Conceptual Variable
Dataset | Variable |
No variables to compare
Health - Health
- HEAQ03 - HEAQ03
- HEAQ04 - HEAQ04
- HEAQ02b - HEAQ02b
- HEAQ05 - HEAQ05
- HEAQ07 - HEAQ07
- HEAQ01 - HEAQ01
- HEAQ08a - HEAQ08a
- HEAQ09 - HEAQ09
- HEAQ06 - HEAQ06
- HEAQ08b - HEAQ08b
- HEAQ08c - HEAQ08c
- HEAQ10 - HEAQ10
- HEAQ02a - HEAQ02a
- HEAQ11 - HEAQ11
- HEA_qHealthExcellentPoor -
- HEA_qHealthLimitsActivities -
- HEA_qHealthLimitsStairs -
- HEA_qAccomplishLessPhys -
- HEA_qLimitedWorkPhys -
- HEA_qAccomplishLessEmo -
- HEA_qLessCarefulEmo -
- HEA_qPainInterfered -
- HEA_qFeltCalm -
- HEA_qFeltEnergetic -
- HEA_qFeltDepressed -
- HEA_qHealthInterfereSocial -
- DVPhysHealth -
- DVMentHealth -
- HEA_qHealthExcellentPoor - HEA_qHealthExcellentPoor
- HEA_qCheerful - HEA_qCheerful
- HEA_qCalm - HEA_qCalm
- HEA_qActive - HEA_qActive
- HEA_qRested - HEA_qRested
- HEA_qInteresting - HEA_qInteresting
- SMO_qSmoking - SMO_qSmoking
- SMO_qSmokingInside - SMO_qSmokingInside
- AHI_qSickDays - AHI_qSickDays
- AHI_qCareDays - AHI_qCareDays
- AHI_qComCold - AHI_qComCold
- AHI_qFlu - AHI_qFlu
- AHI_qAsthma - AHI_qAsthma
- AHI_qChronicResp - AHI_qChronicResp
- AHI_qHighBlood - AHI_qHighBlood
- AHI_qHeartCirc - AHI_qHeartCirc
- AHI_qAsthmaAttack - AHI_qAsthmaAttack
- AHIS1_qReceiveMed_1 - AHIS1_qReceiveMed_1
- AHIS1_qReceiveMed_2 - AHIS1_qReceiveMed_2
- AHIS1_qReceiveMed_3 - AHIS1_qReceiveMed_3
- AHIS1_qReceiveMed_4 - AHIS1_qReceiveMed_4
- AHIS1_fIllnessType_1 - AHIS1_fIllnessType_1
- AHIS1_fIllnessType_2 - AHIS1_fIllnessType_2
- AHIS1_fIllnessType_3 - AHIS1_fIllnessType_3
- AHIS1_fIllnessType_4 - AHIS1_fIllnessType_4
- PWB_qHealthExcellentPoor - PWB_qHealthExcellentPoor
- moh_bsc_birth_month - Child's birth month
- moh_bsc_birth_year_nbr - Child's birth year
- moh_bsc_sex_code - Child's reported gender
- moh_bsc_check_status check - Short description of check progress
- moh_bsc_check_consent_text - Consent for check to be completed
- moh_bsc_check_date - Date the check was completed
- moh_bsc_check_dhb_text - DHB the check was completed in
- moh_bsc_general_outcome_text - General check component.
- moh_bsc_general_date - Date the General check component was completed.
- moh_bsc_general_grommets - Indicates if child has grommets.
