Agriculture Production Surveys and Censuses



Agriculture Production Surveys and Censuses

Alternate Title

APS; Agricultural Production Survey


Statistics New Zealand


Agricultural data can be dated back to 1861. Between then and the mid 1950s, agricultural statistics were regularly collected by government agencies. From 1955-56 until 1987 a full postal census was conducted annually. Between 1987 and 1996, full censuses were conducted in 1990 and 1994, and sample surveys of agricultural production were conducted in the years between censuses. There were no surveys of agricultural production in 1997 and 1998. A sample survey of farms predominantly involved in livestock farming was conducted in 1999. In 2000 a full coverage survey of all farms involved in horticultural activity was conducted. There was no survey of agricultural production in 2001. The reinstatement of the Agriculture Statistics programme in 2001 saw the taking of an Agricultural Production Census in 2002. Coverage included farms involved in livestock, cropping, horticulture and forestry. This survey was the first in an on-going programme of censuses and surveys undertaken by Statistics NZ in consultation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and since 2012, the Ministry for Primary Industries. The Agricultural Production Statistics have one yearly collection with two releases. The first release in mid-December has provisional data, with the final data released mid-May the following year.


To collect information about livestock farming (including sheep, beef and dairy cattle, and deer), crop growing (including grain and seed crops), fruit, vegetables, wine grapes, forestry and farm practices (including fertiliser use).

Usage and limitations of the data

Agricultural data contributes to the compilation of National Accounts. Longitudinal research of business dynamics projects (see Longitudinal Business Database). Customised requests sourced from complete linecodes dataset, linecode combinations, by detailed geographic area (Territorial Authority and meshblock) and up to six digit ANZSIC codes (industry level).

The Agricultural surveys area designed to produce results to a Regional Council level and the censuses to a Territorial Authority level.

Yearly time series is not available as there was no agricultural production survey conducted in 1997, 1998 or 2001. In 2000, the survey related only to horticulture.

The population for the 2002 Agricultural Production Census and subsequent surveys differs from that of previous agricultural censuses and surveys. Figures from 2002 onwards may not be directly comparable with previous years.

Main users of the data

Internal: Business Frame for updates National Accounts Longitudinal Business Database

External: Ministry for Primary Industries, Regional Councils, Agricultural Suppliers and Agricultural Research Organizations


4 Annual

Significant events impacting this study series

Up to and including the season 1908-09, agricultural and pastoral statistics were collected annually by sub-enumerators appointed by the Department of Agriculture. In the season 1909-10 information was collected for the principal crops only. A full detailed collection was made for the 1910-11 season in conjunction with the Population Census of 1911. From then to 1914-15 no complete collection was made, and the postal collection was found in some respects to be unsatisfactory. From 1916 until 1930 the actual collection of the agricultural and pastoral statistics schedules was carried out annually through the police organisation. The system required officers in charge of police stations to obtain all necessary particulars by a personal canvass of occupiers of holdings of one acre or over located outside boroughs.

In 1931 it was decided, for reasons of economy, to dispense with the assistance of the police organisation and so avoid the travelling and other expenses incidental to the personal canvass system. Instead, the statistics were obtained on questionnaires distributed through the post by the Census and Statistics Department. Although a considerable saving was effected in this way, various circumstances combined to create difficulties and delays in completing the work of compilation.

In 1932 a new system was adopted, representing a combination of both the postal and the personal-canvass systems. The services of the police organisation were requisitioned to this end, it being realised that the local knowledge of police officers in reference to changes in occupancy, etc., as well as their proximity to occupiers within their respective districts was a valuable asset in securing returns.

In 1950, a special Census of Agriculture was conducted as part of the World Census of Agriculture. A considerably wider scope was covered in this special census than in the normal annual collection. In particular, a comprehensive examination of farm machinery was undertaken for the first time, while, again, an analysis of farm population and employment was made. In order to carry out such a detailed collection it became necessary to revert to the system in operation up to 1930, whereby particulars were obtained by a personal canvass of occupiers.

Commencing with 1952-53, Agriculture Statistics were collected using a sample of approximately 12,000 farms, instead of a full collection of 90,000 farms. This was a postal survey. However, this method of surveying farmers ceased after the 1954-55 survey year.

From 1955-56 until 1987 a full postal census was conducted annually. Full censuses were also conducted in 1990 and 1994. Between 1987 and 1996 sample surveys of agriculture production were conducted in the years between censuses.

There were no surveys of agriculture production in 1997 and 1998. A sample survey of farms predominantly involved in livestock farming was conducted in 1999. In 2000 a full coverage survey of all farms involved in horticultural activity was conducted. There was no survey of agriculture production in 2001.

Current Programme

The reinstatement of the Agriculture Statistics programme in 2001 saw the taking of an Agriculture Production Census in 2002. Coverage included farms involved in livestock, cropping, horticulture and forestry. This survey was the first in an on-going programme of censuses and surveys being undertaken by Statistics New Zealand with the cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

An Agricultural Production Survey conducted in 2003 was a sample survey with coverage of the same sectors as the 2002 Agricultural Production Census.

An Agricultural Production Survey conducted in 2004 was a sample survey with coverage of the same sectors as the 2002 Agricultural Production Census except for horticulture.

An Agricultural Production Survey conducted in 2005 was a sample survey with coverage of the same sectors as the 2002 Agricultural Production Census.

An Agricultural Production Survey conducted in 2006 was a sample survey with coverage of the same sectors as the 2002 Agricultural Production Census except for horticulture.

An Agricultural Production Census conducted in 2007 was a full coverage census of the same sectors as the 2002 Agricultural Production Census.

An Agricultural Production Survey conducted in 2008 was a sample survey with coverage of the same sectors as the 2002 Agricultural Production Census except for horticulture.

An Agricultural Production Survey conducted in 2009 was a sample survey with coverage of the same sectors as the 2002 Agricultural Production Census.

An Agricultural Production Survey conducted in 2010 was a sample survey with coverage of the same sectors as the 2002 Agricultural Production Census except for horticulture.

An Agricultural Production Survey conducted in 2011 was a sample survey with coverage of the same sectors as the 2002 Agricultural Production Census.

An Agricultural Production Census conducted in 2012 was a full coverage census of the same sectors as the 2002 Agricultural Production Census.




agricultural production, land use
agriculture, agriculture, forestry, livestock, horticulture, farming, farm practices, land use, supplementary feed crops, arable, grain and seed crops, cultivation and direct drilling, pasture renewal, fertiliser, fruit, vegetables
1990 -

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No references.



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409 5/12/2024 10:50:37 AM
399 9/05/2024 9:53:29 AM
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