- Acceptance of diversity
- Access to facilities
- Children
- Citizen participation
- Civil defence
- Crime and justice
- Culture
- Disability
- Discrimination
- Education (society)
- Employment and unemployment (society)
- Ethnicity
- Expenditure
- Family (society)
- Gender, sex, and intersex
- Health
- Households (society)
- Housing (society)
- Housing quality
- Income
- Information and communication technology
- Injuries
- Knowledge and skills
- Language
- Leisure and recreation
- Life satisfaction
- Local council services
- Māori (society) see Māori
- Marriages, civil unions, and divorces
- Material hardship
- Natural environment
- Older people
- Property
- Religion
- Tourism
- Transport (society)
- Trust
- Well-being
- Women
IDI B4 School Check en-NZ
IDI B4 School Checks en-NZ
IDI HES Net Worth en-NZ
Variable Groups
Health en-NZ
Housing en-NZ
Safety and Security en-NZ
Culture and Identity en-NZ
Physical Environment en-NZ
Paid Work en-NZ
Knowledge and Skills en-NZ
Economic Living Standard en-NZ
Overall Life Satisfation en-NZ
Human Rights en-NZ
Social Connectedness en-NZ
Leisure and Recreation en-NZ
Core Person en-NZ
Conceptual Variable Groups
Households (society) en-NZ
Access to facilities en-NZ
Culture en-NZ
Expenditure en-NZ
Housing (society) en-NZ
Housing quality en-NZ
Natural environment en-NZ
Disability en-NZ
Health en-NZ
Crime and justice en-NZ
Injuries en-NZ
Children en-NZ
Local council services en-NZ
Acceptance of diversity en-NZ
Ethnicity en-NZ
Abortions en-NZ
Life satisfaction en-NZ
Citizen participation en-NZ
Civil defence en-NZ
Knowledge and skills en-NZ
Income (society) en-NZ
Language en-NZ
Discrimination en-NZ
Material hardship en-NZ
Trust en-NZ
Leisure and recreation en-NZ
Family en-NZ
Well-being en-NZ
Education (society) en-NZ
[cyf_fwe_event_to_date_wid_date] - CYF Event To Date Warehouse ID Lookup
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_referral_status_code] - CAP Referral Status
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccSup_TooFar - DVDiffAccSup_TooFar
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEAQ03 - HEAQ03
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_16 - SUPQ03_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11_13 - SUPQ11_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp18 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_11 - HOUQ04_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp13 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp13
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp24 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp24
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp23 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[moh_chr_fir_incidnt_date] - First incident date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hlth_asmnt_report_upload_date] - CYF Health Assessment Report Upload Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQS1_qMorHolMth_11-HCQS1_qMorHolMth_17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qDisabilityCommunicate -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_3 - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_date_of_application_date] - This is initial date of the application
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_source_uk_var6_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOthNR_3 - DONDT1_qDonateOthNR_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qSafeNightPubTrans -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15_17 - SUPQ15_17
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_ParentRole -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cli_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13_99 - SUPQ13_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp28 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.NEN_qAirQual - NEN_qAirQual
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic5_snz_code] - SNZ Ethnicity 5
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp20 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_sex_code - Child's reported gender
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_5 - HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp30 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_NoHeat - DVNoRBedHeat_NoHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_srd_safety_assess_id_nbr] - CYF Safety Assessment ID
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_event_to_date_wid_date] - CYF Event To Date and Warehouse ID Lookup
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_event_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[moh_gms_funding_dhb_code] - Funding DHB
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_vision_outcome_test - Vision check component
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_13 - HOUQ04_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic3_snz_code] - SNZ Ethnicity 3
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOthNR_7 - DONDT2_qDonateOthNR_7
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ine_source_uk_var2_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_analy_score_afford_text] - Clients most recent SAS affordability as at the end of the month.
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ12 - SUPQ12
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_11 - SUPQ06_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_Size - Why is your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qWRatesPrdOth -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_number_of_days_nbr] - CYF Number of Days
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pld_business_area_type_code] - CYF Business Area
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncSource_Interest -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateGoods_Arts - DON_qDonateGoods_Arts
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abe_source_uk_var4_text] - CYF Source 4
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_4 - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_3_code] - CYF Ethnicity 3
This variable is not part of a dataset.[edn_profile_requested_date] - CYF Education Profile Requested Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_plc_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHHTen - DVHHTen
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qPayRent -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Appear - CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Appear
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMoveRentReas - DVMoveRentReas
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_6 - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_6
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lsd_in_favour_of_type_code] - CYF Legal Status In Favour Of Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qPayRent - HQ_qPayRent
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_5 - SAFPT1_qProblemOth_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_4 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Assault -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_4 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fwe_direct_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_region_code] - The regional council associated with the applicant's current address.
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_dbh_landlord_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15_11 - SUPQ15_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_cyf_social_work_phase_id_nbr] - SNZ CYF Social Phase Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_med_icd9_code] - ACC ICD 9 Codes
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_attendance_code - Attendance code
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lse_direct_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_period_start_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ23_88 - SAFQ23_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ14 - PHYQ14
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_6 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qPayWater -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_date_number_format_nbr] - CYF Date Number Format
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS2_qPaidJob - HQS2_qPaidJob
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULDV2 - CULDV2
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp23 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_cyf_prsn_uid] - SNZ CYF Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateMoney_IntAid - DON_qDonateMoney_IntAid
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_ethnic_grp6_snz_ind] - Other ethnicity indicator.
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncTotalAmt - HQS3_qIncTotalAmt
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09OthNR - SUPQ09OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_period_end_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRentAmt - HCQ_qRentAmt
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFDV1 - SAFDV1
This variable is not part of a dataset.CDM_qHouseMould - CDM_qHouseMould
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_3_coded -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_first_time_landlord_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13_16 - SUPQ13_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_event_nature_code] - CYF Event Nature
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09_19 - SUPQ09_19
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_re_exit_status_text] - Will be one of:“EXIT OTHER” or “HOUSED”
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13_88 - SUPQ13_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateMoney_Sports - DON_qDonateMoney_Sports
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Ethnic - CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Ethnic
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ine_count_nbr] - CYF Count
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qHealthInterfereSocial -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HSU_qDwelSuit - How suitable or unsuitable do you think the house or flat is?
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp23 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp23
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qPainInterfered -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_HouseQual - Why is your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ05_99 - CULQ05_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_event_from_date_wid_date] - CYF Event From Date Warehouse ID Lookup
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_date_of_diagnosis_text - moh_can_date_of_diagnosis_text
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qHealthLimitsActivities -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_srd_activity_approval_code] - CYF Activity Approval
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_srd_intake_event_id_nbr] - CYF Intake Event ID
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_birth_month_nbr - moh_nnp_birth_month_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_8 - SAFPT1_qProblemOth_8
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_grp4_snz_ind] - SNZ Asian Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_event_to_datetime] - CYF Event To Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qAffordability - HQ_qAffordability
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_gl_accnt_type_code_nbr] - CYF General Ledger Account Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_4 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_sdqt_conduct_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqt_conduct_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOth_8 - DONDT2_qDonateOth_8
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06Oth - SUPQ06Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_med_read_code] - ACC Injury Read Code
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPDV2 - SUPDV2
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ine_indirect_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp28 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_date_of_service_text - Date of service
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qAnyoneOutOfScope - HQ_qAnyoneOutOfScope
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic6_snz_code] - SNZ Ethnicity 6
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_Refused - DVNoRBedHeat_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQS1_qLoanArr_11-HCQS1_qLoanArr_17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lsd_logically_deleted_ind] - CYF Logically Deleted Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qDisabilitySee - DIS_qDisabilitySee
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ind_fgc_referral_ind] - CYF Family Group Conference Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qCommunicating -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qFearOfCrime - SAF_qFearOfCrime
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_check_dhb_text - DHB the check was completed in
This variable is not part of a dataset.AOD_qDiffLang - AOD_qDiffLang
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_All -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_7 - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_7
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13_23 - SUPQ13_23
This variable is not part of a dataset.Hhld_RespWgt - Hhld_RespWgt
This variable is not part of a dataset.HSU_qOutdoorArea - What type of outdoor area does your house or flat have?
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11_12 - SUPQ11_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_prev_period_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp16 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefHome_Disrupt - DVDefHome_Disrupt
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQS1_qMorHoliday_11-HCQS1_qMorHoliday_17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abe_event_from_date_wid_date] - CYF Event From Date (Join)
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_mmc_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_DontKnow - DVDwellUnsuit_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateGoods_None - DON_qDonateGoods_None
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qFeltEnergetic -
This variable is not part of a dataset.AOD_qIllness - AOD_qIllness
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09Oth - SUPQ09Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_jus_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13OthNR - SUPQ13OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_None - SAF_qProblemsHood_None
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ01 - CULQ01
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp24 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_source_agency_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp27 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_date_of_event_end_text - Date of event end
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_modified_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ22 - SAFQ22
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11_24 - SUPQ11_24
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncTotalAmt -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_next_mmc_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_Safety - DVNoRBedHeat_Safety
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_indirect_gross_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_20 - SUPQ03_20
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_dhb_of_domicile_code - DHB of domicile.
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_13 - SUPQ03_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_from_msd_uid] - SNZ Distinct Record Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_maori_ind] - CYF Maori Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_source_uk_var2_text] - CYF Intake Event ID
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ19_99 - SAFQ19_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_count_nbr] - CYF Count
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_count_nbr] - CYF Count
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_Refused - DVNoKitchVent_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.- Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_NotKnow - DVNoRBedVent_NotKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Refused_ -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_calendar_year_nbr] - CYF Calendar Year
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNotContact_NotImpt - DVNotContact_NotImpt
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_7 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOth_7 - DONDT2_qDonateOth_7
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_3 - HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_17 - HQT3_qRel_17
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13_19 - SUPQ13_19
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_All - HQ_qWhoAway_All
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_domicile_code - Domicile code
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ple_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_2_coded - HQS1T2_qEthOth_2_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_status_code] - CAP Status
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEAQ04 - HEAQ04
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ05_12 - CULQ05_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateGoods_Religion - DON_qDonateGoods_Religion
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_17 - SUPQ06_17
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ01 - SUPQ01
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccTran_TooFar - DVDiffAccTran_TooFar
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_cor_track_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qDampOrMould - HCQ_qDampOrMould
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRCRatesAmt -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_cost_type_text] - CYF Cost Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_fin_item_desc_text] - CYF Financial Item Description
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_bedroom_count_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_address_type_text] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_Vents - DVNoRBedVent_Vents
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abe_count_nbr] - CYF Abuse Event Count
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ01E - SAFQ01E
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOth_6 - DONDT2_qDonateOth_6
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEAQ02b - HEAQ02b
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateMoney_BusAss - DON_qDonateMoney_BusAss
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_23 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_source_uk_var3_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_event_to_datetime] - CYF Event To Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_6 - SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_6
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_2 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_eth_priority_grp_code - Ethnicity group code
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_1 - HQS1T2_qEthOth_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qHealthLimitsStairs -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRCRatesPrdOthNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp30 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp30
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_event_end_date] - CYF Event End Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp23 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_18 - HOUQ04_18
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_8 - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_8
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_Cost - DVNoRBedHeat_Cost
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qDisabilityWash -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qCBedHeat - HHB_qCBedHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_12 - HOUQ04_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumPartner -
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ03 - PHYQ03
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_event_type_specific_text] - CYF Event Type Specific
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09_88 - SUPQ09_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_involve_corr_ind] - CAP Corrections Involvement Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_mmc_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ine_number_of_days_nbr] - cyf_ ine_number_of_days_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_Outdoor - Why is your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_start_record_id_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_fItem_8 - CULCIT1_fItem_8
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qFearDrunkDriver - SAF_qFearDrunkDriver
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_European -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15Oth - SUPQ15Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.[need_type_code] - CYF Need Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_home_arrangement_code] - CAP Home Arrangement
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_tnm_m - moh_can_tnm_m
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccPark_Cost - DVDiffAccPark_Cost
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_fHHSize -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ19_14 - SAFQ19_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_idc_source_system_code] - CYF Source System
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVEnvReas_Weather - DVEnvReas_Weather
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHIS1_qReceiveMed_1 - AHIS1_qReceiveMed_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_3 - HQS1T2_qEthOth_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_BadDrive - SAF_qProblemsHood_BadDrive
This variable is not part of a dataset.UsablePQ_P2 - UsablePQ_P2
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_na_reason_code] - CAP N/A Reason
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_ethnic_grp5_snz_uid] - SNZ MELAA Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_fiscal_month_nbr] - CYF Fiscal Month
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qDOBNR - HQS1_qDOBNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp15 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp15
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ind_intake_ref_status_code] - CYF Intake Referral Status
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_plc_rsrc_id_nbr] - CYF Resource Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_direct_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccTran_Hours - DVDiffAccTran_Hours
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB _qRBedVentNR - HHB _qRBedVentNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.Hhld_FinalWgt - Hhld_FinalWgt
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15_24 - SUPQ15_24
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULDV1 - CULDV1
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_re_exit_reason_text] - Reason for Exit at the end of the Exit date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp15 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_All - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_All
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ12 - PHYQ12
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_purchaser_code - Purchaser code
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_srd_comp_dq_value_wid_nbr] - CYF Data Quality Lookup Code
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQS1_qLoanBalance_11-HCQS1_qLoanBalance_17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_3 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15_12 - SUPQ15_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRatesPrd -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_NotHome - DVNoCBedVent_NotHome
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qReuseable - HQ_qReuseable
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Vandalsm -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOth_2 - DONDT1_qDonateOth_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qSafeNightHome -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_ethnic_grp5_snz_ind] - Middle Eastern/Latin American/African ethnicity indicator.
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRatesAmtNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_active_gang_member_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_idc_identity_type_text] - CYF Identity Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_Refused - DVNoLivingHeat_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_DontKnow - DVNoRBedHeat_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.HTS_qTimesMovedNR - HTS_qTimesMovedNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_grp6_snz_ind] - SNZ Other Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOthNR_8 - DONDT1_qDonateOthNR_8
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_prd_business_area_type_code] - CYF Business Area
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHHType - DVHHType
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qAge -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_4_coded -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_unit_of_measure_code - Unit of measure
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11_21 - SUPQ11_21
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_med_injury_diagnosis_group_text] - ACC Injury Diagnosis Group
This variable is not part of a dataset.[edn_profile_received_date] - CYF Education Profile Received Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09_21 - SUPQ09_21
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_fPeopleInHouse -
This variable is not part of a dataset.UsablePQ_P3 - UsablePQ_P3
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp19 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp19
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abe_indirect_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_sdqt_peer_prob_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqt_peer_prob_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHHCrowd - DVHHCrowd
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_fiscal_year_quarter_text] - CYF Fiscal Year/Quarter
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp18 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_direct_net_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp17 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp17
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qInteresting - HEA_qInteresting
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_4_code] - CYF Ethnicity 4
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_1 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_cap_team_uid] - SNZ CAP Team Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.[moh_gms_visit_date] - Data at visit
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qDOB - HQS1_qDOB
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNotContact_DontKnow - DVNotContact_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_8 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOthNR_8 - DONDT2_qDonateOthNR_8
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cli_cr_id_nbr] - CYF Contact Record ID
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_extent_of_disease_code - moh_can_extent_of_disease_code
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_indirect_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_prd_extracted_datetime_text] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_period_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qWRatesAmtNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qSafeOnline -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_general_outcome_text - General check component.