- moh_bsc_general_glasses_text - Indicates if child wears glasses
- moh_bsc_vision_outcome_test - Vision check component
- moh_bsc_vision_date - moh_bsc_vision_date
- moh_bsc_vision_score_l_text - moh_bsc_vision_score_l_text
- moh_bsc_vision_score_r_text - moh_bsc_vision_score_r_text
- moh_bsc_hearing_outcome_text - moh_bsc_hearing_outcome_text
- moh_bsc_hearing_date - moh_bsc_hearing_date
- moh_bsc_hearing_audiomtry_l_text - moh_bsc_hearing_audiomtry_l_text
- moh_bsc_hearing_audiomtry_r_text - moh_bsc_hearing_audiomtry_r_text
- moh_bsc_hearing_tympnmtry_l_text - moh_bsc_hearing_tympnmtry_l_text
- moh_bsc_hearing_tympnmtry_r_text - moh_bsc_hearing_tympnmtry_r_text
- moh_bsc_growth_outcome_text - growth_outcvome
- moh_bsc_growth_date - moh_bsc_growth_date
- moh_bsc_growth_height_nbr - moh_bsc_growth_height_nbr
- moh_bsc_growth_weight_nbr - moh_bsc_growth_weight_nbr
- moh_bsc_dental_decay_nbr - moh_bsc_dental_decay_nbr
- moh_bsc_imms_outcome_text - moh_bsc_imms_outcome_text
- moh_bsc_imms_date - moh_bsc_imms_date
- moh_bsc_peds_outcome_text - moh_bsc_peds_outcome_text
- moh_bsc_peds_date - moh_bsc_peds_date
- moh_bsc_peds_pathway_code - moh_bsc_peds_pathway_code
- moh_bsc_peds_shaded_nbr - moh_bsc_peds_shaded_nbr
- moh_bsc_peds_unshaded_nbr - moh_bsc_peds_unshaded_nbr
- moh_bsc_sdqp_outcome_text - moh_bsc_sdqp_outcome_text
- moh_bsc_sdqp_date - moh_bsc_sdqp_date
- moh_bsc_sdqp_behaviour_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqp_behaviour_nbr
- moh_bsc_sdqp_conduct_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqp_conduct_nbr
- moh_bsc_sdqp_emotional_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqp_emotional_nbr
- moh_bsc_sdqp_hyperactive_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqp_hyperactive_nbr
- moh_bsc_sdqp_peer_prob_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqp_peer_prob_nbr
- moh_bsc_sdqt_outcome_text - moh_bsc_sdqt_outcome_text
- moh_bsc_sdqt_date - moh_bsc_sdqt_date
- moh_bsc_sdqt_behaviour_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqt_behaviour_nbr
- moh_bsc_sdqt_conduct_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqt_conduct_nbr
- moh_bsc_sdqt_emotional_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqt_emotional_nbr
- moh_bsc_sdqt_hyperactive_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqt_hyperactive_nbr
- moh_bsc_sdqt_peer_prob_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqt_peer_prob_nbr
- [snz_moh_uid] - Unique Ministry of Health indentifier
- moh_can_event_id_nbr - Event ID
- moh_can_birth_month_nbr - Birth month
- moh_can_birth_year_nbr - Birth year
- moh_can_domicile_code - Domicile code
- moh_can_sex_code - Sex
- moh_can_ethnicity_1_code - Ethnicity 1
- moh_can_ethnicity_2_code - Ethnicity 2
- moh_can_ethnicity_3_code - Ethnicity 3
- moh_can_eth_priority_grp_code - Ethnicity group code
- moh_can_site_code - moh_can_site_code
- moh_can_morphology_code - moh_can_morphology_code
- moh_can_extent_of_disease_code - moh_can_extent_of_disease_code
- moh_can_date_of_diagnosis_text - moh_can_date_of_diagnosis_text
- moh_can_basis_of_diagnsis_code - moh_can_basis_of_diagnsis_code
- moh_can_laboratory_code - moh_can_laboratory_code
- moh_can_grade_tum_code - moh_can_grade_tum_code
- moh_can_tnm_m - moh_can_tnm_m
- moh_can_tnm_n - moh_can_tnm_n
- moh_can_tnm_t - moh_can_tnm_t
- [moh_chr_condition_text] - Condition
- [moh_chr_fir_incidnt_date] - First incident date
- [moh_chr_fir_incidnt_id_code] - First incident id
- [moh_chr_last_incidnt_date] - Last incident date
- [moh_chr_last_incidnt_id_code] - Last incident ID.
- [moh_chr_collection_text] - Collection
- moh_nnp_accident_flag_code - Accident plan
- moh_nnp_attendance_code - Attendance code
- moh_nnp_event_type_code - Event type
- moh_nnp_hlth_prov_type_code - Health provider type
- moh_nnp_service_type_code - Service type
- moh_nnp_triage_level_code - Triage level
- moh_nnp_agency_code - Agency code
- moh_nnp_birth_month_nbr - moh_nnp_birth_month_nbr
- moh_nnp_birth_year_nbr - moh_nnp_birth_year_nbr
- moh_nnp_date_of_service_text - Date of service
- moh_nnp_date_of_event_end_text - Date of event end
- moh_nnp_domicile_code - Domicile code
- moh_nnp_dhb_of_domicile_code - DHB of domicile.
- moh_nnp_purchase_unit_code - Purchase unit.
- moh_nnp_facility_code - Facility code
- moh_nnp_sex_code - Sex
- moh_nnp_hlth_spc_code - Health speciality code
- moh_nnp_idf_dhb_code - IDF DHB code
- moh_nnp_idf_dhb_source_code - IDF DHB source
- moh_nnp_location_code - Location
- moh_nnp_purchaser_code - Purchaser code
- moh_nnp_sent_dom_code - Sent domicile code
- moh_nnp_sent_dom_rating_code - Sent domicile rating
- moh_nnp_volume_amt - Volume
- moh_nnp_unit_of_measure_code - Unit of measure
- moh_nnp_eth_priority_grp_code - Prioritised ethnic group