Conceptual Variable
Dataset | Variable |
No variables to compare
Ethnicity - Ethnicity
- NZBorn - New Zealand Born
- eth_māori_ind - Māori Ethnicity
- eth_pacific_ind - Pacific Peoples Ethnicity
- eth_samoan_ind - Samoan Ethnicity
- eth_asian_ind - Asian Ethnicity
- eth_chinese_ind - Chinese Ethnicity
- eth_indian_ind - Indian Ethnicity
- eth_european_ind - European Ethnicity
- eth_melaa_ind - MELAA Ethnicity
- eth_oth_ind - Other Ethnicity
- d_Eth_groups - Ethnic group
- NZ_Born_ind - New Zealand Born
- Māori - Māori ethnic group indicator
- Pacific - Pacific
- Samoan - Samoan
- OtherPacific - Other Pacific
- Asian - Asian
- Chinese - Chinese
- Indian - Indian
- OtherAsian - Other Asian
- European - European
- OtherEth - Other Ethnicity
- i_ethnic_output_level1 - i_ethnic_output_level4 - Ethnic group (total responses)
- i_ethnic1_output_code - i_ethnic6_output_code - Ethnic groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
- i_ethnic_group_imputation_flag - Ethnic group source indicator
- all codes that start with 'i_eth_grp_..._total_code' - Ethnic group (grouped total responses)
- i_eth_single_comb_grp8 - Ethnic groups single/combination output (8 groups)
- i_eth_single_comb_grp15 - Ethnic groups single/combination output (15 groups)
- i_eth_single_comb_detailed - Ethnic groups single/combination output (detailed)
- i_ethnic_grp_count_code - Number of ethnic groups specified
- i_ethnic_group_asian_ind_code - Asian ethnic group indicator
- i_ethnic_group_european_ind_code - European ethnic group indicator
- i_ethnic_group_maori_ind_code - Māori ethnic group indicator
- i_ethnic_group_pacific_ind_code - Pacific peoples ethnic group indicator
- i_ethnic_group_melaa_ind_code - Middle Eastern/Latin American/African ethnic group indicator
- i_ethnic_group_other_ind_code - Other ethnicity ethnic group indicator
- Ethnicity (information about this variable and its quality) - Ethnicity (information about this variable and its quality)
- Ethnicity - Ethnicity 2013 Census (information about this variable and its quality)