the applicant's current address.
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_dbh_landlord_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_ethnic_grp6_snz_ind] - Other ethnicity indicator.
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_first_time_landlord_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_re_exit_status_text] - Will be one of:“EXIT OTHER” or “HOUSED”
This variable is not part of a dataset.HSU_qDwelSuit - How suitable or unsuitable do you think the house or flat is?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_HouseQual - Why is your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_Refused - DVNoRBedHeat_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.HSU_qOutdoorArea - What type of outdoor area does your house or flat have?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefHome_Disrupt - DVDefHome_Disrupt
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_DontKnow - DVDwellUnsuit_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_Safety - DVNoRBedHeat_Safety
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_Refused - DVNoKitchVent_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_NotKnow - DVNoRBedVent_NotKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNotContact_NotImpt - DVNotContact_NotImpt
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qDampOrMould - HCQ_qDampOrMould
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_bedroom_count_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_address_type_text] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_Vents - DVNoRBedVent_Vents
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_18 - HOUQ04_18
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_Cost - DVNoRBedHeat_Cost
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qCBedHeat - HHB_qCBedHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_12 - HOUQ04_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_Outdoor - Why is your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB _qRBedVentNR - HHB _qRBedVentNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_re_exit_reason_text] - Reason for Exit at the end of the Exit date
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_NotHome - DVNoCBedVent_NotHome
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_ethnic_grp5_snz_ind] - Middle Eastern/Latin American/African ethnicity indicator.
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_Refused - DVNoLivingHeat_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_DontKnow - DVNoRBedHeat_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.HTS_qTimesMovedNR - HTS_qTimesMovedNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNotContact_DontKnow - DVNotContact_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefTen_How - DVDefTen_How
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_Other - DVNoBathVent_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_vested_to_crown_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_landlord_group_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_dbh_bond_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_Safety - DVNoCBedVent_Safety
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_NoNeed - DVNoCBedHeat_NoNeed
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_main_reason_app_text] - Primary Reason for housing
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_Blanket - DVNoCBedHeat_Blanket
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_analy_score_adeq_text] - Clients most recent SAS score for adequacy as at the end of the month.
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_tenancy_start_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_StAcc - Why is your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ01 - HOUQ01
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_DontKnow - DVNoKitchVent_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_rental_amt] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_CarPark - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.[msd_priority_text] - Priority A or B on the register at exit
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_NotWant - DVNoKitchVent_NotWant
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_DontKnow - DVNoCBedVent_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ02NR - HOUQ02NR
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_region_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNotContact_Other - DVNotContact_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_Safety - DVNoCBedHeat_Safety
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_15 - HOUQ04_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_InsideAcc - Why is your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_Services - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_ethnicity_text] - 1st Ethnicity of snz_msd_uid
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_Vents - DVNoKitchVent_Vents
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_89 - HOUQ04_89
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_Other - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_NotKnow - DVNoBathVent_NotKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_property_type_text] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_Other - DVNoKitchVent_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_88 - HOUQ03_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_Weather - DVNoBathVent_Weather
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_meshblock_code] - The meshblock associated with the applicant's current address.
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_16 - HOUQ04_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_Vents - DVNoCBedVent_Vents
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_Facilities - Why is your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.HSU_qBedNum - How many bedrooms are there in your house or flat?
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_meshblock_imputed_ind] - A flag to indicate whether or not the meshblock was imputed.
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_Broken - DVNoRBedHeat_Broken
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_property_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_19 - HOUQ04_19
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_bond_tenant_count] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_landlord_group_text] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_NoHeat - DVNoLivingHeat_NoHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefTen_NotDone - DVDefTen_NotDone
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_12 - HOUQ03_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_Cost - DVNoLivingHeat_Cost
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefTen_NotWilling - DVDefTen_NotWilling
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_NoOpen - DVNoKitchVent_NoOpen
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qBathVent - HHB_qBathVent
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_Other - DVNoRBedVent_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_Dehumid - DVNoBathVent_Dehumid
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_DontKnow - DVNoLivingHeat_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_Other - DVNoCBedHeat_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_bond_closed_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_Safety - DVNoRBedVent_Safety
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_Refused - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_ethnic_grp1_snz_ind] - European ethnicity indicator. T
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_address_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_hshd_type_text] - MSD Household Grouping: ‘Couple and one or more child(ren)’ zyu
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_idi_address_register_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_Refused - DVNoBathVent_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_17 - HOUQ04_17
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_bedroom_required_cnt_nbr] - Number of bedrooms required
This variable is not part of a dataset.HTS_qTimesMoved - HTS_qTimesMoved
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_bond_lodged_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_re_exit_date] - housing register exit date
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_Refused - DVNoCBedVent_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_dbh_property_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_hs_access_description_text] - access description
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefTen_Refused - DVDefTen_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qLivingHeat - HHB_qLivingHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ02 - HOUQ02
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_NotKnow - DVNoCBedVent_NotKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefHome_Time - DVDefHome_Time
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_89 - HOUQ03_89
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_Weather - DVNoRBedVent_Weather
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_Weather - DVNoKitchVent_Weather
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_14 - HOUQ04_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_NoNeed - DVNoRBedHeat_NoNeed
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefTen_Who - DVDefTen_Who
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qKeepingWarm - HCQ_qKeepingWarm
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_Other - DVDwellUnsuit_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_Other - DVNoRBedVent_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_Cost - DVNoCBedHeat_Cost
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefHome_DontKnow - DVDefHome_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_NotWant - DVNoRBedVent_NotWant
