Variable Description
CEN Ethnicity Group1 Line Code
Lists the line code for the first self-perceived ethnicity recorded for an individual if applicable, and is otherwise null.
Note: Line code variables are linked to the actual responses in the synonym files. These are applicable for detailed analysis of ethnicity. For example, a person might give Muong and Kachin and Karen as ethnicities, all of which fall under the same census ethnicity classification code (SEA nec) but each would have different line codes. All line codes should be in Aria.
Representation Type
Code List
Selection Style

1 European ethnic groups en-NZ
2 Maori en-NZ
3 -
4 Asian ethnic groups en-NZ
5 -
6 Other ethnic groups en-NZ
94444 Don't know en-NZ
95555 Refused to answer en-NZ
97777 Response unidentifiable en-NZ
98888 Response outside scope en-NZ
99999 Not stated en-NZ
Aggregation Method
Represented Variable

Dataset | Variable |
No variables to compare
- [cap_dem_ethnic_grp1_snz_uid] - SNZ European Ethnicity Indicator
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp1_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group1
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp2_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group2
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp3_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group3
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp4_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group4
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp5_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group5
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp6_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group6
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp1_line_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group1 Line Code
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp2_line_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group2 Line Code
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp3_line_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group3 Line Code
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp4_line_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group4 Line Code
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp5_line_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group5 Line Code
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp6_line_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group6 Line Code
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp1_auto_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group1 Auto Coded
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp2_auto_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group2 Auto Coded
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp3_auto_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group3 Auto Coded
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp4_auto_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group4 Auto Coded
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp5_auto_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group5 Auto Coded
- [cen_ind_eth_rand6_grp6_auto_code] - CEN Ethnicity Group6 Auto Coded
- [cen_ind_eth_rand3_grp1_code] - CEN Historical Ethnicity Group1
- [cen_ind_eth_rand3_grp2_code] - CEN Historical Ethnicity Group2
- [cen_ind_eth_rand3_grp3_code] - CEN Historical Ethnicity Group3
- [cen_ind_eth_rand3_grp1_line_code] - CEN Historical Ethnicity Group1 Line Code
- [cen_ind_eth_rand3_grp2_line_code] - CEN Historical Ethnicity Group2 Line Code
- [cen_ind_eth_rand3_grp3_line_code] - CEN Historical Ethnicity Group3 Line Code
- [cen_ind_eth_rand3_grp1_auto_code] - CEN Historical Ethnicity Group1 Auto Coded
- [cen_ind_eth_rand3_grp2_auto_code] - CEN Historical Ethnicity Group2 Auto Coded
- [cen_ind_eth_rand3_grp3_auto_code] - CEN Historical Ethnicity Group3 Auto Coded
- [acm_cli_ethnic_grp1_snz_ind] - SNZ European Ethnicity Indicator
- [acm_cli_ethnic_grp2_snz_ind] - SNZ Maori Ethnicity Indicator
- [acm_cli_ethnic_grp3_snz_ind] - SNZ Pacific Peoples Ethnicity Indicator
- [acm_cli_ethnic_grp4_snz_ind] - SNZ Asian Ethnicity Indicator
- [acm_cli_ethnic_grp5_snz_ind] - SNZ MELAA Ethnicity Indicator
- [acm_cli_ethnic_grp6_snz_ind] - SNZ Other Ethnicity Indicator
- [acm_cli_ethnic1_snz_code] - SNZ Ethnicity 1
- [acm_cli_ethnic2_snz_code] - SNZ Ethnicity 2
- [acm_cli_ethnic3_snz_code] - SNZ Ethnicity 3