

Community sentences en-NZ

There are five community-based sentences in New Zealand – home detention, community detention, intensive supervision, community work, intensive supervision, and supervision.

Before the implementation of the Sentencing Act 2002, the four community-based sentences were periodic detention, community service, community programme, and supervision. The Sentencing Act 2002 resulted in community work replacing both periodic detention and community service. Supervision was also changed to include the care aspect of the community programme sentence.

The Sentencing Amendment Act 2007 increased the sentencing options available, with home detention and other forms of supervision in the community now being imposed as alternatives to imprisonment, monetary penalties, and community work.

Home detention

This sentence requires a person who offended to remain at an approved residence at all times under electronic monitoring and close supervision by a probation officer. People who offend can be placed under home detention for a minimum period of 14 days and a maximum of 12 months.

Community detention

This is a community-based sentence that requires the person who offended to comply with an electronically monitored curfew imposed by the court. People who offend can be placed under curfew for up to six months, for between two and 84 hours per week.

Intensive supervision

This is a rehabilitative, community-based sentence similar to supervision (see below). However, it may be imposed for up to two years, may include participation in residential treatment and training programmes, and requires regular reports to be made to the court about sentence compliance.

Community work

The amount of community work imposed can range from a minimum of 40 hours to a maximum of 400 hours. The person who offended must report to a probation officer who will determine the appropriate placement of the person (i.e. at a community work centre or another agency, or a combination of both). Sentences of periodic detention, community service, and community programme that were handed down prior to the implementation of the Sentencing Act 2002 are also included under community work in the tables.


Supervision can be imposed for a period of between six months and two years. The person who offended is under the supervision of a probation officer and must report to the probation officer, as and when instructed. Prior to the Criminal Justice Act 1985, supervision was known as probation.

Everyone sentenced to supervision is subject to standard conditions (e.g. restrictions relating to the person's work, residence, or associates) and to any special conditions imposed by the court (e.g. relating to programmes).


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