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_indirect_net_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_fItem_3 - CULCIT1_fItem_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncSource_OthSrce -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_source_uk_var5_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_max_period_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefTen_How - DVDefTen_How
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_prd_phase_status_code] - CYF Phase Status
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_1 - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_ChildRole -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ23_15 - SAFQ23_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOth_1 - DONDT2_qDonateOth_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVPhysHealth -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_19 - HQT3_qRel_19
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13_21 - SUPQ13_21
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_income_source_code] - CAP Income Source
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_Other - DVNoBathVent_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.SMO_qSmokingInside - SMO_qSmokingInside
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_fStoreAge -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_21 - SUPQ06_21
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_vested_to_crown_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRentPrd - HCQ_qRentPrd
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_28 - HQT3_qRel_28
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_landlord_group_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[moh_chr_last_incidnt_id_code] - Last incident ID.
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_4 - SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_vision_score_l_text - moh_bsc_vision_score_l_text
This variable is not part of a dataset.CDM_qHouseDamp - CDM_qHouseDamp
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qRested - HEA_qRested
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOth_3 - DONDT1_qDonateOth_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_modified_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lsd_business_area_type_code] - CYF Business Area
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qDisabilityHear -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_pro_completion_year_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_1 - SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_srd_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRCRatesPrdOth -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_sent_dom_rating_code - Sent domicile rating
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11Oth - SUPQ11Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qHealthExcellentPoor -
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ09 - PHYQ09
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Ethnic -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abe_source_uk_var2_text] - CYF Assessment Finding Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_grade_tum_code - moh_can_grade_tum_code
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_5 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_fin_year_end_date] - CYF Financial Year End Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_source_uk_var2_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_comment_text] - CAP Referral Comments
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_tnm_t - moh_can_tnm_t
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDisability -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_vision_score_r_text - moh_bsc_vision_score_r_text
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_indirect_cost_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp28 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp28
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Religion -
This variable is not part of a dataset.Person_SelnWgt - Person_SelnWgt
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ple_indirect_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_None -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ23_14 - SAFQ23_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_event_start_date] - CYF Event Start Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_dbh_bond_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp21 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp21
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_to_fiscal_month_nbr] - CYF Fiscal Month
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRentPrdOthNR - HCQ_qRentPrdOthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp25 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_ethnic2_snz_uid] - SNZ Ethnicity 2
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOth_2 - DONDT2_qDonateOth_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qHealthExcellentPoor - PWB_qHealthExcellentPoor
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11_19 - SUPQ11_19
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lse_event_to_datetime] - CYF Event To Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_birth_year_nbr - Child's birth year
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ind_final_outcome_type_code] - CYF Final Outcome Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fwe_number_of_days_nbr] - CYF Number of Days
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abe_event_to_date_wid_date] - CYF Event To Date (Join)
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_Safety - DVNoCBedVent_Safety
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qGivenLetter - HQ_qGivenLetter
This variable is not part of a dataset.[extract_date] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_composite_event_uid] - SNZ Composite Event Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_22 - HQT3_qRel_22
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_received_ct_date] - CAP CT Received Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_NoNeed - DVNoCBedHeat_NoNeed
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_sex_snz_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_main_reason_app_text] - Primary Reason for housing
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_event_duration_nbr] - CYF Event Duration
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_pro_location_text] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_Blanket - DVNoCBedHeat_Blanket
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRentAmtNR - HCQ_qRentAmtNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_vision_date - moh_bsc_vision_date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_month_name_text] - CYF Month Name
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ind_notifier_role_type] - CYF Notifier Role Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ01A - SAFQ01A
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_sex_code - Sex
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Age -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_analy_score_adeq_text] - Clients most recent SAS score for adequacy as at the end of the month.
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_26 - HQT3_qRel_26
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_4 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp19 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_27 - HQT3_qRel_27
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp19 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOthNR_4 - DONDT1_qDonateOthNR_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.AKF_qAccSup - AKF_qAccSup
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHIS1_qReceiveMed_2 - AHIS1_qReceiveMed_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qTrustPayMortgage - HCQ_qTrustPayMortgage
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ivd_outcome_type_code] - CYF Outcome Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_pro_programme_type_text] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_net_amt] - CYF Net Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qWalking -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_14 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_11 - SUPQ03_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_tenancy_start_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qPayRent - HCQ_qPayRent
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRCRatesPrd -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_cor_track_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_idc_death_month_nbr] - SNZ Death Month
This variable is not part of a dataset.[moh_chr_fir_incidnt_id_code] - First incident id
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEAQ05 - HEAQ05
This variable is not part of a dataset.- Lower CI
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_StAcc - Why is your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_period_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ10_14 - SAFQ10_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_29 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp29 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp29
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_imposed_sentence_length_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ01 - HOUQ01
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncSource_Student -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09_18 - SUPQ09_18
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp11 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp11
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_sp_reason_text] - CAP Safety Plan Reason
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qCrimesAgainstYou -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_direct_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Other - HQS1_qEthnicity_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qPayMortgage -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncSource_OthBen -
This variable is not part of a dataset.AKF_qAccPark - AKF_qAccPark
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_DontKnow - DVNoKitchVent_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ01 - PHYQ01
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ind_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp29 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOU_qBedroomsNumNR - HOU_qBedroomsNumNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qRecycle - HQ_qRecycle
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ10_12 - SAFQ10_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_org_unit_uid] - SNZ Organisation Unit Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ06_15 - SAFQ06_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_6 - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_6
This variable is not part of a dataset.- Age
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_number_of_days_nbr] - CYF Number of Days
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ05Oth - CULQ05Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_facility_code - Facility code
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ10_99 - SAFQ10_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateMoney_Dont_Know - DON_qDonateMoney_Dont_Know
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_sdqt_behaviour_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqt_behaviour_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOU_qHouseMouldProblem - HOU_qHouseMouldProblem
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_11 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHI_qAsthmaAttack - AHI_qAsthmaAttack
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ08 - SUPQ08
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_rental_amt] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_None -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Disabled -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lse_event_to_date_wid_date] - CYF Event To Date Warehouse ID Lookup
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_period_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_25 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_ethnic_grp1_snz_uid] - SNZ European Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateMoney_Social - DON_qDonateMoney_Social
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateMoney_Environ - DON_qDonateMoney_Environ
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_CarPark - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_growth_outcome_text - growth_outcvome
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cli_family_violence_ind] - CYF Family Violence Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_f15Plus -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[msd_priority_text] - Priority A or B on the register at exit
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ05_15 - CULQ05_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13_11 - SUPQ13_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_indirect_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_event_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_4 - HQS1T2_qEthOth_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_srd_business_area_type_code] - CYF Business Area
This variable is not part of a dataset.UsableCHHmem_P2 - UsableCHHmem_P2
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_cost_centre_code] - CYF Cost Centre
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_NotWant - DVNoKitchVent_NotWant
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_13 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp12 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[education_yn] - CYF Education Needs Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_ever_gang_member_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRatesPrdOthNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_24 - SUPQ06_24
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQS1_qMorType_11-HCQS1_qMorType_17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccSup_Traffic - DVDiffAccSup_Traffic
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Burglary -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOth_2_coded - DONDT1_qDonateOth_2_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_end_event_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_3_coded - SAFPT1_qProblemOth_3_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_DontKnow - DVNoCBedVent_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_ethnicity_2_code - Ethnicity 2
This variable is not part of a dataset.AOD_qEthnic -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEAQ07 - HEAQ07
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumPartner - DVFam_NumPartner
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp15 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp27 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ05 - PHYQ05
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentity - CUL_qCultIdentity
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHI_qChronicResp - AHI_qChronicResp
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp12 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp12
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13_18 - SUPQ13_18
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ple_event_to_datetime] - CYF Event To Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_basis_of_diagnsis_code - moh_can_basis_of_diagnsis_code
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_number_of_days_nbr] - CYF Number of Days
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qDisabilityWash - DIS_qDisabilityWash
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_count_nbr] - CYF Count
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qDOBNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ02NR - HOUQ02NR
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_region_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOthNR_6 - DONDT2_qDonateOthNR_6
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cli_client_status_text] - CYF Client Status
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_19 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_2 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccSup_Cost - DVDiffAccSup_Cost
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abe_direct_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp25 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp25
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNotContact_Other - DVNotContact_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_from_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHIS1_fIllnessType_2 - AHIS1_fIllnessType_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_Safety - DVNoCBedHeat_Safety
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateGoods_Commun - DON_qDonateGoods_Commun
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncSource_Super -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abe_direct_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ind_cnp_notification_ind] - CYF Care and Protection Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qInsAny -
This variable is not part of a dataset.- Cause
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumDepChild -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumChild - DVFam_NumChild
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_20 - HQT3_qRel_20
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_15 - HOUQ04_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_InsideAcc - Why is your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_event_from_datetime] - CYF Event From Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_general_glasses_text - Indicates if child wears glasses
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_pro_completion_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccDoc_Other - DVDiffAccDoc_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_group_event_end_date] - CYF Group End Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ03 - SAFQ03
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_5_code] - CYF Ethnicity 5
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qPayRCRates -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Refused_ -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_ethnic1_snz_code] - SNZ Ethnicity 1
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp26 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS2_qFullPartTime -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_Services - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_med_injury_precedence_nbr] - ACC Injury Precedence Number
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ11 - SAFQ11
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qInsPremAmtNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ05 - SAFQ05
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccSup_Other - DVDiffAccSup_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11_11 - SUPQ11_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_23 - SUPQ03_23
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ine_source_uk_var3_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEADV3 - HEADV3
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_7 - SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_7
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Burglary - SAF_qProblemsHood_Burglary
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_rcvd_org_unit_uid] - SNZ Received Organisation Unit Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ07 - SAFQ07
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_ethnic_grp3_snz_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ18 - SAFQ18
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccPark_Other - DVDiffAccPark_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_ethnicity_text] - 1st Ethnicity of snz_msd_uid
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qWRatesPrdOthNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ06_14 - SAFQ06_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHHType - DVHHType
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Refused_ - HQS1_qEthnicity_Refused_
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_msd_uid] - SNZ MSD Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_Vents - DVNoKitchVent_Vents
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qConfirmPeopleComplete -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ08 - SAFQ08
This variable is not part of a dataset.cyf_to_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qAgeNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_WithPartner - DVFam_WithPartner
This variable is not part of a dataset.[mdc_meeting_date] - CYF Multi-disciplinary Clinical Meeting Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_8 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_hearing_audiomtry_l_text - moh_bsc_hearing_audiomtry_l_text
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_8 - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_8
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp15 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_8 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp23 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp23
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_89 - HOUQ04_89
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp14 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp14
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_cost_sub_type_text] - CYF Cost Subtype
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEAQ01 - HEAQ01
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_event_to_date_wid_date] - CYF Event To Date (Join)
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qFearCarStolen - SAF_qFearCarStolen
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13_20 - SUPQ13_20
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_birth_year_nbr - Birth year
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp20 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp20
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pld_open_suspension_ind] - CYF Open Suspension Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_event_id_nbr - Event ID
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Gender - CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Gender
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_sdqt_date - moh_bsc_sdqt_date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_jus_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccSup_DontKnow - DVDiffAccSup_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_Other - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ05_16 - CULQ05_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_crnt_systm_prsn_uid] - SNZ Current System Person Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOU_qHouseCold - HOU_qHouseCold
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp12 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_NotKnow - DVNoBathVent_NotKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09_13 - SUPQ09_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qDisabilityWalk -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccTran_NoTran - DVDiffAccTran_NoTran
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_18 - HQT3_qRel_18
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ine_direct_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Daily Direct Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRatesPrdOth -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11OthNR - SUPQ11OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ind_contact_method_code] - CYF Contact Method
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp21 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp21
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ine_source_uk_var1_text] - CYF Notification Record Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_source_uk_var3_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_property_type_text] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Sex - CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Sex
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Other -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ04 - SUPQ04
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_idc_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_business_area_type_code] - CYF Business Area
This variable is not part of a dataset.- Units
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qFearAssaultStran - SAF_qFearAssaultStran
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccTran_Access - DVDiffAccTran_Access
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp20 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_pacific_ind] - CYF Pacific Peoples Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_source_uk_var6_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_Other - DVNoKitchVent_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qFeltCalm -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp22 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_88 - HOUQ03_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ02 - CULQ02
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_Weather - DVNoBathVent_Weather
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp19 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp19
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_event_from_date_wid_date] - CYF Event From Date and Warehouse ID Lookup
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qGotTenAgreement - HQ_qGotTenAgreement
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHIS1_qReceiveMed_3 - AHIS1_qReceiveMed_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.[otfs_cid_birth_year_nbr] - SNZ Birth Year
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_quality_code] - CAP Quality
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_3 - SAFPT1_qProblemOth_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_idc_birth_month_nbr] - SNZ Birth Month
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRCRatesAmtNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15_99 - SUPQ15_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_birth_month - Child's birth month
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lsd_output_class_code] - CYF Output Class
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_meshblock_code] - The meshblock associated with the applicant's current address.
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ01B - SAFQ01B
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_prev_mmc_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.Person_RespWgt - Person_RespWgt
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ01C - SAFQ01C
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOthNR_6 - DONDT1_qDonateOthNR_6
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_grp1_snz_ind] - SNZ European Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ11 - PHYQ11
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_fin_item_type_code] - CYF Financial Item Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_source_uk_var4_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_16 - HOUQ04_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.[otfs_snz_sex_code] - SNZ Sex
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09_24 - SUPQ09_24
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ23OthNR - SAFQ23OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Drugs -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qWRatesPrd -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccTran_Traffic - DVDiffAccTran_Traffic
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_Vents - DVNoCBedVent_Vents
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_business_area_type_code] - CYF Business Area
This variable is not part of a dataset.NEN_qEnvProject - NEN_qEnvProject
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp22 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_2 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ10 - SUPQ10
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ20 - SAFQ20
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_5 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15_13 - SUPQ15_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateMoney_Arts - DON_qDonateMoney_Arts
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_2 - HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_Facilities - Why is your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ14 - SUPQ14
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_direct_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.- Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qCalm - HEA_qCalm
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_involve_prison_ind] - CAP Prison Involvement Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_7 - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_7
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_6 - SAFPT1_qProblemOth_6
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccDoc_Traffic - DVDiffAccDoc_Traffic
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_source_uk_var5_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_idc_role_type_text] - CYF Role Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccDoc_Access - DVDiffAccDoc_Access
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qOwnHouse - HQ_qOwnHouse
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ine_indirect_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOthNR_5 - DONDT2_qDonateOthNR_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ08 - PHYQ08
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp20 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HSU_qBedNum - How many bedrooms are there in your house or flat?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DEM_qDOB - DEM_qDOB
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_sector_code] - CAP Sector
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_16 - HQT3_qRel_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pld_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_7 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp13 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_sent_dom_code - Sent domicile code
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMentHealth -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_23 - HQT3_qRel_23
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHI_qHeartCirc - AHI_qHeartCirc
This variable is not part of a dataset.- Data value
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13_15 - SUPQ13_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumIndepChild - DVFam_NumIndepChild
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_6 - HQS1T2_qEthOth_6
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_meshblock_imputed_ind] - A flag to indicate whether or not the meshblock was imputed.
