Abortion Statistics en-NZ
An estimate of all people present in a given area at a given date.
The estimated de facto population of New Zealand includes all people present in New Zealand and counted by the census (census night population count). This estimate includes visitors from overseas who are counted on census night, but excludes New Zealand residents who are temporarily overseas.
For a subnational area, the estimate includes visitors from overseas and elsewhere in New Zealand (people who do not usually live in that area), but excludes residents of that area who are temporarily elsewhere on census night (people who usually live in that area but are absent).
The estimated de facto population at a given date after census includes births, deaths and net migration (arrivals less departures) of people during the period between census night and the given date.
De facto population estimates are no longer produced. National population estimates were produced annually (reference date at 31 December) from 1926 to 1950 and quarterly (reference dates at 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December) from March 1951 to June 1997. Subnational population estimates were produced annually (reference date at 31 March) from 1981 to 1995.