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_no_particular_pref_text] - no location preference
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_13 - HOUQ03_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_vested_to_crown_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_NotWant - DVNoCBedVent_NotWant
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_first_time_tenant_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_Noisy - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.HTS_qSchoolChildren - HTS_qSchoolChildren
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefTen_DontKnow - DVDefTen_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVBedHeatType - DVBedHeatType
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOM_qHouCond - HOM_qHouCond
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_Nghbrhd - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefHome_KnowHow - DVDefHome_KnowHow
This variable is not part of a dataset.[msd_register_start_date] - register start date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_99 - HOUQ04_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNotContact_NoFllwUp - DVNotContact_NoFllwUp
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_NoNeed - DVNoLivingHeat_NoNeed
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefHome_refused - DVDefHome_refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_Other - DVNoRBedHeat_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_OthHeat - DVNoLivingHeat_OthHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.HTS_qLengthStay - HTS_qLengthStay
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_14 - HOUQ03_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_DontKnow - DVNoCBedHeat_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_meshblock_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_Broken - DVNoLivingHeat_Broken
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_11 - HOUQ03_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_hshd_size_nbr] - Number of people in household at date of application
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_DontKnow - DVNoRBedVent_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_Safety - DVNoLivingHeat_Safety
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qKitchVent - HHB_qKitchVent
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_Other - DVNoLivingHeat_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_Weather - DVNoCBedVent_Weather
This variable is not part of a dataset.HSU_qBedNumNR - HSU_qBedNumNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_DontKnow - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_Refused - Why is your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ05 - HOUQ05
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_Safety - DVNoKitchVent_Safety
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNotContact_Refused - DVNotContact_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_NotHome - DVNoRBedVent_NotHome
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_NoFan - DVNoKitchVent_NoFan
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNotContact_RentInc - DVNotContact_RentInc
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNotContact_NoBother - DVNotContact_NoBother
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_tenancy_length_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qCBedVent - HHB_qCBedVent
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_stated_location_pref_text] - First 10 preferred locations
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_hs_building_year_nbr] - building year
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_hs_bathroom_status_text] - bathroom status
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qLivFluedUnflued - HHB_qLivFluedUnflued
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_tenancy_end_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_Blanket - DVNoRBedHeat_Blanket
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_bond_amt] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefTen_Other - DVDefTen_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.HTS_qSchoolChange - HTS_qSchoolChange
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_sex_snz_code] - Sex variable concorded to the Statistics NZ standard.
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_NotWant - DVNoBathVent_NotWant
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_19 - HOUQ03_19
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_NotInRoom - DVNoLivingHeat_NotInRoom
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_analy_score_sustain_text] - Clients most recent SASscore for Sustainability as at the end of the month
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_analy_score_suitably_text] - Clients most recent SAS score for suitability as at the end of the month. -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_NoFan - DVNoBathVent_NoFan
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_Dehumid - DVNoKitchVent_Dehumid
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_NoHeat - DVNoCBedHeat_NoHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHHTen - DVHHTen
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_room_nbr_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_DontKnow - DVNoBathVent_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_Cost - Why is your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qBedFluedUnflued - HHB_qBedFluedUnflued
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_Broken - DVNoCBedHeat_Broken
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_ethnic_grp4_snz_ind] - Asian ethnicity indicator. T
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ05Oth - HOUQ05Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ05OthNR - HOUQ05OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_hs_bedrooms_nbr] - number of bedrooms
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_ethnic_grp2_snz_ind] - Maori ethnicity indicator.
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_Safety - DVNoBathVent_Safety
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_Dehumid - DVNoRBedVent_Dehumid
This variable is not part of a dataset.HTS_qPreviousTenure - HTS_qPreviousTenure
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_Refused - DVNoRBedVent_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMoveOwnReas - DVMoveOwnReas
This variable is not part of a dataset.HSU_qLocSuit - How suitable or unsuitable do you think the location of your house or flat is?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_NotHome - DVNoLivingHeat_NotHome
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_16 - HOUQ03_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUDV2 - HOUDV2
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_99 - HOUQ03_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_Refused - DVNoCBedHeat_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNotContact_NoCntct - DVNotContact_NoCntct
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_analy_score_access_text] - Clients most recent SAS score for Accessibility as at the end of the month
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_88 - HOUQ04_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_analysis_total_score_text] - 'Total SAS scores that combines with [msd_priority_text]
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefHome_Cost - DVDefHome_Cost
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefHome_Other - DVDefHome_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_meshblock_imputed_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_NoOpen - DVNoCBedVent_NoOpen
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_18 - HOUQ03_18
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_OthHeat - DVNoRBedHeat_OthHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_signatory_flg_ind] - Y/N flag if the client is the signatory on the application
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefHome_NotImpt - DVDefHome_NotImpt
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_NotKnow - DVNoKitchVent_NotKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_ta_code] - The territorial authority associated with the the applicant's current address
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_NoOpen - DVNoRBedVent_NoOpen
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qRBedHeat - HHB_qRBedHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLivHeatType - DVLivHeatType
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_ta_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_NoOpen - DVNoBathVent_NoOpen
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_Vents - DVNoBathVent_Vents
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qCBedVentNR - HHB_qCBedVentNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_app_relship_text] - The territorial authority associated with the the applicant's current address
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefTen_NoCntct - DVDefTen_NoCntct
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_ethnicity1_code] - The ethnicity recorded for the person in the HNZC data
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_OthHeat - DVNoCBedHeat_OthHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_ethnic_grp3_snz_ind] - Pacific peoples ethnicity indicator.
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_17 - HOUQ03_17
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOM_qRepairsNeed - HOM_qRepairsNeed
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_dbh_tenant_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_15 - HOUQ03_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qDampOrMould - HCQ_qDampOrMould
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qKeepingWarm - HCQ_qKeepingWarm
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_Work - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_Family - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Conceptual Variables
Housing (society)