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_more_info_req_code] - CAP Further Information
This variable is not part of a dataset.Hhld_FinalWgt_1 to Hhld_FinalWgt_100 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ03 - CULQ03
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_Broken - DVNoRBedHeat_Broken
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ine_event_type_wid_nbr] - CYF Event Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ17 - SAFQ17
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_next_mmc_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_cor_identity_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_property_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qDOB -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_19 - HOUQ04_19
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lse_indirect_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_source_uk_var4_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_4 - SAFPT1_qProblemOth_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_period_start_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_ethnic_grp4_snz_uid] - SNZ Asian Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp13 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp13
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pld_open_suspension_date] - CYF Open Suspension Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_7 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lse_indirect_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOth_3_coded - DONDT2_qDonateOth_3_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_bond_tenant_count] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_landlord_group_text] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_NoHeat - DVNoLivingHeat_NoHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NuminFamNuc -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_grp2_snz_ind] - SNZ Maori Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefTen_NotDone - DVDefTen_NotDone
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ivd_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_presented_date] - CAP Presented Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_18 - SUPQ03_18
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ine_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_1 - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_2 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQS1_qLowerPay_11-HCQS1_qLowerPay_17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_12 - HOUQ03_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_sex_snz_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_birthplace_country_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccDoc_DontKnow - DVDiffAccDoc_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ10_11 - SAFQ10_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cli_caller_role_text] - CYF Caller Role
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_Cost - DVNoLivingHeat_Cost
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_cor_track_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Other -
This variable is not part of a dataset.- Upper CI
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13_13 - SUPQ13_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefTen_NotWilling - DVDefTen_NotWilling
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_check_status check - Short description of check progress
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateMoney_Health - DON_qDonateMoney_Health
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abe_indirect_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_NoOpen - DVNoKitchVent_NoOpen
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_12 - SUPQ06_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_12 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qBathVent - HHB_qBathVent
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOthNR_2 - DONDT1_qDonateOthNR_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_1_coded - SAFPT1_qProblemOth_1_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHIS1_fIllnessType_1 - AHIS1_fIllnessType_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_ethnicity_3_code - Ethnicity 3
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_fiscal_quarter_nbr] - CYF Fiscal Quarter
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ05_11 - CULQ05_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRentAmtNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccTran_Cost - DVDiffAccTran_Cost
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEAQ08a - HEAQ08a
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qSafeNightHome - SAF_qSafeNightHome
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_event_from_date_wid_date] - CYF Event From Date Warehouse ID Lookup
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_med_read_code_text] - ACC Injury Read Code Description
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHI_qHighBlood - AHI_qHighBlood
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_DepStat - DVFam_DepStat
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qDisabilityRemember - DIS_qDisabilityRemember
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qHearing -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qSex -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11_22 - SUPQ11_22
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_2_coded - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_2_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic1_snz_code] - SNZ Ethnicity 1
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qMortPrd - HCQ_qMortPrd
This variable is not part of a dataset.[gw_referral_source] - CYF Gateway Referral Source
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_gst_amt] - CYF GST Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_drug_alcohol_code] - CAP Drug & Alcohol Issues
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp25 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_ethnicity_1_code - Ethnicity 1
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_birth_year_nbr - moh_nnp_birth_year_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp25 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_21 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp16 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp14 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp14
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ19_13 - SAFQ19_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qLimitedWorkPhys -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateGoods_Dont_Know - DON_qDonateGoods_Dont_Know
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQS1_qArrangeAny_11-HCQS1_qArrangeAny_17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_Other - DVNoRBedVent_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_Dehumid - DVNoBathVent_Dehumid
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abe_source_uk_var1_text] - CYF Assessment ID
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDisabled -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOth_8 - DONDT1_qDonateOth_8
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_DontKnow - DVNoLivingHeat_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qOwnHouse -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_ethnicity_1_code] - CAP Ethnicity 1
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_Other - DVNoCBedHeat_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Refused_ -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_name_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qDisabilityWalk - DIS_qDisabilityWalk
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ind_intake_type_code] - CYF Intake Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_birthplace_city_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_sdqp_behaviour_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqp_behaviour_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_5 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_26 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ19_15 - SAFQ19_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qTrustPayMortgage - HQ_qTrustPayMortgage
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_ethnicity_2_code] - CAP Ethnicity 2
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_bond_closed_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_Safety - DVNoRBedVent_Safety
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_1 - HQS1T2_qEthOth_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fwe_event_to_datetime] - CYF Event To Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11_15 - SUPQ11_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_exit_date] - CAP Exit Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.AOD_qReligious - AOD_qReligious
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06OthNR - SUPQ06OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13_12 - SUPQ13_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_prev_mmc_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_to_holiday_ind] - CYF Public Holiday Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15_18 - SUPQ15_18
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_sdqp_conduct_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqp_conduct_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_event_id_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_Refused - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDisabled - DVDisabled
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_18 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_sdqp_emotional_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqp_emotional_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Indian -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qAccomplishLessEmo -
This variable is not part of a dataset.UsableCHHmem_P3 - UsableCHHmem_P3
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccTran_Other - DVDiffAccTran_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ16 - SAFQ16
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_purchase_unit_code - Purchase unit.
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOth_4 - DONDT2_qDonateOth_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_check_consent_text - Consent for check to be completed
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHIS1_fIllnessType_3 - AHIS1_fIllnessType_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qAnyoneOutOfScope -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_7 - SAFPT1_qProblemOth_7
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp22 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp22
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13_24 - SUPQ13_24
This variable is not part of a dataset.[moh_gms_huhc_code] - HUHC flag
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOth_4 - DONDT1_qDonateOth_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHI_qComCold - AHI_qComCold
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_ethnic_grp1_snz_ind] - European ethnicity indicator. T
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_agency_text] - CAP Referral Agency (Published)
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Maori - HQS1_qEthnicity_Maori
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_moh_uid] - Unique Ministry of Health indentifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13_17 - SUPQ13_17
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_CookIsld -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ10_88 - SAFQ10_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_address_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_1_coded -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_hshd_type_text] - MSD Household Grouping: ‘Couple and one or more child(ren)’ zyu
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_2_coded - SAFPT1_qProblemOth_2_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qCrimesAgainstYou - SAF_qCrimesAgainstYou
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp26 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp26
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_idi_address_register_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_Refused - DVNoBathVent_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Gender -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qMortAmtNR - HCQ_qMortAmtNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qFearHomeBroken - SAF_qFearHomeBroken
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_17 - HOUQ04_17
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_bedroom_required_cnt_nbr] - Number of bedrooms required
This variable is not part of a dataset.HTS_qTimesMoved - HTS_qTimesMoved
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQS1_qLoanPayAmt_11-HCQS1_qLoanPayAmt_17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_growth_weight_nbr - moh_bsc_growth_weight_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_bond_lodged_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_re_exit_date] - housing register exit date
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_Refused - DVNoCBedVent_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp12 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp12
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_sw_activity_type_code] - CYF Social Work Activity Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_crnt_org_unit_uid] - SNZ Current Organisation Unit Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_dbh_property_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_plc_source_uk_var1_text] - CYF Placement Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Dont_Know - SAF_qProblemsHood_Dont_Know
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_hs_access_description_text] - access description
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp13 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_ethnic_grp5_snz_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp30 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ24 - SAFQ24
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ05_89 - CULQ05_89
This variable is not part of a dataset.UsableCPer_P2 - UsableCPer_P2
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_3 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ple_source_uk_var3_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_fItem_7 - CULCIT1_fItem_7
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_other_ind] - CYF Other Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_24 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_event_to_date_wid_date] - CYF Event To Date (Join)
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03Oth - SUPQ03Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefTen_Refused - DVDefTen_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_13 - SUPQ06_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qLivingHeat - HHB_qLivingHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.- Validation
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ02 - HOUQ02
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_jus_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ05_14 - CULQ05_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ08 - CULQ08
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_to_calendar_date] - CYF Event Calendar End Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccSup_Hours - DVDiffAccSup_Hours
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qWRatesAmt -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQS1_qLoanPayPrdOth_11-HCQS1_qLoanPayPrdOth_17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp22 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_8 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_NotKnow - DVNoCBedVent_NotKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefHome_Time - DVDefHome_Time
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_birth_month_nbr - Birth month
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncSource_SelfEmp -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_med_icd9_text] - ACC ICD 9 Descriptions
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lsd_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Other - CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qHealthExcellentPoor - HEA_qHealthExcellentPoor
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pld_placement_type_code] - CYF Placement Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qMortAmtNR - HQ_qMortAmtNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccDoc_Cost - DVDiffAccDoc_Cost
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_1 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_idf_dhb_code - IDF DHB code
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_89 - HOUQ03_89
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Chinese - HQS1_qEthnicity_Chinese
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11_17 - SUPQ11_17
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Religion - CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Religion
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_snz_sex_code] - SNZ Sex
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_Weather - DVNoRBedVent_Weather
This variable is not part of a dataset.- Population
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp18 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp18
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qHouseInTrust - HQ_qHouseInTrust
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_fp_end_date] - CYF Financial Period End Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NuminFamNuc - DVFam_NuminFamNuc
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOth_3 - DONDT2_qDonateOth_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_6_code] - CYF Ethnicity 6
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_17 - SUPQ03_17
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_refrd_org_unit_uid] - SNZ Referred Organisation Unit Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccPark_Traffic - DVDiffAccPark_Traffic
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_Weather - DVNoKitchVent_Weather
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOthNR_1 - DONDT1_qDonateOthNR_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_14 - HOUQ04_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ02 - PHYQ02
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_to_calendar_month_nbr] - CYF Calendar Month
This variable is not part of a dataset.CDM_qHouseCold - CDM_qHouseCold
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15_21 - SUPQ15_21
This variable is not part of a dataset.NEN_qMarineQual - NEN_qMarineQual
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncSource_JobSeek -
This variable is not part of a dataset.AOD_qIllness -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_agency_code - Agency code
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_88 - SUPQ03_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ19_88 - SAFQ19_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_22 - SUPQ03_22
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_4 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[moh_chr_condition_text] - Condition
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ple_event_to_date_wid_date] - CYF Event To Date (Join)
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_peds_shaded_nbr - moh_bsc_peds_shaded_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qConfirm - HQ_qConfirm
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Refused_ - SAF_qProblemsHood_Refused_
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ10_15 - SAFQ10_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_NoNeed - DVNoRBedHeat_NoNeed
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefTen_Who - DVDefTen_Who
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_27 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15_88 - SUPQ15_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_date_wid_date] - CYF From Date (Join)
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fwe_direct_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qKeepingWarm - HCQ_qKeepingWarm
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp30 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_exit_reason_text] - CAP Exit Reason
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Harrass -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qLoansNum -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateGoods_Health - DON_qDonateGoods_Health
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentity -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_29 - HQT3_qRel_29
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_grp5_snz_ind] - SNZ MELAA Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ivd_business_area_type_code] - CYF Business Area
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ10 - PHYQ10
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Noisy -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15_14 - SUPQ15_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_2 - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQS1_qIntOnly_11-HCQS1_qIntOnly_17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11_23 - SUPQ11_23
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lsd_in_custody_ind] - CYF In Custody Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_Other - DVDwellUnsuit_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_4 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_ethnic_grp6_snz_uid] - SNZ Other Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateGoods_Environ - DON_qDonateGoods_Environ
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateMoney_Law - DON_qDonateMoney_Law
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qFearAssaultKnow - SAF_qFearAssaultKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_ps_primary_identity_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_Other - DVNoRBedVent_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp11 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_to_day_in_week_nbr] - CYF Weekday Number
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_Cost - DVNoCBedHeat_Cost
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cli_cr_created_datetime] - CYF Created Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ind_business_area_type_code] - CYF Business Area
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qPayMortgage - HCQ_qPayMortgage
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qInsPremAmt -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ19Oth - SAFQ19Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ple_source_uk_var2_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ06 - CULQ06
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateMoney_None - DON_qDonateMoney_None
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_fiscal_year_text] - CYF Fiscal Year
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefHome_DontKnow - DVDefHome_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOthNR_2 - DONDT2_qDonateOthNR_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOwnsHouse -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_event_from_datetime] - CYF Event From Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOth_1_coded - DONDT1_qDonateOth_1_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qDressing -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_25 - SUPQ03_25
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Other - SAF_qProblemsHood_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_modified_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumDepChild - DVFam_NumDepChild
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_15 - SUPQ06_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_source_uk_var1_text] - CYF Allocation ID
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ple_source_uk_var4_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_6 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_start_event_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_med_icd10_text] - ACC ICD 10 Descriptions
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateGoods_IntAid - DON_qDonateGoods_IntAid
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_to_day_name_text] - CYF Weekday Name
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_peds_unshaded_nbr - moh_bsc_peds_unshaded_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_source_uk_var1_text] - CYF Safety Assessment ID
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Noisy - SAF_qProblemsHood_Noisy
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_calendar_month_nbr] - CYF Calendar Month
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_gross_amt] - CYF Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lsd_legal_status_code] - CYF Legal Status Code
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_NotWant - DVNoRBedVent_NotWant
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_indirect_cost_prd_amt] - CYF Indirect Period Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Dont_Know -
This variable is not part of a dataset.UsableCHH_P3 - UsableCHH_P3
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_deleted_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Maori -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_2 - SAFPT1_qProblemOth_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULDV3 - CULDV3
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_16 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_no_particular_pref_text] - no location preference
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_general_date - Date the General check component was completed.
