Data Collection

Estimated occupied permanent private dwellings (Discontinued)

Estimated occupied permanent private dwellings (Discontinued) en-NZ



Estimated Occupied Permanent Private Dwellings

This is a measure of the number of occupied permanent private dwellings in New Zealand. A permanent private dwelling is any private occupied dwelling that is both fixed in location and of durable or permanent construction.

Estimated occupied permanent private dwellings were produced annually (reference date at 31 March) from 1961 to 1997.


The base numbers of occupied permanent private dwellings are from the Censuses of Population and Dwellings. The estimated occupied permanent private dwellings within New Zealand is an estimate of all occupied permanent private dwellings in New Zealand at a given date.

  • This estimate includes permanent private occupied dwellings
  • This estimate excludes temporary private occupied dwellings, non-private dwellings, unoccupied dwellings and dwellings under construction.
  • This estimate makes no adjustments for dwellings missed or counted more than once by the census (net census undercount).


Step 1.

Estimate number of permanent private dwellings .

'Dwelling completions' (including dwellings created by conversions) less 'estimated losses' are used to indicate annual movements in permanent private dwelling numbers. The estimated losses are based on notified annual losses adjusted for under-reporting, derived using estimated average annual loss rates for each intercensal period.

From 1981, 'notified starts' replaced 'dwelling completions' in the formula. The notified starts are lagged 3 months to allow for dwellings to be completed.

'Notified starts', 'completions' and 'demolitions' data was not collected from 1 October 1986. From 1986, building permits/consents are lagged 6 months and the estimated loss is replaced by a weighting factor which is applied to the building permits. The estimated weighting factors are:

  • 1.035 for 1986–1990
  • 0.906 for 1991–1995
    1. 949 for 1996–1997.

Step 2.

Estimate number of occupied permanent private dwellings.

An occupied ratio is applied to the permanent private dwelling estimate. The annual occupied/unoccupied ratio is derived by linear interpolation of census values.

The formulae for calculating the estimated occupied permanent private dwelling are:

Step 1.

EPPD(an) = EPPD(an-1) + DC(an) + DCC(an) - (NAL x ELR)

from 1981 EPPD(an) = EPPD(an-1) + DS(an-lag) + (NAL x ELR)

from 1986 EPPD(an) = EPPD(an-1) + BC(an-lag) x WF

Step 2.

EOPPD(an) = EPPD(an) x OPPDR(an)


EPPD = estimated permanent private dwellings EOPPD = estimated occupied permanent private dwellings

a = annual n = time period lag = lagged time to allow for building completion

BC = building consents DC = dwelling completions DCC = dwellings created by conversions DS = dwelling starts ELR = Estimated average annual loss rate NAL = Notified annual losses OPPDR = Occupied permanent private dwelling rate




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