Data Collection
Business Financial Data source contribution and response rate
Business financial data source contribution and response rate
The Business financial data collection uses a combination of survey and administrative data sources. We can see how the contribution of these sources to our estimates changes over time, and how much we’ve had to rely on imputation in any given quarter to estimate missing data, which helps us understand the quality of our estimates.
The measures below show for each quarter:
the contribution that administrative data has made to the value of sales, regardless of whether it was from a response or imputed.
the value of sales that has come directly from responses (eg. Data that is not imputed), regardless of the data source (ie. Whether it is from a survey or administrative source).
The business financial data collection covers most market industries in the New Zealand economy. The scope of the industry groupings below is:
Primary industries includes businesses involved in forestry, fishing and mining (NZSIOC06 level 1 AA and BB, excluding AA1 Agriculture ).
Goods producing industries includes businesses involved in manufacturing; utilities such as electricity, gas, water and waste services; and construction (NZSIOC06 level 1 CC, DD, and EE).
Services industries includes businesses involved in wholesale and retail trade; transport; media and telecommunications; rental and real estate services; professional services; education; health care; and recreation services (NZSIOC06 level 1 FF, GH, II, JJ, LL, MN, PP, QQ, RS; excluding LL121, LL2, RS213, and RS215).
These measures are a reflection of the contribution and response rate to sales value as at the time results were first published for the reference quarter. They are not revised if updates are later implemented.
Quarter | Contribution to sales value from administrative data | Response rate based on sales value, regardless of data source | ||||||
Primary industries | Good-producing industries | Services industries | Total Business financial data | Primary industries | Good-producing industries | Services industries | Total Business financial data | |
2024 Q3 | 56.0% | 49.9% | 55.4% | 53.6% | 96.6% | 95.3% | 96.7% | 96.2% |
2024 Q2 | 47.8% | 58.9% | 54.7% | 52.5% | 95.5% | 97.0% | 97.1% | 96.5% |
2024 Q1 | 59.9% | 47.4% | 55.2% | 52.8% | 96.9% | 95.8% | 96.5% | 96.3% |
2023 Q4 | 60.6% | 49.7% | 54.6% | 53.2% | 92.6% | 94.6% | 95.8% | 95.3% |
2023 Q3 | 57.0% | 52.0% | 54.9% | 54.0% | 93.3% | 92.7% | 96.0% | 94.9% |
2023 Q2 | 55.9% | 49.4% | 55.1% | 53.2% | 95.9% | 95.9% | 95.9% | 95.9% |
2023 Q1 | 58.4% | 47.7% | 55.1% | 52.8% | 97.3% | 94.3% | 94.8% | 94.7% |
2022 Q4 | 57.0% | 49.8% | 54.4% | 53.0% | 91.1% | 94.3% | 95.4% | 95.0% |
2022 Q3 | 52.4% | 52.0% | 55.6% | 54.3% | 93.4% | 95.5% | 94.6% | 94.9% |
2022 Q2 | 50.4% | 48.7% | 55.4% | 53.0% | 97.3% | 97.1% | 96.8% | 96.9% |
2022 Q1 | 55.9% | 46.0% | 57.6% | 53.5% | 97.0% | 95.1% | 95.2% | 95.2% |
2021 Q4 | 56.9% | 48.1% | 57.5% | 54.3% | 99.3% | 97.2% | 97.5% | 97.4% |
2021 Q3 | 48.3% | 49.2% | 57.6% | 54.6% | 96.7% | 95.3% | 96.0% | 95.8% |
2021 Q2 | 52.8% | 47.8% | 57.9% | 54.3% | 95.8% | 98.3% | 98.0% | 98.0% |
2021 Q1 | 55.1% | 46.3% | 58.7% | 54.3% | 97.3% | 98.3% | 97.3% | 97.7% |
2020 Q4 | 56.3% | 48.5% | 58.2% | 54.8% | 98.6% | 97.8% | 96.9% | 97.3% |
2020 Q3 | 52.3% | 50.9% | 58.1% | 55.5% | 97.2% | 95.8% | 94.0% | 94.7% |
2020 Q2 | 53.1% | 42.6% | 56.9% | 51.9% | 97.5% | 96.7% | 95.3% | 95.9% |
2020 Q1 | 52.1% | 44.6% | 58.5% | 53.6% | 96.8% | 96.1% | 94.5% | 95.1% |
2019 Q4 | 50.7% | 46.2% | 57.6% | 53.5% | 98.9% | 97.3% | 96.0% | 96.5% |
2019 Q3 | 49.1% | 49.1% | 58.4% | 55.0% | 97.5% | 96.7% | 95.7% | 96.1% |
2019 Q2 | 50.5% | 46.0% | 57.8% | 53.6% | 97.9% | 98.2% | 97.6% | 97.8% |
2019 Q1 | 54.3% | 43.4% | 58.3% | 53.1% | 97.0% | 97.4% | 95.2% | 96.0% |
2018 Q4 | 53.1% | 44.4% | 57.6% | 53.0% | 99.3% | 98.4% | 96.8% | 97.4% |
2018 Q3 | 48.3% | 47.7% | 58.3% | 54.5% | 97.5% | 97.9% | 96.7% | 97.1% |
2018 Q2 | 53.3% | 45.1% | 58.5% | 53.8% | 98.4% | 98.1% | 97.2% | 97.5% |
2018 Q1 | 53.4% | 43.2% | 58.7% | 53.3% | 94.3% | 96.7% | 95.6% | 95.9% |
2017 Q4 | 53.8% | 44.2% | 58.3% | 53.4% | 99.3% | 98.2% | 97.6% | 97.8% |
2017 Q3 | 51.3% | 46.9% | 58.5% | 54.4% | 96.4% | 97.4% | 96.2% | 96.6% |