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qFeltDepressed -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_fp_start_date] - CYF Financial Period Start Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_19 - SUPQ06_19
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_hlth_spc_code - Health speciality code
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_None - CUL_qCultIdentityReason_None
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_13 - HOUQ03_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_vested_to_crown_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVEnvReas_PlantAnimal - DVEnvReas_PlantAnimal
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lsd_court_result_type_code] - CYF Court Result Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ23Oth - SAFQ23Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateMoney_Research - DON_qDonateMoney_Research
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_30 - HQT3_qRel_30
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_mmc_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_iwi2_code] - CAP Iwi 2
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ06OthNR - SAFQ06OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_NotWant - DVNoCBedVent_NotWant
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_med_injury_count_nbr] - ACC Injury Count
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_index_offence_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_first_time_tenant_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cli_smacking_ind] - CYF Smacking Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_Noisy - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHIS1_fIllnessType_4 - AHIS1_fIllnessType_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.NEN_qClimate - NEN_qClimate
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ine_event_from_datetime] - CYF Event From Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_European - HQS1_qEthnicity_European
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_srd_intake_found_ind] - CYF Intake Found Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fwd_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[moh_chr_last_incidnt_date] - Last incident date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_days_in_period_nbr] - CYF Days in Period
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qMortAmt - HQ_qMortAmt
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qCheerful - HEA_qCheerful
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_ethnic_grp3_snz_ind] - SNZ Pacific Peoples Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ23_13 - SAFQ23_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.[isa_file_uploaded_date] - CYF Inter-agency Service Agreement Upload Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HTS_qSchoolChildren - HTS_qSchoolChildren
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp21 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_2 - SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13_14 - SUPQ13_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefTen_DontKnow - DVDefTen_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ06_11 - SAFQ06_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ple_count_nbr] - CYF Count
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lse_event_from_datetime] - CYF Event From Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVBedHeatType - DVBedHeatType
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qMortPrdOth - HCQ_qMortPrdOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp19 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_fItem_5 - CULCIT1_fItem_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateGoods_Sports - DON_qDonateGoods_Sports
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_escalation_reason_code] - CAP Escalation Reason
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_indirect_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOM_qHouCond - HOM_qHouCond
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncSource_SolePrnt -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_5 - HQS1T2_qEthOth_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_1_coded -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEAQ09 - HEAQ09
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_Nghbrhd - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_indirect_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_event_type_wid_nbr] - CYF Event Type Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qInsPremPrd -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ19_11 - SAFQ19_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_domicile_code - Domicile code
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_sdqt_outcome_text - moh_bsc_sdqt_outcome_text
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_site_code] - CAP Site
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qSafeNightPubTrans - SAF_qSafeNightPubTrans
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_6 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp24 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_BadDrive -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_hearing_audiomtry_r_text - moh_bsc_hearing_audiomtry_r_text
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_melaa_ind] - CYF MELAA Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefHome_KnowHow - DVDefHome_KnowHow
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_to_fiscal_year_quarter_text] - CYF Fiscal Year/Quarter
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qAgeRange -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_holiday_ind] - CYF Public Holiday Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_in_muster_flag] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_5 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_jus_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_event_from_date_wid_date] - CYF Event From Date (Join)
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ23_12 - SAFQ23_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abe_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qAge15OrOver -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_idc_birth_year_nbr] - SNZ Birth Year
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_2 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateGoods_BusAss - DON_qDonateGoods_BusAss
This variable is not part of a dataset.[msd_register_start_date] - register start date
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_1 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_99 - HOUQ04_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNotContact_NoFllwUp - DVNotContact_NoFllwUp
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_ParentRole - DVFam_ParentRole
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qTrustPayMortgage -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_indirect_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_morphology_code - moh_can_morphology_code
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ05OthNR - CULQ05OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.UsableCHH_P2 - UsableCHH_P2
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Samoan - HQS1_qEthnicity_Samoan
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccDoc_TooFar - DVDiffAccDoc_TooFar
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOthNR_5 - DONDT1_qDonateOthNR_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cli_source_uk_var_1_text] - CYF Notification Record ID
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEAQ06 - HEAQ06
This variable is not part of a dataset.[otfs_cid_birth_month_nbr] - SNZ Birth Month
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_clients_per_event_nbr] - CYF Count
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccSup_Refused - DVDiffAccSup_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_birth_month_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qActive - HEA_qActive
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_count_nbr] - CYF Count
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOth_7 - DONDT1_qDonateOth_7
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateMoney_Religion - DON_qDonateMoney_Religion
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fwe_indirect_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ine_direct_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_children_no_referral_nbr] - CAP Children With No Referral
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abe_event_type_wid_nbr] - CYF Event Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_3_coded - HQS1T2_qEthOth_3_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_external_ref_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp15 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_NoNeed - DVNoLivingHeat_NoNeed
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_3 - HQS1T2_qEthOth_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_pref_ethnicity_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ivd_comp_dq_value_wid_nbr] - CYF Composite Data Quality Value
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRentPrdOth - HCQ_qRentPrdOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_1 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_number_of_days_nbr] - CYF Number of Days
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_ethnic_snz_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_age_type_code] - CAP Child Referral Age (Published)
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_All -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp14 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_ethnic_grp6_snz_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_3 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_jus_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ine_event to_datetime] - CYF Event To Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_20 - SUPQ06_20
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEAQ08b - HEAQ08b
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_child_disabilities_code] - CAP Child Disabilities (Published)
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qLessCarefulEmo -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09_14 - SUPQ09_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_3 - SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefHome_refused - DVDefHome_refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_Other - DVNoRBedHeat_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_5 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_sp_completed_date] - CAP Safety Plan Completed Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_direct_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Skin - CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Skin
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_sdqt_emotional_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqt_emotional_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccPark_DontKnow - DVDiffAccPark_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_11 - HQT3_qRel_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_event_to_datetime] - CYF Event To Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_OthHeat - DVNoLivingHeat_OthHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.HTS_qLengthStay - HTS_qLengthStay
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09_15 - SUPQ09_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ple_event_from_date_wid_date] - CYF Event From Date (Join)
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccPark_TooFar - DVDiffAccPark_TooFar
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_growth_date - moh_bsc_growth_date
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateGoods_Other - DON_qDonateGoods_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_tnm_n - moh_can_tnm_n
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRentAmt -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_3_coded -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_plc_respite_ind] - CYF Respite Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_14 - SUPQ03_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_current_prsn_uid] - SNZ Current Person Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_4_coded - HQS1T2_qEthOth_4_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_event_type_text] - CYF Event Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_check_date - Date the check was completed
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qPayRent -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp16 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp16
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ06_12 - SAFQ06_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncSource_Refused_ -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_3 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qDisabilityRemember -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOth_1_coded - DONDT2_qDonateOth_1_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_14 - HOUQ03_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lsd_custody_group_text] - CYF Custody Group
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_swp_uid] - SNZ CYF Social Work Phase Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15_19 - SUPQ15_19
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lsd_legal_status_group_text] - CYF Legal Status Group
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_12 - SUPQ03_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Accent -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp21 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_source_uk_var6_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.[moh_chr_collection_text] - Collection
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_idc_sex_code] - SNZ Sex
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_event_from_datetime] - CYF Event From Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_srd_final_urg_type_code] - CYF Final Urgency Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qPayMortgage -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_15 - SUPQ03_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_external_ref_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOth_5 - DONDT2_qDonateOth_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_to_date_wid_date] - CYF To Date (Join)
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_cap_family_uid] - SNZ CAP Family Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qConfirmPeopleComplete - HQ_qConfirmPeopleComplete
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_period_start_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_1 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qMemory -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp24 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp24
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHI_qAsthma - AHI_qAsthma
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_DontKnow - DVNoCBedHeat_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ09 - SAFQ09
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateGoods_Research - DON_qDonateGoods_Research
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ04 - CULQ04
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15_16 - SUPQ15_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_direct_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ04 - SAFQ04
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ple_number_of_days_nbr] - CYF Number of Days
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_meshblock_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateGoods_Law - DON_qDonateGoods_Law
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVEnvReas_Rivers - DVEnvReas_Rivers
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11_88 - SUPQ11_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qHealthExcellentPoor -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_peds_date - moh_bsc_peds_date
This variable is not part of a dataset.Person_FinalWgt_1 - 100 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_indirect_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_cps_primary_identity_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateGoods_Social - DON_qDonateGoods_Social
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ14 - SAFQ14
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_Broken - DVNoLivingHeat_Broken
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_88 - SUPQ06_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_11 - HOUQ03_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_23 - SUPQ06_23
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_hshd_size_nbr] - Number of people in household at date of application
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_fItem_6 - CULCIT1_fItem_6
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_DontKnow - DVNoRBedVent_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ple_indirect_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_Safety - DVNoLivingHeat_Safety
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp11 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp11
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_event_to_date_wid_date] - Event To Date Warehouse ID Lookup
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_idc_death_year_nbr] - SNZ Death Year
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ23_99 - SAFQ23_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Tongan -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOth_2_coded - DONDT2_qDonateOth_2_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_referral_count_nbr] - CAP Referral Count
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Disabled - CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Disabled
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_3 - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_13 - HQT3_qRel_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOthNR_7 - DONDT1_qDonateOthNR_7
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qKitchVent - HHB_qKitchVent
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qPayMortgage - HQ_qPayMortgage
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncSource_Dont_Know -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_2_coded -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[gw_referral_date] - CYF Gateway Referral Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.AKF_qAccDoc - AKF_qAccDoc
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp11 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_srd_assoc_intake_evnt_id_nbr] - CYF Earliest Associated Intake Event ID
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS2_qPaidJob -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[need_selection_type_code] - CYF Need Selection Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_Other - DVNoLivingHeat_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fwe_event_from_date_wid_date] - CYF Event From Date Warehouse ID Lookup
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_imposed_sentence_length] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_Weather - DVNoCBedVent_Weather
This variable is not part of a dataset.HSU_qBedNumNR - HSU_qBedNumNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abe_number_of_days_nbr] - CYF Number of Days
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_calendar_quarter_nbr] - CYF Calendar Quarter
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_DontKnow - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_1 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_Refused - Why is your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Refused_ - CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Refused_
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qFearCredit - SAF_qFearCredit
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Indian - HQS1_qEthnicity_Indian
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ04 - PHYQ04
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Drunk - SAF_qProblemsHood_Drunk
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ05 - HOUQ05
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ13 - SAFQ13
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_30 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccPark_Refused - DVDiffAccPark_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_idc_systm_persn_id_var_text] - CYF System Person Identifier Name
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09_20 - SUPQ09_20
This variable is not part of a dataset.AKF_qAccTran - AKF_qAccTran
This variable is not part of a dataset.[mdc_meeting_needed_yn] - CYF Multi-disciplinary Clinical Meeting Needed Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncSource_Wages -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[needs_desc] - CYF Needs Type Description
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_Safety - DVNoKitchVent_Safety
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_20 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccTran_DontKnow - DVDiffAccTran_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_1_coded - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_1_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp25 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp25
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_event_from_date_wid_date] - CYF Event From Date (Join)
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccDoc_Refused - DVDiffAccDoc_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEAQ08c - HEAQ08c
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_source_uk_var5_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.[need_category_code] - CYF Need Category
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ple_event_type_wid_nbr] - CYF Event Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNotContact_Refused - DVNotContact_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_4 - HQS1T2_qEthOth_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp26 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_fItem_4 - CULCIT1_fItem_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_event_type_wid_nbr] - CYF Event Type Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ06 - PHYQ06
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_NotHome - DVNoRBedVent_NotHome
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOth_5 - DONDT1_qDonateOth_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_NoFan - DVNoKitchVent_NoFan
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_accident_flag_code - Accident plan
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Niuean -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cli_phase_role_text] - CYF Phase Role
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_idf_dhb_source_code - IDF DHB source
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_service_type_code - Service type
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNotContact_RentInc - DVNotContact_RentInc
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumChildDepNK -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp27 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_parent_count_nbr] - CAP Parent Count
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_6 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_fin_item_code] - CYF Financial Item
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_source_uk_var3_text] - CYF Assessment Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncSource_OtherSup -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNotContact_NoBother - DVNotContact_NoBother
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_tenancy_length_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOthNR_4 - DONDT2_qDonateOthNR_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qCBedVent - HHB_qCBedVent
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_99 - SUPQ03_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qMortAmt - HCQ_qMortAmt
This variable is not part of a dataset.[needs_created_date] - CYF Needs Created Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_general_grommets - Indicates if child has grommets.
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_index_offence_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ05_88 - CULQ05_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abe_event_from_datetime] - CYF Event From Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_gateway_uid] - SNZ CYF Gateway Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ06_88 - SAFQ06_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03OthNR - SUPQ03OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ple_direct_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09_16 - SUPQ09_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_direct_gross_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_activity_type_code] - CYF Activity Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_imposed_sentence_length_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_group_event_start_date] - CYF Group Start Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_indirect_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_stated_location_pref_text] - First 10 preferred locations
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEAQ10 - HEAQ10
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_source_uk_var4_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Accent - CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Accent
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_calendar_date] - CYF Event Calendar Start Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_laboratory_code - moh_can_laboratory_code
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_hs_building_year_nbr] - building year
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHIS1_qReceiveMed_4 - AHIS1_qReceiveMed_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEAQ02a - HEAQ02a
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ05_13 - CULQ05_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_hs_bathroom_status_text] - bathroom status
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qRentAmtNR - HQ_qRentAmtNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lse_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOU_qBedroomsNum - HOU_qBedroomsNum
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_6 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qLivFluedUnflued - HHB_qLivFluedUnflued
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_number_of_days_nbr] - CYF Number of Days
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_derived_payment_date] - CYF Derived Payment Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_to_calendar_year_nbr] - CYF Calendar Year
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lse_number_of_days_nbr] - CYF Number of Days
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ09 - CULQ09
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fwe_event_type_wid_nbr] - CYF Event Type Warehouse ID Lookup
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic2_snz_code] - SNZ Ethnicity 2
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQS1_qLoanPayPrd_11 - HCQS1_qLoanPayPrd_17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_tenancy_end_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_Blanket - DVNoRBedHeat_Blanket
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ine_event_from_date_wid_date] - CYF Event From Date (Join)
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_19 - SUPQ03_19
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_month_ending_date] - CYF Month Ending Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.AOD_qReligious - AOD_qReligious
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_bond_amt] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefTen_Other - DVDefTen_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ06_13 - SAFQ06_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.Hhld_FinalWgt_1 to Hhld_FinalWgt_100 - Hhld_FinalWgt_1 to Hhld_FinalWgt_100
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ13 - PHYQ13
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccSup_Access - DVDiffAccSup_Access
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ind_final_outcome_actn_code] - CYF Final Outcome Action
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lse_direct_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_15 - HQT3_qRel_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qMoreLessCrime - SAF_qMoreLessCrime
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Gangs - SAF_qProblemsHood_Gangs
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Vandalsm - SAF_qProblemsHood_Vandalsm
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Chinese -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Drugs - SAF_qProblemsHood_Drugs
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVEnvReas_AirQual - DVEnvReas_AirQual
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOU_qHouseCondition - HOU_qHouseCondition
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_ChildRole - DVFam_ChildRole
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_6_coded - HQS1T2_qEthOth_6_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_fin_item_type_text] - CYF Financial Item Description
This variable is not part of a dataset.HTS_qSchoolChange - HTS_qSchoolChange
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_birthplace_country_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_sex_snz_code] - Sex variable concorded to the Statistics NZ standard.
