The role of Māori authorities and their subsidiaries is to receive, manage, and/or administer assets held in common ownership by Māori. Māori authority leaders are likely to be mindful of the collective relationships and responsibilities to ‘place’, and the health and wellbeing of the collective.
Māori authorities include any commercial business that supports the authority’s business and social activities, and sustains or builds a Māori authority’s asset base. Ownership, control criteria, and investment models appear to be characteristics of Māori authorities.
We identify a ‘Māori authority’ as having a Māori business flag on the Business Register. This flag denotes:
• business with a collectively managed asset, which uses current Inland Revenue eligibility criteria to be a Māori authority (irrespective of whether the enterprise elects to be a Māori authority for tax purposes);
• commercial business that supports the Māori authority’s business and social activities, and sustains or builds a Māori authority’s asset base;
• business that is at least 50 percent owned by a Māori authority.