moe_crs_course_level_code - NZQF_levelc
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_qual_level_code - NZQF_levelq
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVStudy -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_subject3_code - main_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_field_main3_code - mf3
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_ethnic2_code - ethnic2
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_efts_consumed_nbr - eftsconsumed
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_year_nbr - year
This variable is not part of a dataset.SchQualYN - SchQualYN
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_isced_level_code - isced_level
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_prior_activity_code - prior_a
This variable is not part of a dataset.StudyYN -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_year_nbr - year
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_lln_indicator_ind - lln_indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_study_ta_code - study_ta
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_first_tertiary_year_nbr - first_yr
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_residency_status_code - residency
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_last_school_year_nbr - y_school
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_qacc_code - qacc
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_is_domestic_ind - Is_domestic
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_qual_nzsced_code - nzscedq
This variable is not part of a dataset.- moe_nsi_birth_month_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_iwi2_code - iwi2
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_funding_srce_code - funding
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_complete_applies_ind - complete_applies
This variable is not part of a dataset.SchoolYN -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_ethnic3_code - ethnic3
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_efts_course_factor_nbr - eftsfactor
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_study_ta_code - study_ta
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_disablity_code - disable
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_residency_status_code - residency
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_nature_code - l_nature
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_country_code - citizen
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_foreign_fee_course_amt - fee_foreignc
This variable is not part of a dataset.snz_moe_uid - snz_moe_uid
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_iwi2_code - iwi2
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_iwi1_code - iwi1
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_funding_srce_code - funding
This variable is not part of a dataset.gender - moe_nsi_sex_code
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_qacc_code - qacc
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_highest_sec_qual_code - sec_qual
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_is_domestic_ind - Is_domestic
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_study_type_code - study_type
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVStudy - DVStudy
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_disability_code - disable
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_first_tertiary_year_nbr - first_yr
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_pbrf_vrf_nbr - pbrf_vrf
This variable is not part of a dataset.DoB - moe_nsi_birth_year_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_qual_code - qual
This variable is not part of a dataset.snz_moe_uid -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_provider_code - instit
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_country_code - citizen
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_iwi1_code - iwi1
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHQual - DVHQual
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_qual_code - qual
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_course_class_code - class
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVQualYrs1 - DVQualYrs20 - DVQualYrs1 - DVQualYrs20
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVPSQual1 - DVPSQual20 - DVPSQual1 - DVPSQual20
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_end_date_text - end_date
This variable is not part of a dataset.SchoolYN - SchoolYN
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHQual -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_pbrf_course_complete_year_nbr - pbrf_crs_comp_yr
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_prior_activity_code - prior_a
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_qual_level_code - NZQF_levelq
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_study_type_code - study_type
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_year_nbr - year
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_disibility_access_code - dis_access
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_last_school_year_nbr - y_school
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_efts_course_factor_nbr - eftsfactor
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_last_school_nbr - s_school
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_efts_prog_nbr - eftsprg
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_sex_code - gender
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_last_school_decile_code - decile
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_disability_access_code - dis_access
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_birth_month_nbr - dob
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_last_school_region_code - s_region
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_qual_level_code - NZQF_levelq
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_assistance_code - assist
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_birth_year_nbr - dob
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_isced_level_code - isced_level
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_ethnic2_code - ethnic2
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_prog_start_date_text - first_d
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_iwi3_code - iwi3
This variable is not part of a dataset.StudyYN - StudyYN
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_nature_code - l_nature
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_subject1_code - main_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_completion_finish_ind - finish
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_ethnic1_code - ethnic1
This variable is not part of a dataset.SchQualYN -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_course_code - course
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_efts_prog_years_nbr - eftsyrs
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_start_date_text - srt_date
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_subject2_code - main_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_birth_month_nbr - dob
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVSchQual - DVSchQual
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_birth_year_nbr - dob
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_last_school_nbr - s_school
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_field_main5_code - mf5
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_iwi3_code - iwi3
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_completion_finish_ind - finish
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_field_main1_code - mf1
This variable is not part of a dataset.name_dob_verification - moe_nsi_verified_code
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_efts_prog_nbr - eftsprg
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVQualYrs1 - DVQualYrs20 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_qual_code - qual
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_sex_code - gender
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_course_fee_amt - fee
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_internet_nbr - internet
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_age_nbr - age
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_qual_nzsced_code - nzscedq
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_foreign_fee_student_amt - fee_foreigns
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVPSQual1 - DVPSQual20 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_efts_prog_years_nbr - eftsyrs
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_qual_type_code - qual_type
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_postal_post_code - post_code_perm
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVSchQual -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_ethnic3_code - ethnic3
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_efts_consumed_nbr - eftsconsumed
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_field_main2_code - mf2
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_provider_location_code - location_code
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_study_region_code - study_region
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_compulsory_course_costs_fee_amt - fee_cccosts
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_exempt_ind_nbr - exempt_indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_provider_code - instit
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_ethnic1_code - ethnic1
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_course_nzsced_code - nzscedc
This variable is not part of a dataset.snz_moe_uid -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_category_code - category
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_prog_nzsced_code - nzscedq
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_highest_sec_qual_code - sec_qual
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_prog_end_date_text - last_d
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_attendance_type_code - attend
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_pbrf_eligibility_ind - pbrf_eligible
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_complete_code - complete
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_credit_value_nbr - credit
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_qacc_code - qacc
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_last_school_decile_code - decile
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_field_main4_code - mf4
This variable is not part of a dataset.snz_moe_uid - snz_moe_uid
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_provider_code - instit
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_max_exempt_fee_amt - fee_max_exempt
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_study_region_code - study_region
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_subsector_code - subsector
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_study_post_code - post_code_term
This variable is not part of a dataset.Concept