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_2 - HQS1T2_qEthOth_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ12 - SAFQ12
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRatesAny -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qInsPremPrdOth -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_2 - HQS1T2_qEthOth_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_22 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_ethnic_grp1_snz_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qRentAmt - HQ_qRentAmt
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_med_primary_injury_ind] - ACC Primary Injury Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_day_in_week_nbr] - CYF Weekday Number
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_data_quality_flag_nbr] - CYF Data Quality Flag
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_creation_datetime] - CYF Created Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fwe_indirect_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_NotWant - DVNoBathVent_NotWant
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11_14 - SUPQ11_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_1_code] - CYF Ethnicity 1
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_19 - HOUQ03_19
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_NotInRoom - DVNoLivingHeat_NotInRoom
This variable is not part of a dataset.CDM_qMouldSize - CDM_qMouldSize
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ivd_assessment_id_nbr] - CYF Assessment Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.Person_FinalWgt_1 - 100 - Person_FinalWgt_1 - 100
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qSafeNightHood - SAF_qSafeNightHood
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_analy_score_sustain_text] - Clients most recent SASscore for Sustainability as at the end of the month
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ23_11 - SAFQ23_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ine_event_to_date_wid_date] - CYF Event To Date (Join)
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lse_event_type_wid_nbr] - CYF Event Type Warehouse ID Lookup
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_growth_height_nbr - moh_bsc_growth_height_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_analy_score_suitably_text] - Clients most recent SAS score for suitability as at the end of the month. -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_event_type_wid_nbr] - CYF Event Type Warehouse ID Lookup
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_perp_prsn_uid] - SNZ Perpetrator Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_period_end_date] - CYF Period End Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_NoFan - DVNoBathVent_NoFan
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_clients_per_event_nbr] - CYF Count
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVEnvReas_Oceans - DVEnvReas_Oceans
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qSafeOnline - SAF_qSafeOnline
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOth_1 - SAFPT1_qProblemOth_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_event_type_wid_nbr] - CYF Event Type Warehouse ID
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_Dehumid - DVNoKitchVent_Dehumid
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_NoHeat - DVNoCBedHeat_NoHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_withdrawal_date_text - wtd_date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qTenancyType - HQ_qTenancyType
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_peds_outcome_text - moh_bsc_peds_outcome_text
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp29 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHHTen - DVHHTen
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_ethnic_grp2_snz_uid] - SNZ Maori Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp26 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp26
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_room_nbr_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOth_3_coded - DONDT1_qDonateOth_3_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_DontKnow - DVNoBathVent_DontKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qAnyoneAway - HQ_qAnyoneAway
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_iwi1_code] - CAP Iwi 1
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDwellUnsuit_Cost - Why is your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp18 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp18
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fwd_business_area_type_code] - CYF Business Area
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp16 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_ethnic_grp2_snz_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQS1_qLoanPayPrdOthNR_11-HCQS1_qLoanPayPrdOthNR_17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[earlst_atnd_hlth_asmt_apt_date] - CYF Earliest Attended Health Assessment Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11_20 - SUPQ11_20
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp17 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp17
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ind_final_urgency_type_code] - CYF Final Urgency Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateMoney_Commun - DON_qDonateMoney_Commun
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncSource_NoIncome -
This variable is not part of a dataset.Person_FinalWgt -
This variable is not part of a dataset.AOD_qDiffLang -
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHI_qCareDays - AHI_qCareDays
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_dental_decay_nbr - moh_bsc_dental_decay_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOthNR_3 - DONDT2_qDonateOthNR_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp14 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_source_uk_var2_text] - CYF Social Work Phase Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Drunk -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qBedFluedUnflued - HHB_qBedFluedUnflued
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_location_code - Location
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qAnyoneToDelete -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ine_source_uk_var4_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_2 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_contrib_row_count_nbr] - CYF Contributing Row Count
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ21 - SAFQ21
This variable is not part of a dataset.NEN_qEndangered - NEN_qEndangered
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qTrustPayMortgage -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cli_section_15_ind] - CYF Section 15 Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_16 - SUPQ06_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_Broken - DVNoCBedHeat_Broken
This variable is not part of a dataset.[mdc_meeting_completed_yn] - CYF Multi-disciplinary Clinical Meeting Completed Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_6 - HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_6
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_ethnic_grp4_snz_ind] - Asian ethnicity indicator. T
This variable is not part of a dataset.[health_yn] - CYF Health Needs Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_5 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[moh_gms_amount_paid_amt] - Amount paid excluding GST.
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qDisabilityCommunicate - DIS_qDisabilityCommunicate
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_range_code] - CAP Age Range
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_event_to_date_wid_date] - CYF Event To Date Warehouse ID Lookup
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_sdqp_hyperactive_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqp_hyperactive_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQS1_qMorHolMthNR_11-HCQS1_qMorHolMthNR_17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp27 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp27
This variable is not part of a dataset.[moh_gms_csc_code] - CSC flag
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_12 - HQT3_qRel_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_sdqp_peer_prob_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqp_peer_prob_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ple_source_uk_var1_text] - CYF Placement Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ple_event_from_datetime] - CYF Event From Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_event_id_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_birth_year_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ05Oth - HOUQ05Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_otfs_uid] - SNZ OTFS Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_sentence_location_text] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qPayLCRates -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11_99 - SUPQ11_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_residual_ind] - CYF Maori Residual Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_source_uk_var4_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOwnsHouse - HQ_qWhoOwnsHouse
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13_22 - SUPQ13_22
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_25 - SUPQ06_25
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ05OthNR - HOUQ05OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_fItem_1 - CULCIT1_fItem_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Age - CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Age
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_hs_bedrooms_nbr] - number of bedrooms
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_ethnic_grp4_snz_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_ethnic_grp2_snz_ind] - Maori ethnicity indicator.
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_2 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_source_uk_var6_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_sex_code - Sex
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_2_code] - CYF Ethnicity 2
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11_16 - SUPQ11_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp16 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp16
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ07 - SUPQ07
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_eth_priority_grp_code - Prioritised ethnic group
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_Safety - DVNoBathVent_Safety
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fwe_event_from_datetime - CYF Event From Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ15 - SAFQ15
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_to_weekend_ind] - CYF Weekend Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_14 - SUPQ06_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_6 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_med_injury_diagnosis_code] - ACC Injury Diagnosis
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ02 - SAFQ02
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQS1_qLoanPayAmtNR_11-HCQS1_qLoanPayAmtNR_17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp28 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09_22 - SUPQ09_22
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateGoods_Refused_ - DON_qDonateGoods_Refused_
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_Dehumid - DVNoRBedVent_Dehumid
This variable is not part of a dataset.HTS_qPreviousTenure - HTS_qPreviousTenure
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_prsn_uid] - SNZ MSD System Person Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_1_coded - HQS1T2_qEthOth_1_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.- Severity
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pld_full_time_ind] - CYF Full-time Placement Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Other -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_Refused - DVNoRBedVent_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_birth_year_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_to_month_name_text] - CYF Month Name
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_source_uk_var3_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_period_end_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.Person_FinalWgt - Person_FinalWgt
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp18 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_22 - SUPQ06_22
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMoveOwnReas - DVMoveOwnReas
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp14 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEA_qAccomplishLessPhys -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_day_name_text] - CYF Weekday Name
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumChild -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HSU_qLocSuit - How suitable or unsuitable do you think the location of your house or flat is?
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_birth_month_nbr] - SNZ Birth Month (Published)
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ10Oth - SAFQ10Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_period_end_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09_11 - SUPQ09_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoLivingHeat_NotHome - DVNoLivingHeat_NotHome
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15_23 - SUPQ15_23
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_birth_year_nbr] - SNZ Birth Year (Published)
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ple_direct_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qTenancyLength - HQ_qTenancyLength
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_16 - HOUQ03_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_event_from_datetime] - CYF Event From Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_grp3_snz_ind] - SNZ Pacific Peoples Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_5 - HQS1T2_qEthOth_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateMoney_Other - DON_qDonateMoney_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lsd_comp_dq_value_wid_nbr] - CYF Data Quality Warehouse ID Lookup
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fwe_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUDV2 - HOUDV2
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_5 - SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09_17 - SUPQ09_17
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ13Oth - SUPQ13Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_99 - HOUQ03_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_lse_event_from_date_wid_date] - CYF Event From Date Warehouse ID Lookup
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_5 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qAnyoneToDelete - HQ_qAnyoneToDelete
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Samoan -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ10OthNR - SAFQ10OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_4 - HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.AOD_qDisability - AOD_qDisability
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp28 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp28
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_prd_comp_dq_value_wid_nbr] - CYF Data Quality
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_Refused - DVNoCBedHeat_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ07 - PHYQ07
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNotContact_NoCntct - DVNotContact_NoCntct
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09_12 - SUPQ09_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_3 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_analy_score_access_text] - Clients most recent SAS score for Accessibility as at the end of the month
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp27 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp27
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ04_88 - HOUQ04_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumIndepChild -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_analysis_total_score_text] - 'Total SAS scores that combines with [msd_priority_text]
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncSource_SuppLive -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ19OthNR - SAFQ19OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefHome_Cost - DVDefHome_Cost
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_24 - SUPQ03_24
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_8 - SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_8
This variable is not part of a dataset.CDM_qHouseBreath - CDM_qHouseBreath
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qMortPrdOthNR - HCQ_qMortPrdOthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefHome_Other - DVDefHome_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ10_13 - SAFQ10_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp13 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_sdqt_hyperactive_nbr - moh_bsc_sdqt_hyperactive_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_28 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_meshblock_imputed_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_to_calendar_quarter_nbr] - CYF Calendar Quarter
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccPark_Access - DVDiffAccPark_Access
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedVent_NoOpen - DVNoCBedVent_NoOpen
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_1 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp29 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp29 - HQ_qWhoAway_Resp29
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_18 - HOUQ03_18
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_data_quality_issue_code] - CYF Data Quality Issue Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.UsableCPer_P3 - UsableCPer_P3
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_jus_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09_99 - SUPQ09_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_to_fiscal_year_text] - CYF Fiscal Year
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_dem_family_violence_code] - CAP Family Violence
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedHeat_OthHeat - DVNoRBedHeat_OthHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_hearing_tympnmtry_l_text - moh_bsc_hearing_tympnmtry_l_text
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOth_6 - DONDT1_qDonateOth_6
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp11 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp26 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoAway_Resp21 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.AOD_qGLBT - AOD_qGLBT
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_CookIsld - HQS1_qEthnicity_CookIsld
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_5 - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pld_output_class_code] - CYF Output Class
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_signatory_flg_ind] - Y/N flag if the client is the signatory on the application
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumChildDepNK - DVFam_NumChildDepNK
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_source_uk_var2_text] - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ06_99 - SAFQ06_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefHome_NotImpt - DVDefHome_NotImpt
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_received_date] - CAP Received Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Harrass - SAF_qProblemsHood_Harrass
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_birth_month_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_3 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ02 - SUPQ02
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_role_text] - CAP Role
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_btd_date] - CYF Batch Transfer Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_5_coded - HQS1T2_qEthOth_5_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Niuean - HQS1_qEthnicity_Niuean
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abd_business_area_type_code] - CYF Business Area
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_period_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Dont_Kno - CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Dont_Kno
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT2_qDonateOthNR_1 - DONDT2_qDonateOthNR_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoKitchVent_NotKnow - DVNoKitchVent_NotKnow
This variable is not part of a dataset.SMO_qSmoking - SMO_qSmoking
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccDoc_Hours - DVDiffAccDoc_Hours
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_uk_var3_uid] - SNZ CYF Perpetrator Person ID
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_na_ta_code] - The territorial authority associated with the the applicant's current address
This variable is not part of a dataset.EstatusPQ_P2 - EstatusPQ_P2
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Skin -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_to_year_quarter_text] - CYF Year/Quarter
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoRBedVent_NoOpen - DVNoRBedVent_NoOpen
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp20 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp20
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEAQ11 - HEAQ11
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_next_period_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_sdqp_outcome_text - moh_bsc_sdqp_outcome_text
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDiffAccTran_Refused - DVDiffAccTran_Refused
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp22 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp22
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_2 - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_volume_amt - Volume
This variable is not part of a dataset.NEN_qFreshQual - NEN_qFreshQual
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_med_injury_diagnosis_text] - ACC Injury Diagnosis Category
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_to_fiscal_quarter_nbr] - CYF Fiscal Quarter
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qRBedHeat - HHB_qRBedHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ19_12 - SAFQ19_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_cec_group_type_specific_text] - CYF Group Type Specific
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLivHeatType - DVLivHeatType
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qLoansNumNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQS1_qLoanBalanceNR_11-HCQS1_qLoanBalanceNR_17 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Appear -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[dbh_bond_ta_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_15 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qHouseInTrust -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fwd_review_due_date] - CYF Review Due Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_imms_date - moh_bsc_imms_date
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ01D - SAFQ01D
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_1 - HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qCompost - HQ_qCompost
This variable is not part of a dataset.HEADV2 - HEADV2
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_NoOpen - DVNoBathVent_NoOpen
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_max_period_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULQ07 - CULQ07
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_pre_source_uk_var5_text - CYF No Data
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoBathVent_Vents - DVNoBathVent_Vents
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ03_21 - SUPQ03_21
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRatesAmt -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_direct_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHB_qCBedVentNR - HHB_qCBedVentNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abd_extracted_datetime] - CYF Extracted Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_abe_event_to_datetime] - CYF Event To Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.Hhld_FinalWgt -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoToDelete_Resp24 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_14 - HQT3_qRel_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS3_qIncSource_ACC -
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_4 - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHI_qSickDays - AHI_qSickDays
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS2_qFullPartTime - HQS2_qFullPartTime
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15_20 - SUPQ15_20
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOth_1 - DONDT1_qDonateOth_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_app_relship_text] - The territorial authority associated with the the applicant's current address
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVDefTen_NoCntct - DVDefTen_NoCntct
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15_15 - SUPQ15_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qHouseInspect - HQ_qHouseInspect
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_event_to_datetime] - CYF Event To Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_2_coded -
This variable is not part of a dataset.- Period
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_triage_level_code - Triage level
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_european_ind] - CYF European Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp30 - HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp30
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qSeeing -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HHld_SelnWgt - HHld_SelnWgt
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qWhoOutOfScope_Resp12 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_can_site_code - moh_can_site_code
This variable is not part of a dataset.DON_qDonateMoney_Refused_ - DON_qDonateMoney_Refused_
This variable is not part of a dataset.CUL_qCultIdentityReason_Sex -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_year_quarter_text] - CYF Year/Quarter
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_ethnicity1_code] - The ethnicity recorded for the person in the HNZC data
This variable is not part of a dataset.DONDT1_qDonateOth_4_coded - DONDT1_qDonateOth_4_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ09_23 - SUPQ09_23
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_21 - HQT3_qRel_21
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_hearing_date - moh_bsc_hearing_date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[otfs_cid_child_surname_imputed] - OTFS Name Imputation Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_ive_indirect_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Indirect Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_systm_prsn_uid] - SNZ MSD System Person Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_imms_outcome_text - moh_bsc_imms_outcome_text
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qDisabilityHear - DIS_qDisabilityHear
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVNoCBedHeat_OthHeat - DVNoCBedHeat_OthHeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOth_3 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.AHI_qFlu - AHI_qFlu
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_attendance_type_code - attend
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Dont_Know -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQ_qAnyoneAway -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qRatesSingle -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFPT1_qProblemOthNR_7 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAFQ06Oth - SAFQ06Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_index_offence_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic_asian_ind] - CYF Asian Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_99 - SUPQ06_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qSafeNightHood -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Tongan - HQS1_qEthnicity_Tongan
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cap_ref_signed_date] - CAP Signed Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_frm_weekend_ind] - CYF Weekend Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1_qEthnicity_Dont_Know - HQS1_qEthnicity_Dont_Know
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qInsPremPrdOthNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DIS_qDisabilitySee - DIS_qDisabilitySee
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_to_date_number_format_nbr] - CYF Date Number Format
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ06_18 - SUPQ06_18
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_direct_daily_gross_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Gross Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_homeless_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_24 - HQT3_qRel_24
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_DepStat -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_hearing_outcome_text - moh_bsc_hearing_outcome_text
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_5 - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOthNR_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ05 - SUPQ05
This variable is not part of a dataset.[hnz_nah_ethnic_grp3_snz_ind] - Pacific peoples ethnicity indicator.
