Labour Market Statistics en-NZ
Employment Indicators en-NZ
Employment Indicators en-NZ
Conceptual Variable Groups
Labour market en-NZ
WantJob - WantJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.AnyHome - AnyHome
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q66 - Occupation of last job?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVAhrSec - DVAhrSec
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFTPT - DVFTPT
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q75 - In the last week have you studied or worked towards a qualification?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Agency - Agency
This variable is not part of a dataset.HomeHrs - HomeHrs
This variable is not part of a dataset.OwnBusNum - OwnBusNum
This variable is not part of a dataset.Average ordinary time weekly paid hours (FTEs) - Average ordinary time weekly paid hours (FTEs)
This variable is not part of a dataset.FamBusNum - FamBusNum
This variable is not part of a dataset.ReasFewHrsSec - ReasFewHrsSec
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVContactWINZ - DVContactWINZ
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMainAct - DVMainAct
This variable is not part of a dataset.EmpAgreeYN - EmpAgreeYN
This variable is not part of a dataset.PrefPerm - PrefPerm
This variable is not part of a dataset.Average overtime weekly earnings (FTEs) - Average overtime weekly earnings (FTEs)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Project - Project
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayAllJobs - AwayAllJobs
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVSetUpBus - DVSetUpBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.Average overtime hourly earnings - Average overtime hourly earnings
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVContactEmp - DVContactEmp
This variable is not part of a dataset.Avail4Wks - Avail4Wks
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVUHrOth - DVUHrOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVUHrMain - DVUHrMain
This variable is not part of a dataset.Seasonal - Seasonal
This variable is not part of a dataset.PrefPerm - PrefPerm
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVUnderutilise - DVUnderutilise
This variable is not part of a dataset.Avail4Wks - Avail4Wks
This variable is not part of a dataset.PaidJobNum - PaidJobNum
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMoreHrsRel - DVMoreHrsRel
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayOthFamBus - AwayOthPaidJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.WhyNotAvail - WhyNotAvail
This variable is not part of a dataset.Total Paid Hours - Total Paid Hours
This variable is not part of a dataset.OwnBusNumNR - OwnBusNumNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.SameHrsMain - SameHrsMain
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVOccMain - DVOccMain
This variable is not part of a dataset.EmpAgreeYN - EmpAgreeYN
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVTimeSinceWork - DVTimeSinceWork
This variable is not part of a dataset.Agency - Agency
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q71 - Obtained any school qualifications?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVJobTenC - DVJobTenC
This variable is not part of a dataset.Average total weekly paid hours (Employees) - Average total weekly paid hours (Employees)
This variable is not part of a dataset.MoreHrsAvail - MoreHrsAvail
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVUnderEmp - DVUnderEmp
This variable is not part of a dataset.WhyNotMoreHrs - WhyNotMoreHrs
This variable is not part of a dataset.JSE_qJobSecurity - JSE_qJobSecurity
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMoreHrsLook - DVMoreHrsLook
This variable is not part of a dataset.JobToStart - JobToStart
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDurUnemp - DVDurUnemp
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVUHrTot - DVUHrTot
This variable is not part of a dataset.WhyNotJob - WhyNotJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVJobTenW - DVJobTenW
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVEmpStatSec - DVEmpStatSec
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q73 - Obtained any qualifications since leaving school?
This variable is not part of a dataset.AvailLastWk - AvailLastWk
This variable is not part of a dataset.PaidJob - PaidJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.Average ordinary time weekly paid hours (Employees) - Average ordinary time weekly paid hours (Employees)
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNEET - DVNEET
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMainAct - DVMainAct
This variable is not part of a dataset.Average overtime weekly earnings (Employees) - Average overtime weekly earnings (Employees)
This variable is not part of a dataset.HomeHrsNR - HomeHrsNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVEmpStatSec - DVEmpStatSec
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayOthJobs - AwayOthJobs
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLookOther - DVLookOther
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDurUnemp - DVDurUnemp
This variable is not part of a dataset.HomeHrs - HomeHrs
This variable is not part of a dataset.IntendLook - IntendLook
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVEmpRel - DVEmpRel
This variable is not part of a dataset.Total Gross Earnings - Total Gross Earnings
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q61 - Occupation sought?
