Variable Set
Agriculture Published Variables (v. 2019) 2002 Provisional
Agriculture Published Variables (v. 2019) 2002 Provisional
Version Updated 16/12/2019
All other flowers en-NZ
All other land en-NZ
All other livestock en-NZ
All other nursery crops en-NZ
All other pigs en-NZ
All other silage (sold) en-NZ
Alpaca and llamas en-NZ
Ammonium sulphate en-NZ
Apples en-NZ
Apples-T en-NZ
Apricots en-NZ
Asparagus en-NZ
Avocados en-NZ
Barley (hectares) en-NZ
Barley (tonnes) en-NZ
Beans:broad-Ha en-NZ
Bedding plants (outdoor) en-NZ
Bedding plants (indoor) en-NZ
Blackberries/Brambles-Ha en-NZ
Blackcurrants en-NZ
Blueberries en-NZ
Bobby calves en-NZ
Boysenberries en-NZ
Breeding stock en-NZ
Broccoli en-NZ
Brussel Sprouts-Ha en-NZ
Buffalo en-NZ
Burning of tussock en-NZ
Cabbage en-NZ
Calla Lilly en-NZ
Capsicum en-NZ
Capsicum (Outdoor)-Ha en-NZ
Carrots en-NZ
Cauliflower en-NZ
Celery-Ha en-NZ
Cherries en-NZ
Chestnuts en-NZ
Cooking herbs (outdoor) en-NZ
Cooking herbs (indoor) en-NZ
Courgettes / Zucchini-Ha en-NZ
Crop residue en-NZ
Cucumber en-NZ
Cultivation en-NZ
Dairying (full organic) en-NZ
Dairying (transitional) en-NZ
Deer - females - mated en-NZ
Deer - females - others en-NZ
Deer - males -<2 Yrs en-NZ
Deer - males -2+ Yrs en-NZ
Direct drilled en-NZ
Dolomite en-NZ
Don't know en-NZ
Eggs from hens en-NZ
Emus en-NZ
Ewe hoggets put to ram en-NZ
Fawns born en-NZ
Feijoas en-NZ
Flood systems en-NZ
Fruit trees (outdoor) en-NZ
Fruit trees (indoor) en-NZ
Full cultivation en-NZ
Garlic-Ha en-NZ
Goats en-NZ
Grapefruit / goldfruit en-NZ
Grass land en-NZ
Grazing beef cattle en-NZ
Grazing elsewhere sheep en-NZ
Grazing sheep en-NZ
Green beans en-NZ
Hay (for own use) en-NZ
Hay (sold) en-NZ
Hazelnuts en-NZ
Herbs - Ha en-NZ
Hops en-NZ
Horses en-NZ
Hydragea en-NZ
Indoor plants en-NZ
Kiwifruit - gold en-NZ
Kiwifruit - green en-NZ
Kiwifruit - other en-NZ
Kumara en-NZ
Lambing percentage en-NZ
Lambswool en-NZ
Land actually irrigated en-NZ
Land area cultivated en-NZ
Land area direct drilled en-NZ
Land area disposed of en-NZ
Leafy vegetables en-NZ
LC6232 en-NZ
Lemons en-NZ
Lettuce en-NZ
Lettuce / salad greens en-NZ
Lucerne en-NZ
Macadamia en-NZ
Maize green feed en-NZ
Maize silage en-NZ
Mandarins en-NZ
Mated gilts en-NZ
Mature native bush en-NZ
Melon water / rock en-NZ
Micro systems en-NZ
Mushrooms en-NZ
Nashi pears en-NZ
Nectarines en-NZ
Nitrogen inhibitor en-NZ
LC5681 en-NZ
Nutrient budget (NB) en-NZ
Oats (hectares) en-NZ
Oats (tonnes) en-NZ
Olives en-NZ
Onions en-NZ
Oranges en-NZ
Orchids (indoor) Sqm en-NZ
Ostriches en-NZ
Ostriches & emus en-NZ
Other crops silage en-NZ
Other fruit-Ha (2002) en-NZ
Other livestock en-NZ
Other nuts (2002) en-NZ
Other potassic (2002) en-NZ
Other pulses en-NZ
Other pulses (tonnes) en-NZ
Other vegetables en-NZ
Over sowing en-NZ
Parsnips-Ha en-NZ
Passionfruit en-NZ
Peaches en-NZ
Pears en-NZ
Peony en-NZ
Perennials (outdoor) en-NZ
Perennials (indoor) en-NZ
Persimmons en-NZ
Plums en-NZ
Potassic superphosphate en-NZ
Potatoes en-NZ
Pumpkin en-NZ
Ram and wether hoggets en-NZ
Rams (2 tooth and over) en-NZ
Raspberries en-NZ
Reduced cultivation en-NZ
Roses en-NZ
Sheep: hoggets en-NZ
Sheep: other sheep en-NZ
Silver beet/spinach-Ha en-NZ
Spray systems en-NZ
Spring onions - Ha en-NZ
Squash en-NZ
Steers 2 years and over en-NZ
Steers under 1 year old en-NZ
Strawberries en-NZ
Superphosphate en-NZ
Sweet corn en-NZ
Table grapes en-NZ
Tamarillos en-NZ
Tangelos en-NZ
LC0006 en-NZ
Tomatoes indoor en-NZ
Tomatoes outdoor en-NZ
Total beef cattle en-NZ
Total dairy cattle en-NZ
Total deer en-NZ
Total kiwifruit en-NZ
Total land en-NZ
Total nitrogen en-NZ
Total other livestock en-NZ
Total phosphorus en-NZ
Total pigs en-NZ
Total potassium en-NZ
Total sulphur en-NZ
Urea (2002~2016) en-NZ
Urea ( 2017 onwards) en-NZ
Vegetable seed growing en-NZ
Walnuts en-NZ
Wine grapes en-NZ