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_hearing_tympnmtry_r_text - moh_bsc_hearing_tympnmtry_r_text
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_WithPartner -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_sre_event_type_wid_nbr] - CYF Event Type Lookup Warehouse ID
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_3_coded - CULCIT1_qCultlDRsnOth_3_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_17 - HOUQ03_17
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ11_18 - SUPQ11_18
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_spe_direct_daily_nett_amt] - CYF Direct Daily Nett Amount
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15OthNR - SUPQ15OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.CULCIT1_fItem_2 - CULCIT1_fItem_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fva_period_start_date] - CYF Period Start Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.AOD_qDisability -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOM_qRepairsNeed - HOM_qRepairsNeed
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_event_type_code - Event type
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_nnp_hlth_prov_type_code - Health provider type
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_sdqp_date - moh_bsc_sdqp_date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_soc_ethnic4_snz_code] - SNZ Ethnicity 4
This variable is not part of a dataset.AOD_qEthnic - AOD_qEthnic
This variable is not part of a dataset.moh_bsc_peds_pathway_code - moh_bsc_peds_pathway_code
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cyf_fwd_comp_dq_value_wid_nbr] - CYF Data Quality Warehouse ID Lookup
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_dbh_tenant_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_end_record_id_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HOUQ03_15 - HOUQ03_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQS1T2_qEthOthNR_4 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[needs_cat_desc] - CYF Need Category Description
This variable is not part of a dataset.SUPQ15_22 - SUPQ15_22
This variable is not part of a dataset.HQT3_qRel_25 - HQT3_qRel_25
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoVoteLEOth_coded -
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGE_Other - VOT_qNoEligibleGE_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_course_level_code - NZQF_levelc
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ04 - KASQ04
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_qual_level_code - NZQF_levelq
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVStudy -
This variable is not part of a dataset.LWW_qThingsWorthwhileScale - LWW_qThingsWorthwhileScale
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03_R1 - WORT1Q03_R1
This variable is not part of a dataset.LWW_qThingsWorthwhileScale - LWW_qThingsWorthwhileScale
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qEligibleGE -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_subject3_code - main_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_field_main3_code - mf3
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ03G - ELSQ03G
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ03E - ELSQ03E
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ15H - PHYQ15H
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_ethnic2_code - ethnic2
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q01_R4 - WORT1Q01_R4
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ05E - ELSQ05E
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ05H - ELSQ05H
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03_R2 - WORT1Q03_R2
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ04_1 - ELSQ04_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolPetitionNum -
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleLE_Overseas -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02_R2 - WORT1Q02_R2
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ06 - ELSQ06
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ08 - ELSQ08
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_efts_consumed_nbr - eftsconsumed
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ15E - PHYQ15E
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORQ05 - WORQ05
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_year_nbr - year
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolAdvocacyLNI_Internat -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02NR_R9 - WORT1Q02NR_R9
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolAdvocacy -
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleLE_Not18 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q01_R10 - WORT1Q01_R10
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04_R4 - WORT1Q04_R4
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGE_Not18 - VOT_qNoEligibleGE_Not18
This variable is not part of a dataset.EthEuropean - EthEuropean
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolProtestNumNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03_R5 - WORT1Q03_R5
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGEOth_coded - VOT_qNoEligibleGEOth_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolProtestLNI_Internat -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SchQualYN - SchQualYN
This variable is not part of a dataset.EthMaori - EthMaori
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02_R5 - WORT1Q02_R5
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolAdvocacyLNI_Refused_ -
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoVoteGEOth -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_isced_level_code - isced_level
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_prior_activity_code - prior_a
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolPetitionLNI_Refused_ -
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolPetition -
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGE_NotInNZ -
This variable is not part of a dataset.ITR_qTrustMed -
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qFeelAboutLifeScale - PWB_qFeelAboutLifeScale
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ04_4 - ELSQ04_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORQ04 - WORQ04
This variable is not part of a dataset.StudyYN -
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ05Oth - KASQ05Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ05F - ELSQ05F
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ02_4 - ELSQ02_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q01_R5 - WORT1Q01_R5
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_year_nbr - year
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_lln_indicator_ind - lln_indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_study_ta_code - study_ta
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qVoteLE -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_first_tertiary_year_nbr - first_yr
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02NR_R3 - WORT1Q02NR_R3
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qEligibleGE - VOT_qEligibleGE
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qVoteGE - VOT_qVoteGE
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ15K - PHYQ15K
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_residency_status_code - residency
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEnrolGEOth_coded - VOT_qNoEnrolGEOth_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_last_school_year_nbr - y_school
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolProtestLNI_National -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_qacc_code - qacc
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_is_domestic_ind - Is_domestic
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ15B - PHYQ15B
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORQ08Oth - WORQ08Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_qual_nzsced_code - nzscedq
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05NR_R9 - WORT1Q05NR_R9
This variable is not part of a dataset.- moe_nsi_birth_month_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ15C - PHYQ15C
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ05B - ELSQ05B
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_iwi2_code - iwi2
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04NR_R10 - WORT1Q04NR_R10
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGE_Citizen -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05NR_R4 - WORT1Q05NR_R4
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05_R3 - WORT1Q05_R3
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05_R1 - WORT1Q05_R1
This variable is not part of a dataset.Ethnic_Imputed - Ethnic_Imputed
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q01_R8 - WORT1Q01_R8
This variable is not part of a dataset.ITR_qTrustCour -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_funding_srce_code - funding
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_complete_applies_ind - complete_applies
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORQ07 - WORQ07
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolPetitionLNI_Internat -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SchoolYN -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_ethnic3_code - ethnic3
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_efts_course_factor_nbr - eftsfactor
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_study_ta_code - study_ta
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ05G - ELSQ05G
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORDV3 - WORDV3
This variable is not part of a dataset.Ethnic_Imputed - Ethnic_Imputed
This variable is not part of a dataset.ITR_qTrustHlth -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04_R3 - WORT1Q04_R3
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03NR_R7 - WORT1Q03NR_R7
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoVoteGEOthNR - VOT_qNoVoteGEOthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_disablity_code - disable
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ02_2 - ELSQ02_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEnrolGE -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03NR_R4 - WORT1Q03NR_R4
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05_R5 - WORT1Q05_R5
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ02_14 - KASQ02_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_residency_status_code - residency
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ01G - ELSQ01G
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_nature_code - l_nature
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVEth1 - DVEth14 - DVEth1 - DVEth14
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_country_code - citizen
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_foreign_fee_course_amt - fee_foreignc
This variable is not part of a dataset.POLS1_qPolActivityOften_6 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.snz_moe_uid - snz_moe_uid
This variable is not part of a dataset.ITR_qTrustPol -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_iwi2_code - iwi2
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04NR_R9 - WORT1Q04NR_R9
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_iwi1_code - iwi1
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03NR_R3 - WORT1Q03NR_R3
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_funding_srce_code - funding
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ15A - PHYQ15A
This variable is not part of a dataset.gender - moe_nsi_sex_code
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q01_R9 - WORT1Q01_R9
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_qacc_code - qacc
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03NR_R10 - WORT1Q03NR_R10
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04_R9 - WORT1Q04_R9
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleLE_Citizen -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05NR_R3 - WORT1Q05NR_R3
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ05_13 - KASQ05_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORQ03 - WORQ03
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ02_5 - ELSQ02_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_highest_sec_qual_code - sec_qual
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ02_99 - KASQ02_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02NR_R10 - WORT1Q02NR_R10
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qThingsWorthwhileScale - PWB_qThingsWorthwhileScale
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGE_Refused_ - VOT_qNoEligibleGE_Refused_
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_is_domestic_ind - Is_domestic
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ05_16 - KASQ05_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03_R10 - WORT1Q03_R10
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ07 - KASQ07
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolAdvocacyNumNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ02_88 - KASQ02_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ02_1 - ELSQ02_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_study_type_code - study_type
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVStudy - DVStudy
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolPetitionNumNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGE_Dont_Know -
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ15F - PHYQ15F
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ02_3 - ELSQ02_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_disability_code - disable
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05NR_R5 - WORT1Q05NR_R5
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleLE_Dont_Know -
This variable is not part of a dataset.EthMELAA - EthMELAA
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGEOth - VOT_qNoEligibleGEOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_first_tertiary_year_nbr - first_yr
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ02_6 - ELSQ02_6
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVEth1 - DVEth14 - DVEth1 - DVEth14
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04NR_R7 - WORT1Q04NR_R7
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_pbrf_vrf_nbr - pbrf_vrf
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ06 - KASQ06
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolAdvocacyLNI_Local -
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qCouncilInfluence - POL_qCouncilInfluence
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05NR_R1 - WORT1Q05NR_R1
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04NR_R8 - WORT1Q04NR_R8
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03_R8 - WORT1Q03_R8
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleLEOth_coded -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DoB - moe_nsi_birth_year_nbr
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_qual_code - qual
This variable is not part of a dataset.snz_moe_uid -
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ04_3 - ELSQ04_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.EthEuropean - Indicator showing whether respondent identifies themselves as European
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qGovInfluence - POL_qGovInfluence
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_provider_code - instit
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORQ09 - WORQ09
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEnrolGEOth_coded -
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEnrolGEOth - VOT_qNoEnrolGEOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_country_code - citizen
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02NR_R2 - WORT1Q02NR_R2
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ05_11 - KASQ05_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_iwi1_code - iwi1
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleLE_NotInNZ -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03_R6 - WORT1Q03_R6
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ05_22 - KASQ05_22
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02NR_R8 - WORT1Q02NR_R8
This variable is not part of a dataset.POLS1_qPolActivityOften_1 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHQual - DVHQual
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_qual_code - qual
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05_R10 - WORT1Q05_R10
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGEOth -
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ02_16 - KASQ02_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05_R2 - WORT1Q05_R2
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03_R3 - WORT1Q03_R3
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolProtestLNI_Refused_ -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_course_class_code - class
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVQualYrs1 - DVQualYrs20 - DVQualYrs1 - DVQualYrs20
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVPSQual1 - DVPSQual20 - DVPSQual1 - DVPSQual20
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05_R6 - WORT1Q05_R6
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ15M - PHYQ15M
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05NR_R7 - WORT1Q05NR_R7
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ01E - ELSQ01E
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoVoteGEOth_coded - VOT_qNoVoteGEOth_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_end_date_text - end_date
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ03 - KASQ03
This variable is not part of a dataset.SchoolYN - SchoolYN
This variable is not part of a dataset.POLS1_qPolActivity_5 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03NR_R5 - WORT1Q03NR_R5
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHQual -
This variable is not part of a dataset.POLS1_qPolActivity_6 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05NR_R8 - WORT1Q05NR_R8
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_pbrf_course_complete_year_nbr - pbrf_crs_comp_yr
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_prior_activity_code - prior_a
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04_R10 - WORT1Q04_R10
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_qual_level_code - NZQF_levelq
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORQ08 - WORQ08
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03NR_R9 - WORT1Q03NR_R9
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_study_type_code - study_type
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ03D - ELSQ03D
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_year_nbr - year
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ01D - ELSQ01D
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_disibility_access_code - dis_access
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02NR_R7 - WORT1Q02NR_R7
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ03C - ELSQ03C
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_last_school_year_nbr - y_school
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_efts_course_factor_nbr - eftsfactor
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_last_school_nbr - s_school
This variable is not part of a dataset.POLS1_qPolActivityOften_2 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSIDV1 - ELSIDV1
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02_R6 - WORT1Q02_R6
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ05_88 - KASQ05_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_efts_prog_nbr - eftsprg
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05NR_R6 - WORT1Q05NR_R6
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORQ04NR - WORQ04NR
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03NR_R8 - WORT1Q03NR_R8
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoVoteGE -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05_R7 - WORT1Q05_R7
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ05_14 - KASQ05_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ05_20 - KASQ05_20
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ04_7 - ELSQ04_7
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ05OthNR - KASQ05OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_sex_code - gender
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ02Oth - KASQ02Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_last_school_decile_code - decile
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGE_Dont_Know - VOT_qNoEligibleGE_Dont_Know
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ01B - ELSQ01B
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ02_12 - KASQ02_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q01_R7 - WORT1Q01_R7
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGE_Citizen - VOT_qNoEligibleGE_Citizen
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02_R1 - WORT1Q02_R1
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04NR_R4 - WORT1Q04NR_R4
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ05_12 - KASQ05_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03_R7 - WORT1Q03_R7
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ15L - PHYQ15L
This variable is not part of a dataset.EthAsian -
This variable is not part of a dataset.POLS1_qPolActivityOften_5 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.POLS1_qPolActivity_3 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_disability_access_code - dis_access
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q01_R3 - WORT1Q01_R3
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ04_6 - ELSQ04_6
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVEthnic - Ethnic groups
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleLE_Refused_ -
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qCouncilUnderstand -
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoVoteLE -
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolAdvocacyLNI_Dont_Know -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_birth_month_nbr - dob
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolPetitionLNI_Dont_Know -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_last_school_region_code - s_region
This variable is not part of a dataset.OLS_qFeelAboutLifeScale - OLS_qFeelAboutLifeScale
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_qual_level_code - NZQF_levelq
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORQ01NR - WORQ01NR
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04NR_R2 - WORT1Q04NR_R2
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleLE_Other -
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ07 - ELSQ07
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ03F - ELSQ03F
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_assistance_code - assist
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGEOthNR - VOT_qNoEligibleGEOthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04_R5 - WORT1Q04_R5
This variable is not part of a dataset.EthOther - EthOther
This variable is not part of a dataset.QNE_qConnectNeigh - QNE_qConnectNeigh
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_birth_year_nbr - dob
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qGovUnderstand -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_isced_level_code - isced_level
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02_R3 - WORT1Q02_R3
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolAdvocacyNum -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_ethnic2_code - ethnic2
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_prog_start_date_text - first_d
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORQ04_coded - WORQ04_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ05_19 - KASQ05_19
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_iwi3_code - iwi3
This variable is not part of a dataset.StudyYN - StudyYN
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_nature_code - l_nature
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qEnrolGE -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04NR_R3 - WORT1Q04NR_R3
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_subject1_code - main_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_completion_finish_ind - finish
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_ethnic1_code - ethnic1
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGEOth_coded -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SchQualYN -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_course_code - course
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ05_17 - KASQ05_17
This variable is not part of a dataset.QNE_qEnviroAttract - QNE_qEnviroAttract
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_efts_prog_years_nbr - eftsyrs
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03NR_R6 - WORT1Q03NR_R6
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGE_NotLive - VOT_qNoEligibleGE_NotLive