This variable is not part of a dataset.HasFamBusJob - HasFamBusJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.Casual - Casual
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLookOther - DVLookOther
This variable is not part of a dataset.PrefOngoing - PrefOngoing
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVAHrMain - DVAHrMain
This variable is not part of a dataset.SameHrsSec - SameHrsSec
This variable is not part of a dataset.PaidJobNumNR - PaidJobNumNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.Ahr_Imputed - Ahr_Imputed
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayOwnBus - AwayOwnBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.Earnings - 34 days - Earnings - 34 days
This variable is not part of a dataset.LookFTPT_Imputed - LookFTPT_Imputed
This variable is not part of a dataset.Full-time jobs - Full-time jobs
This variable is not part of a dataset.HasFamBusJob - HasFamBusJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.SameHrsOth - SameHrsOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVAhrSec - DVAhrSec
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMoreHrsRel - DVMoreHrsRel
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q72 - Highest school qualification?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q63a - If job available, could you start in the next 4 weeks?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVUhrSec - DVUhrSec
This variable is not part of a dataset.PermJob - PermJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.PrefSelfEmp - PrefSelfEmp
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMoreHrsEmp - DVMoreHrsEmp
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q8 - Will you be away from Q5 residence for more than six weeks?
This variable is not part of a dataset.NumJobs - NumJobs
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVOccSec - DVOccSec
This variable is not part of a dataset.ReasFewHrsOth - ReasFewHrsOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q6 - What type of dwelling is Q5 residence?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q74 - What qualifications obtained since leaving school?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDaysWrkOth - DVDaysWrkOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDaysWrkMain - DVDaysWrkMain
This variable is not part of a dataset.Part-time jobs - Part-time jobs
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVUhrOth - DVUhrOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q64 - How long since last worked?
This variable is not part of a dataset.WhyNotLook - WhyNotLook
This variable is not part of a dataset.Uhr_Imputed - Uhr_Imputed
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVContactEmpAg - DVContactEmpAg
This variable is not part of a dataset.Filled jobs - Filled jobs
This variable is not part of a dataset.OwnBus - OwnBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.SameHrsSec - SameHrsSec
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q69 - Industry of last job?
This variable is not part of a dataset.PrefOwnBus - PrefOwnBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.ReasFewHrsSec - ReasFewHrsSec
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVContactEmpAg - DVContactEmpAg
This variable is not part of a dataset.Number of paid jobs - 34 days - Number of paid jobs - 34 days
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFTPT - DVFTPT
This variable is not part of a dataset.FamBusNumNR - FamBusNumNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVUhrSec - DVUhrSec
This variable is not part of a dataset.FamBus - FamBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q59 - How long looking for work?
This variable is not part of a dataset.WhyLeft - WhyLeft
This variable is not part of a dataset.WhenLook - WhenLook
This variable is not part of a dataset.Ahr_Imputed - Ahr_Imputed
This variable is not part of a dataset.EmpAgreeType - EmpAgreeType
This variable is not part of a dataset.HomeHrsNR - HomeHrsNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.FamBusNumNR - FamBusNumNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVUhrTot - DVUhrTot
This variable is not part of a dataset.Average ordinary time hourly earnings - Average ordinary time hourly earnings
This variable is not part of a dataset.WhyNotJob - WhyNotJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.Number of paid jobs - 20 days - Number of paid jobs - 20 days
This variable is not part of a dataset.FamBusNum - FamBusNum
This variable is not part of a dataset.WhyNotAvail - WhyNotAvail
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q60 - Searching for full-time or part-time work?