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_start_date_text - srt_date
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ05_15 - KASQ05_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_subject2_code - main_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.POLS1_qPolActivity_1 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ02_7 - ELSQ02_7
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02NR_R5 - WORT1Q02NR_R5
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEnrolGEOth -
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoVoteGEOth_coded -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04_R1 - WORT1Q04_R1
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORQ06 - WORQ06
This variable is not part of a dataset.OLS_qFeelAboutLifeScale - OLS_qFeelAboutLifeScale
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04_R7 - WORT1Q04_R7
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_birth_month_nbr - dob
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVSchQual - DVSchQual
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_birth_year_nbr - dob
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qEligibleLE -
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolPetitionLNI_Local -
This variable is not part of a dataset.ITR_qTrustEdu -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_last_school_nbr - s_school
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ05_18 - KASQ05_18
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_field_main5_code - mf5
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ01 - KASQ01
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03_R4 - WORT1Q03_R4
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolProtestLNI_Dont_Know -
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGE_Overseas -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_iwi3_code - iwi3
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03NR_R1 - WORT1Q03NR_R1
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_completion_finish_ind - finish
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ15G - PHYQ15G
This variable is not part of a dataset.OLSQ01 - OLSQ01
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_field_main1_code - mf1
This variable is not part of a dataset.name_dob_verification - moe_nsi_verified_code
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ03A - ELSQ03A
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02_R7 - WORT1Q02_R7
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ02_13 - KASQ02_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_efts_prog_nbr - eftsprg
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ05D - ELSQ05D
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05NR_R10 - WORT1Q05NR_R10
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03NR_R2 - WORT1Q03NR_R2
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVQualYrs1 - DVQualYrs20 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04_R8 - WORT1Q04_R8
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGE_Other -
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleLEOth -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_qual_code - qual
This variable is not part of a dataset.EthOther - EthOther
This variable is not part of a dataset.ITR_qTrustParl -
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGE_Refused_ -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_sex_code - gender
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q01_R6 - WORT1Q01_R6
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_course_fee_amt - fee
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02NR_R6 - WORT1Q02NR_R6
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_internet_nbr - internet
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_age_nbr - age
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ04_2 - ELSQ04_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04NR_R5 - WORT1Q04NR_R5
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05_R8 - WORT1Q05_R8
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02NR_R4 - WORT1Q02NR_R4
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_qual_nzsced_code - nzscedq
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_foreign_fee_student_amt - fee_foreigns
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04_R6 - WORT1Q04_R6
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVPSQual1 - DVPSQual20 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ02_11 - KASQ02_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_efts_prog_years_nbr - eftsyrs
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02_R8 - WORT1Q02_R8
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_qual_type_code - qual_type
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_postal_post_code - post_code_perm
This variable is not part of a dataset.EthAsian - EthAsian
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVSchQual -
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ02OthNR - KASQ02OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGE_NotLive -
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoVoteGE - VOT_qNoVoteGE
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ15D - PHYQ15D
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORQ08OthNR - WORQ08OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_ethnic3_code - ethnic3
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolPetitionLNI_National -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_efts_consumed_nbr - eftsconsumed
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_field_main2_code - mf2
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolProtest -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02_R10 - WORT1Q02_R10
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORQ02 - WORQ02
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_provider_location_code - location_code
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04_R2 - WORT1Q04_R2
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_study_region_code - study_region
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ15J - PHYQ15J
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleLE_NotLive -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q03_R9 - WORT1Q03_R9
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qFeelAboutLifeScale -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05_R9 - WORT1Q05_R9
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORQ01 - WORQ01
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEnrolGE - VOT_qNoEnrolGE
This variable is not part of a dataset.EthPacific - EthPacific
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolProtestLNI_Local -
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ02_89 - KASQ02_89
This variable is not part of a dataset.EthPacific - EthPacific
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORDV2 - WORDV2
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_compulsory_course_costs_fee_amt - fee_cccosts
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_exempt_ind_nbr - exempt_indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ05C - ELSQ05C
This variable is not part of a dataset.POLS1_qPolActivityOften_4 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORQ06NR - WORQ06NR
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qVoteGE -
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolProtestNum -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_provider_code - instit
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ05_99 - KASQ05_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_ethnic1_code - ethnic1
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05NR_R2 - WORT1Q05NR_R2
This variable is not part of a dataset.POLS1_qPolActivity_4 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ05_21 - KASQ05_21
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_course_nzsced_code - nzscedc
This variable is not part of a dataset.POLS1_qPolActivity_2 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEnrolGEOthNR - VOT_qNoEnrolGEOthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04NR_R1 - WORT1Q04NR_R1
This variable is not part of a dataset.snz_moe_uid -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_category_code - category
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q05_R4 - WORT1Q05_R4
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02_R9 - WORT1Q02_R9
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ01A - ELSQ01A
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_prog_nzsced_code - nzscedq
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ01F - ELSQ01F
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q04NR_R6 - WORT1Q04NR_R6
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qPolAdvocacyLNI_National -
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02NR_R1 - WORT1Q02NR_R1
This variable is not part of a dataset.PHYQ15I - PHYQ15I
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoVoteLEOth -
This variable is not part of a dataset.EthMELAA - EthMELAA
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_highest_sec_qual_code - sec_qual
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_prog_end_date_text - last_d
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ01C - ELSQ01C
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qEnrolGE - VOT_qEnrolGE
This variable is not part of a dataset.POL_qHowIntPol -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_attendance_type_code - attend
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_pbrf_eligibility_ind - pbrf_eligible
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ05A - ELSQ05A
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q01_R1 - WORT1Q01_R1
This variable is not part of a dataset.POLS1_qPolActivityOften_3 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.VOT_qNoEligibleGE_Not18 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_complete_code - complete
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_credit_value_nbr - credit
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_qacc_code - qacc
This variable is not part of a dataset.GTR_qTrustMostPeopleScale - GTR_qTrustMostPeopleScale
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ04_5 - ELSQ04_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q01_R2 - WORT1Q01_R2
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVEthnic - Ethnic group(s) - string variable. Can be combination of values 1-6 or code '9' alone
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_last_school_decile_code - decile
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_com_field_main4_code - mf4
This variable is not part of a dataset.snz_moe_uid - snz_moe_uid
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_provider_code - instit
This variable is not part of a dataset.ELSQ03B - ELSQ03B
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_max_exempt_fee_amt - fee_max_exempt
This variable is not part of a dataset.WORT1Q02_R4 - WORT1Q02_R4
This variable is not part of a dataset.KASQ02_15 - KASQ02_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qThingsWorthwhileScale -
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_study_region_code - study_region
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_enr_subsector_code - subsector
This variable is not part of a dataset.moe_crs_study_post_code - post_code_term
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_13_R19 - HUMS1Q01_13_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_13 - SOCQ12_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_1 - MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_21_R14 - HUMS1Q01_21_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qBelongMarae - SOI_qBelongMarae
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qWhichLanguages_Other5 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamNumber - FAM_qFamNumber
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_8 - SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_8
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qDiscriminated - DSC_qDiscriminated
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_13 - HUMS1Q1_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_11_R17 - HUMS1Q01_11_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_19_R13 - HUMS1Q01_19_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qMaoriAndEnglish - LAN_qMaoriAndEnglish
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_fLanguage_4 - LANLT1_fLanguage_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamGroups_Others - FAM_qFamGroups_Others
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qWhichLanguages_Other2 - LAN_qWhichLanguages_Other2
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qLimitByMoney - MHS_qLimitByMoney
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_12_R18 - HUMS1Q01_12_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_14_R20 - HUMS1Q01_14_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qLanguageHome -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Public - DSC_qSituDiscrim_Public
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_99_R25 - HUMS1Q01_99_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04_14 - LEIQ04_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qTrustMostPeopleScale - PWB_qTrustMostPeopleScale
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Appear - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Appear
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qNoFruit - MHS_qNoFruit
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_19_R18 - HUMS1Q01_19_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01Oth_R19 - HUMS1Q01Oth_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07_99 - HUMQ07_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07_22 - HUMQ07_22
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qLessMeat - MHS_qLessMeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_23_R18 - HUMS1Q01_23_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qSOBWhichCountry - SOI_qSOBWhichCountry
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_fItem_4 - SOICT1_fItem_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_99 - HUMS1Q1_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qNoDoctor - MHS_qNoDoctor
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qMaoriSigns - LAN_qMaoriSigns
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_18_R14 - HUMS1Q01_18_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_16 - SOCQ12_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_13_R22 - HUMS1Q01_13_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qInteresting -
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qFamNumberNR - PWB_qFamNumberNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_20_R17 - HUMS1Q01_20_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_fLanguage_1 - LANLT1_fLanguage_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_24_R11 - HUMS1Q01_24_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_23_R20 - HUMS1Q01_23_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_1 - SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrimOth_coded - DSC_qReasonDiscrimOth_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_23_R16 - HUMS1Q01_23_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_22_R22 - HUMS1Q01_22_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qSOBOthCountry - SOI_qSOBOthCountry
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qDownEasyHard - SOC_qDownEasyHard
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01Oth_R22 - HUMS1Q01Oth_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qFamPhone - SOC_qFamPhone
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qTrustPol - PWB_qTrustPol
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qWhichLanguages_Other4 - LAN_qWhichLanguages_Other4
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrimOthNR - DSC_qReasonDiscrimOthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_88 - HUMS1Q1_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_fItem_1 - SOICT1_fItem_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qDefNZMaori - SOI_qDefNZMaori
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qSOBRegion - SOI_qSOBRegion
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_17_R17 - HUMS1Q01_17_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_20_R11 - HUMS1Q01_20_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qEnoughIncome - MHS_qEnoughIncome
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_24_R20 - HUMS1Q01_24_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qWhichLanguages_Dont_Know -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_20_R20 - HUMS1Q01_20_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamNumber - FAM_qFamNumber
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qGotHelp - MHS_qGotHelp
This variable is not part of a dataset.ITR_qTrustCour - ITR_qTrustCour
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_13_R25 - HUMS1Q01_13_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.ITR_qTrustPol - ITR_qTrustPol
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_14_R15 - HUMS1Q01_14_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ05 - HUMQ05
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ02OthNR - HUMQ02OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_99_R19 - HUMS1Q01_99_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_17_R23 - HUMS1Q01_17_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qWhichLanguages_Other3 - LAN_qWhichLanguages_Other3
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qCostDownVege - SOL_qCostDownVege
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_23_R12 - HUMS1Q01_23_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_20 - SOCQ12_20
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_12 - SOCQ12_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_17 - HUMS1Q1_17
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_12_R14 - HUMS1Q01_12_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_15_R20 - HUMS1Q01_15_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qDefNZSport - SOI_qDefNZSport
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ15 - SOCQ15
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ14 - SOCQ14
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qMaoriSpeakWell - LAN_qMaoriSpeakWell
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qCostDownHobbies - SOL_qCostDownHobbies
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_19_R25 - HUMS1Q01_19_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamFriendOrRelative - FAM_qFamFriendOrRelative
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07_12 - HUMQ07_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ04 - HUMQ04
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07_17 - HUMQ07_17
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qFamNumber -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_24_R23 - HUMS1Q01_24_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qGiveGifts - MHS_qGiveGifts
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_FamNucYN - DVFam_FamNucYN
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_99_R15 - HUMS1Q01_99_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_qFirstLanguage_5 - LANLT1_qFirstLanguage_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Other - DSC_qSituDiscrim_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrimOth_coded - DSC_qSituDiscrimOth_coded
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qEnoughContactFam - SOC_qEnoughContactFam
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qDefNZEnviro - SOI_qDefNZEnviro
This variable is not part of a dataset.ITR_qTrustHlth - ITR_qTrustHlth
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qLanguageHome - LAN_qLanguageHome
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_19_R15 - HUMS1Q01_19_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_18_R13 - HUMS1Q01_18_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_22_R24 - HUMS1Q01_22_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qFamNumberNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_23 - SOCQ12_23
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01Oth_R25 - HUMS1Q01Oth_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Age - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Age
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrimOthNR -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_18_R23 - HUMS1Q01_18_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumPartner - DVFam_NumPartner
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_89 - HUMS1Q1_89
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_22_R11 - HUMS1Q01_22_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qCostDownAppliances - SOL_qCostDownAppliances
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_18 - SOCQ12_18
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07_15 - HUMQ07_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04_18 - LEIQ04_18
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04_22 - LEIQ04_22
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumInFamNuc - DVFam_NumInFamNuc
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_99_R17 - HUMS1Q01_99_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.NZDep - NZDep
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS2Q01_9 - HUMS2Q01_9
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qMaoriSchools - LAN_qMaoriSchools
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_20 - HUMS1Q1_20
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_99_R12 - HUMS1Q01_99_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_22 - SOCQ12_22
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_fLanguage -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qFrndWrite - SOC_qFrndWrite
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_5 - SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01OthNR_R19 - HUMS1Q01OthNR_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_fItem_7 - SOICT1_fItem_7
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_3 - MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ05 - SOCQ05
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_15_R24 - HUMS1Q01_15_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_16_R12 - HUMS1Q01_16_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_fItem_3 - SOICT1_fItem_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_21_R19 - HUMS1Q01_21_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_12 - HUMS1Q1_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qTimeLonely - SOC_qTimeLonely
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qStillUnderstandLang -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_99_R24 - HUMS1Q01_99_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_18_R25 - HUMS1Q01_18_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVTotalHourlyAll -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_16_R22 - HUMS1Q01_16_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_19_R24 - HUMS1Q01_19_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qFamTalk - SOC_qFamTalk
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumChildDepNK - DVFam_NumChildDepNK
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qDefNZFarm - SOI_qDefNZFarm
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_99_R20 - HUMS1Q01_99_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01Oth_R24 - HUMS1Q01Oth_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_11_R24 - HUMS1Q01_11_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrimOthNR - DSC_qReasonDiscrimOthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_18_R24 - HUMS1Q01_18_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_18_R19 - HUMS1Q01_18_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_88_R13 - HUMS1Q01_88_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_14_R24 - HUMS1Q01_14_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_88_R19 - HUMS1Q01_88_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_88_R16 - HUMS1Q01_88_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_19_R16 - HUMS1Q01_19_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.ITR_qTrustMed - ITR_qTrustMed
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_24_R19 - HUMS1Q01_24_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_ParentRole - DVFam_ParentRole
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Work - DSC_qSituDiscrim_Work
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qSafeNightHood -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qFamWrite - SOC_qFamWrite
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07_88 - HUMQ07_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_qFirstLanguage_2 - LANLT1_qFirstLanguage_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qNoDentist - MHS_qNoDentist
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Dont_Know -
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qMaoriAndEnglish -