This variable is not part of a dataset.COBIRTH - Country of birth
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDaysWrkSec - DVDaysWrkSec
This variable is not part of a dataset.Average total hourly earnings - Average total hourly earnings
This variable is not part of a dataset.OwnBusNum - OwnBusNum
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q63 - Why not available last week?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVAHrTot - DVAHrTot
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVOccMain - DVOccMain
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVContactEmp - DVContactEmp
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMoreHrsOthEmp - DVMoreHrsOthEmp
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVAHrTot - DVAHrTot
This variable is not part of a dataset.HasPaidJob - HasPaidJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayOthOwnBus - AwayOthOwnBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.AnyHome - AnyHome
This variable is not part of a dataset.JobToStart - JobToStart
This variable is not part of a dataset.PermJob - PermJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayOwnBus - AwayOwnBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.PrefOngoing - PrefOngoing
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayFamBus - AwayFamBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.OwnBusNumNR - OwnBusNumNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.WhyAway - WhyAway
This variable is not part of a dataset.WhyLeft - WhyLeft
This variable is not part of a dataset.LookForWork - LookForWork
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMoreHrsOthEmp - DVMoreHrsOthEmp
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayOthNone - AwayOthNone
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVIndMain - DVIndMain
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLook - DVLook
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMoreHrsEmpAg - DVMoreHrsEmpAg
This variable is not part of a dataset.CHILD - Child
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q70 - Why left last job?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Average total weekly earnings (FTEs) - Average total weekly earnings (FTEs)
This variable is not part of a dataset.HrsWanted - HrsWanted
This variable is not part of a dataset.Average total weekly earnings (Employees) - Average total weekly earnings (Employees)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Earnings - 20 days - Earnings - 20 days
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMoreHrsLook - DVMoreHrsLook
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVEmpStatMain - DVEmpStatMain
This variable is not part of a dataset.FixedTerm - FixedTerm
This variable is not part of a dataset.TempReplace - TempReplace
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVUnderutilise - DVUnderutilise
This variable is not part of a dataset.HomeUsual - HomeUsual
This variable is not part of a dataset.Number of paid jobs - 6 days - Number of paid jobs - 6 days
This variable is not part of a dataset.Gross earnings - Gross earnings
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVPrevEmpStat - DVPrevEmpStat
This variable is not part of a dataset.Average ordinary time weekly earnings (FTEs) - Average ordinary time weekly earnings (FTEs)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Casual - Casual
This variable is not part of a dataset.AGE1 - Age held in 5-year age groups
This variable is not part of a dataset.LookForWork - LookForWork
This variable is not part of a dataset.ReasFewHrsMain - ReasFewHrsMain
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVAHrMain - DVAHrMain
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMoreHrsEmp - DVMoreHrsEmp
This variable is not part of a dataset.PaidJobNumNR - PaidJobNumNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVEmpStatMain - DVEmpStatMain
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVIndPrev - DVIndPrev
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayPaidJob - AwayPaidJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.OwnBus - OwnBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayPaidJob - AwayPaidJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.Retired - Retired
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q65 - Status in employment for last job?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q7 - Will you be staying at Q5 residence?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Retired - Retired
This variable is not part of a dataset.ReasFewHrsOth - ReasFewHrsOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.Average ordinary time weekly earnings (Employees) - Average ordinary time weekly earnings (Employees)
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMJH - DVMJH
This variable is not part of a dataset.NumJobs - NumJobs
This variable is not part of a dataset.Average overtime weekly paid hours (Employees) - Average overtime weekly paid hours (Employees)
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVIndSec - DVIndSec
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q76 - If studying full-time, would this qualification take more than 3 months to complete?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDaysWrkOth - DVDaysWrkOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVContactRel - DVContactRel
This variable is not part of a dataset.LookFTPT - LookFTPT
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayOthNone - AwayOthNone
This variable is not part of a dataset.Filled jobs - Filled jobs
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayOthFamBus - AwayOthFamBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.MoreHrsAvail - MoreHrsAvail
This variable is not part of a dataset.Full-time equivalent (FTE) - Full-time equivalent (FTE)
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q62 - If a job had been available could you have started?
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayOthPaidJob - AwayOthPaidJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.Union - Union
This variable is not part of a dataset.EmpAgreeType - EmpAgreeType
This variable is not part of a dataset.SameHrsOth - SameHrsOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLFS - DVLFS
This variable is not part of a dataset.WhenLook - WhenLook
This variable is not part of a dataset.HasOwnBus - HasOwnBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.AvailLastWk - AvailLastWk
This variable is not part of a dataset.FixedTerm - FixedTerm
This variable is not part of a dataset.FamBus - FamBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.Union - Union
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVJobTenC - DVJobTenC
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVAHrOth - DVAHrOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.Uhr_Imputed - Uhr_Imputed
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVOccPrev - DVOccPrev
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMoreHrsEmpAg - DVMoreHrsEmpAg
This variable is not part of a dataset.WantMoreHrs - WantMoreHrs
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMoreHrsOther - DVMoreHrsOther
This variable is not part of a dataset.Average total weekly hours (FTEs) - Average total weekly hours (FTEs)
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVContactWINZ - DVContactWINZ
This variable is not part of a dataset.WhyNotMoreHrs - WhyNotMoreHrs
This variable is not part of a dataset.WhyAway - WhyAway
This variable is not part of a dataset.Seasonal - Seasonal
This variable is not part of a dataset.WantMoreHrs - WantMoreHrs
This variable is not part of a dataset.PaidJobNum - PaidJobNum
This variable is not part of a dataset.WhyNotLook - WhyNotLook
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVSetUpBus - DVSetUpBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.WantJob - WantJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.HasPaidJob - HasPaidJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.SameHrsMain - SameHrsMain
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLook - DVLook
This variable is not part of a dataset.Earnings - 6 days - Earnings - 6 days
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVIndSec - DVIndSec
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayOthPaidJob - AwayOthPaidJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLFS - DVLFS
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayAllJobs - AwayAllJobs
This variable is not part of a dataset.PaidJob - PaidJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.HasOwnBus - HasOwnBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.PrefOwnBus - PrefOwnBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.LookFTPT_Imputed - LookFTPT_Imputed
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVUHrMain - DVUHrMain
This variable is not part of a dataset.JSE_qJobSecurity - JSE_qJobSecurity
This variable is not part of a dataset.LookFTPT - LookFTPT
This variable is not part of a dataset.TempReplace - TempReplace
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVTimeSinceWork - DVTimeSinceWork
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVContactRel - DVContactRel
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayOthJobs - AwayOthJobs
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVUnderEmp - DVUnderEmp
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVIndMain - DVIndMain
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayOthOwnBus - AwayOthOwnBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.SEX - Sex
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVOccSec - DVOccSec
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMoreHrsOther - DVMoreHrsOther
This variable is not part of a dataset.Project - Project
This variable is not part of a dataset.AwayFamBus - AwayFamBus
This variable is not part of a dataset.PrefSelfEmp - PrefSelfEmp
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVEmpRel - DVEmpRel
This variable is not part of a dataset.HrsWanted - HrsWanted
This variable is not part of a dataset.IntendLook - IntendLook
This variable is not part of a dataset.Average overtime weekly paid hours (FTEs) - Average overtime weekly paid hours (FTEs)
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVJobTenW - DVJobTenW
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNEET - DVNEET
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDaysWrkMain - DVDaysWrkMain
This variable is not part of a dataset.ReasFewHrsMain - ReasFewHrsMain
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVAhrOth - DVAhrOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDaysWrkSec - DVDaysWrkSec
This variable is not part of a dataset.HomeUsual - HomeUsual
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVTotalHourlyAll -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHoursWeeklySec -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHoursWeeklyAll -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHoursWeeklyMain -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVRegHourlyAll -
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q19b - If more hours had been made available last week would you have worked them?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q11 - Were you absent from work because of illness, holiday or other reason?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q53 - Main activity?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q25a - In the last 3 months has your occupation changed?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q19 - Prefer to work more hours?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q26 - Looking for another job?
This variable is not part of a dataset.AGE - Age of respondent held in single year format
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q25 - Industry
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q58 - Job search method
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q2 - Are you staying at the sampling dwelling tonight?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q15 - Hours actually worked
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q52 - Looking for paid work in the last 4 weeks?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q14 - More than one job because of job change?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q27 - Looking for full or part-time work?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q18 - Main reason did not work usual hours
This variable is not part of a dataset.MS - Marital status
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q17 - Hours usually worked
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAMCODE - Family code
This variable is not part of a dataset.FULLTIME - Part-time/Full-time status
This variable is not part of a dataset.YRSINNZ - Years in New Zealand
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q1 - Usually lived at sampled dwelling?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q13 - Did you have more than one paid job?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q31 - What qualifications have you obtained since leaving school?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q29 - Highest school qualification?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q4 - Usually live in NZ?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q22 - Occupation
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q30 - Have you obtained any qualifications since leaving school?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q33 - If studying full-time, would this qualification take more than 3 months to complete?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q20 - Main reason not working more hours?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q21 - Employment status
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q12 - Were you an unpaid family member?
This variable is not part of a dataset.LGR/OLDLGR - Regional council areas
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q51 - When starting new job?
This variable is not part of a dataset.EMPDIST - Employment district
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q32 - In the last week have you studied or worked towards a qualification?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q3 - Will you be away from the sampled dwelling for more than 6 weeks?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q56 - Intend to look for work within the next two years?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q54a - If offered a job, would you be able to start in the next 4 weeks?
This variable is not part of a dataset.ETHNIC - Ethnic group
This variable is not part of a dataset.LFSTATUS - Labour force status
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q19a - Done any of the following to get more hours?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q28 - School qualifications?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q54 - Would you have started work last week if suitable job offered?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q50 - Waiting to start new job?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q55 - Main reason not looked for work in last 4 weeks?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q57 - When start looking for work?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q16 - Did actual hours worked equal usual hours worked?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Q10 - Did you work for pay or profit?
This variable is not part of a dataset.Conceptual Variables
Employment and unemployment
Labour market en-NZ