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_qFirstLanguage_5 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ17 - SOCQ17
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_11_R25 - HUMS1Q01_11_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qFamNumLive -
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_qFirstLanguage_1 - LANLT1_qFirstLanguage_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_88_R24 - HUMS1Q01_88_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_14_R25 - HUMS1Q01_14_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_q300ItemLimited - SOL_q300ItemLimited
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_23_R17 - HUMS1Q01_23_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_12_R21 - HUMS1Q01_12_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_15_R16 - HUMS1Q01_15_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04_16 - LEIQ04_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamGroups_Distant - FAM_qFamGroups_Distant
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_23_R25 - HUMS1Q01_23_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_22_R14 - HUMS1Q01_22_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07_18 - HUMQ07_18
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_18_R17 - HUMS1Q01_18_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamGroups_Grands - FAM_qFamGroups_Grands
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qDiscriminated - DSC_qDiscriminated
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ09 - SOCQ09
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04OthNR - LEIQ04OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Rent - DSC_qSituDiscrim_Rent
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qLessShops - MHS_qLessShops
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_16_R24 - HUMS1Q01_16_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_fLanguage_3 - LANLT1_fLanguage_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_13_R23 - HUMS1Q01_13_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_FamNucYN - DVFam_FamNucYN
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qCheerful -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_15_R15 - HUMS1Q01_15_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_18_R18 - HUMS1Q01_18_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Lang - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Lang
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01OthNR_R22 - HUMS1Q01OthNR_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_fLanguage_3 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01OthNR_R12 - HUMS1Q01OthNR_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qInsuranceLate - MHS_qInsuranceLate
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07_11 - HUMQ07_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Age - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Age
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_12_R16 - HUMS1Q01_12_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qDefNZArts - SOI_qDefNZArts
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04_11 - LEIQ04_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumPartner - DVFam_NumPartner
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS2Q01_1 - HUMS2Q01_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01OthNR_R16 - HUMS1Q01OthNR_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.FourOutcomes - FourOutcomes
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ08 - SOCQ08
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qSOBCountry - SOI_qSOBCountry
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamGroups_Refused_ - FAM_qFamGroups_Refused_
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_18_R12 - HUMS1Q01_18_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07_20 - HUMQ07_20
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_13_R15 - HUMS1Q01_13_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ11 - SOCQ11
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_23_R24 - HUMS1Q01_23_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qSOBMarae - SOI_qSOBMarae
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHoursWeeklySec -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_ShopRest -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_18_R21 - HUMS1Q01_18_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_21_R21 - HUMS1Q01_21_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ03 - HUMQ03
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrimOth_coded -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumIndepChild - DVFam_NumIndepChild
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_11_R12 - HUMS1Q01_11_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qFamWellbeing -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrimOth_coded -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_fItem_8 - SOICT1_fItem_8
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_88_R21 - HUMS1Q01_88_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_88_R22 - HUMS1Q01_88_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qDownEasyHard - SOC_qDownEasyHard
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Job - DSC_qSituDiscrim_Job
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ10 - SOCQ10
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS2Q01_6 - HUMS2Q01_6
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qWhichLanguages_Other2 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_3 - SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_20_R25 - HUMS1Q01_20_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_22_R19 - HUMS1Q01_22_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_24 - HUMS1Q1_24
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01Oth_R15 - HUMS1Q01Oth_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_88_R11 - HUMS1Q01_88_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_fLanguage_2 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07_19 - HUMQ07_19
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ19 - SOCQ19
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_10 - SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_10
This variable is not part of a dataset.Dep17 - Dep17
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qFamLiveHH - PWB_qFamLiveHH
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qBorrow - MHS_qBorrow
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_15_R11 - HUMS1Q01_15_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ20 - SOCQ20
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_19_R12 - HUMS1Q01_19_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_21_R25 - HUMS1Q01_21_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_22_R25 - HUMS1Q01_22_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumDepChild - DVFam_NumDepChild
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_2 - MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qInsuranceLate - MHS_qInsuranceLate
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_fItem_6 - SOICT1_fItem_6
This variable is not part of a dataset.ITR_qTrustEdu - ITR_qTrustEdu
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_18 - HUMS1Q1_18
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Dont_Know - DSC_qSituDiscrim_Dont_Know
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_17_R18 - HUMS1Q01_17_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_17_R12 - HUMS1Q01_17_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_4 - MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamGroups_Dont_Know - FAM_qFamGroups_Dont_Know
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_20_R19 - HUMS1Q01_20_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qDefNZPeople - SOI_qDefNZPeople
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_99_R14 - HUMS1Q01_99_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Disabled - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Disabled
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_21_R17 - HUMS1Q01_21_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_99_R21 - HUMS1Q01_99_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qEnoughContactFriends - SOC_qEnoughContactFriends
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHoursWeeklyAll -
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_fLanguage_2 - LANLT1_fLanguage_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_16_R20 - HUMS1Q01_16_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qOldAppliance - MHS_qOldAppliance
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_11_R20 - HUMS1Q01_11_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_fLanguage_5 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_15 - HUMS1Q1_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_11_R13 - HUMS1Q01_11_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ02 - SOCQ02
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_18_R11 - HUMS1Q01_18_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_11 - HUMS1Q1_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qBorrow - MHS_qBorrow
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_5 - MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qTimeLonely - SOC_qTimeLonely
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_1 - MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_1
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qTimeLonely - PWB_qTimeLonely
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_12_R24 - HUMS1Q01_12_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qSOBFam - SOI_qSOBFam
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_19_R22 - HUMS1Q01_19_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qFamNumLive - PWB_qFamNumLive
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCDV6 - SOCDV6
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_24_R14 - HUMS1Q01_24_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Gender - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Gender
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamNumberNR - FAM_qFamNumberNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_17_R13 - HUMS1Q01_17_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qBuyShoesLimited - SOL_qBuyShoesLimited
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_2 - MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01OthNR_R20 - HUMS1Q01OthNR_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_11_R19 - HUMS1Q01_11_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrimOthNR - DSC_qSituDiscrimOthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_13_R13 - HUMS1Q01_13_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12Oth - SOCQ12Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_19_R23 - HUMS1Q01_19_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07Oth - HUMQ07Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumInFamNuc - DVFam_NumInFamNuc
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qGoodShoes - MHS_qGoodShoes
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qDefNZPeace - SOI_qDefNZPeace
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_qFirstLanguage_2 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Medic - DSC_qSituDiscrim_Medic
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_ShopRest - DSC_qSituDiscrim_ShopRest
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04_88 - LEIQ04_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_17_R24 - HUMS1Q01_17_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qFamPhone - SOC_qFamPhone
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qFrndTalk - SOC_qFrndTalk
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qFrndWrite - SOC_qFrndWrite
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_12_R11 - HUMS1Q01_12_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qTimeLonely -
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_fLanguage_5 - LANLT1_fLanguage_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Refused_ - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Refused_
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_88_R20 - HUMS1Q01_88_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_12_R23 - HUMS1Q01_12_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ01 - HUMQ01
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ04Oth - HUMQ04Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qTrustParl - PWB_qTrustParl
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_14_R22 - HUMS1Q01_14_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_13_R24 - HUMS1Q01_13_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_15_R23 - HUMS1Q01_15_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qEnoughIncome - MHS_qEnoughIncome
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamFriendOrRelative - FAM_qFamFriendOrRelative
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qClothes - MHS_qClothes
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04_21 - LEIQ04_21
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01Oth_R14 - HUMS1Q01Oth_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_13_R11 - HUMS1Q01_13_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_ParentRole - DVFam_ParentRole
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qFrndVideo - SOC_qFrndVideo
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Sex - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Sex
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qNotPayBillsOnTime - SOL_qNotPayBillsOnTime
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ08a - HUMQ08a
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ02 - HUMQ02
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrimOth - DSC_qReasonDiscrimOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Police - DSC_qSituDiscrim_Police
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS2Q01_3 - HUMS2Q01_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamGroups_Dont_Know - FAM_qFamGroups_Dont_Know
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qGiveGifts - MHS_qGiveGifts
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_12_R17 - HUMS1Q01_12_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Dont_Know - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Dont_Know
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_22_R20 - HUMS1Q01_22_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_5 - MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_19 - SOCQ12_19
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ08c - HUMQ08c
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_13_R18 - HUMS1Q01_13_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_15_R19 - HUMS1Q01_15_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamGroups_ParChild - FAM_qFamGroups_ParChild
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qClothes - MHS_qClothes
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qInsurance - MHS_qInsurance
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ22 - SOCQ22
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Public - DSC_qSituDiscrim_Public
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_13_R21 - HUMS1Q01_13_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01OthNR_R15 - HUMS1Q01OthNR_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_9 - SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_9
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qWhichLanguages_Other1 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_fLanguage_4 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_17_R25 - HUMS1Q01_17_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVHoursWeeklyMain -
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04_19 - LEIQ04_19
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_14_R23 - HUMS1Q01_14_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01OthNR_R13 - HUMS1Q01OthNR_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Appear - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Appear
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qFamVideo - SOC_qFamVideo
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamGroups_Distant - FAM_qFamGroups_Distant
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qFrndVideo - SOC_qFrndVideo
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_13_R17 - HUMS1Q01_13_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_11_R16 - HUMS1Q01_11_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qTrustMostPeopleScale - PWB_qTrustMostPeopleScale
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_12_R13 - HUMS1Q01_12_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qEnoughIncome - SOL_qEnoughIncome
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04_20 - LEIQ04_20
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_21_R16 - HUMS1Q01_21_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qCostDownDoctor - SOL_qCostDownDoctor
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_99_R23 - HUMS1Q01_99_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qFrndPhone - SOC_qFrndPhone
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_fItem_9 - SOICT1_fItem_9
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qNoDoctor - MHS_qNoDoctor
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_q300ItemLimited - SOL_q300ItemLimited
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_15 - SOCQ12_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumChild - DVFam_NumChild
This variable is not part of a dataset.ITR_qTrustParl - ITR_qTrustParl
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS2Q01_7 - HUMS2Q01_7
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMWI - DVMWI
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_18_R22 - HUMS1Q01_18_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qDefNZHistory - SOI_qDefNZHistory
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qNoFruit - MHS_qNoFruit
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qFrndTalk - SOC_qFrndTalk
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04_12 - LEIQ04_12
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_School -
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qUnexpected500 - MHS_qUnexpected500
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qMaoriGovSup - LAN_qMaoriGovSup
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS2Q01_4 - HUMS2Q01_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_15_R22 - HUMS1Q01_15_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qTrustMed - PWB_qTrustMed
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_17_R11 - HUMS1Q01_17_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_16_R23 - HUMS1Q01_16_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qCalm -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVRegHourlyAll -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_11_R14 - HUMS1Q01_11_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_21_R20 - HUMS1Q01_21_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Skin - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Skin
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_23_R19 - HUMS1Q01_23_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qWhichLanguages_Other1 - LAN_qWhichLanguages_Other1
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01Oth_R16 - HUMS1Q01Oth_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_16_R11 - HUMS1Q01_16_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qLessMeat - MHS_qLessMeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_23_R23 - HUMS1Q01_23_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qFamTalk - SOC_qFamTalk
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qCostDownCold - SOL_qCostDownCold
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qWhichLanguages_Other3 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_17 - SOCQ12_17
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_11_R22 - HUMS1Q01_11_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_19_R17 - HUMS1Q01_19_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_22_R12 - HUMS1Q01_22_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_15_R18 - HUMS1Q01_15_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ18 - SOCQ18
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07_24 - HUMQ07_24
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01Oth_R18 - HUMS1Q01Oth_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamRelOrFriend1 - FAM_qFamRelOrFriend1
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_21_R23 - HUMS1Q01_21_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qCostDownCold - SOL_qCostDownCold
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01Oth_R21 - HUMS1Q01Oth_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01OthNR_R24 - HUMS1Q01OthNR_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_23_R11 - HUMS1Q01_23_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_20_R12 - HUMS1Q01_20_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_3 - MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_20_R23 - HUMS1Q01_20_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qSOBCompany - SOI_qSOBCompany
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qStillUnderstandLang - LAN_qStillUnderstandLang
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07_21 - HUMQ07_21
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qBillsLate - MHS_qBillsLate
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qEnoughIncome - SOL_qEnoughIncome
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qNotPayBillsOnTime - SOL_qNotPayBillsOnTime
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrimOth - DSC_qReasonDiscrimOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumDepChild - DVFam_NumDepChild
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_23_R13 - HUMS1Q01_23_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_qFirstLanguage_1 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01OthNR_R14 - HUMS1Q01OthNR_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_18_R16 - HUMS1Q01_18_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qFeelCold - MHS_qFeelCold
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_24_R21 - HUMS1Q01_24_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qFeelCold - MHS_qFeelCold
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_21_R18 - HUMS1Q01_21_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Skin -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_12_R12 - HUMS1Q01_12_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS2Q01_2 - HUMS2Q01_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_19_R14 - HUMS1Q01_19_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_12_R20 - HUMS1Q01_12_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Gender - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Gender
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_13_R20 - HUMS1Q01_13_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qDefNZIcons - SOI_qDefNZIcons
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qCostDownHobbies - SOL_qCostDownHobbies
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_88_R25 - HUMS1Q01_88_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01Oth_R12 - HUMS1Q01Oth_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ06 - HUMQ06
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ03 - LEIQ03
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_12_R15 - HUMS1Q01_12_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_21_R22 - HUMS1Q01_21_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01OthNR_R11 - HUMS1Q01OthNR_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS2Q01_8 - HUMS2Q01_8
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_22_R16 - HUMS1Q01_22_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qAnxiousYest -
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qMaoriSchools -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS2Q01_10 - HUMS2Q01_10
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_24_R13 - HUMS1Q01_24_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_11 - SOCQ12_11
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qStayEasyHard - SOC_qStayEasyHard
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_24_R18 - HUMS1Q01_24_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04_99 - LEIQ04_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qDiscriminated - PWB_qDiscriminated
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_24_R22 - HUMS1Q01_24_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qWhichLanguages_Other5 - LAN_qWhichLanguages_Other5
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qMeat - MHS_qMeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01OthNR_R21 - HUMS1Q01OthNR_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qActive -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_15_R12 - HUMS1Q01_15_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_99_R16 - HUMS1Q01_99_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_14_R13 - HUMS1Q01_14_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qTrustHlth - PWB_qTrustHlth
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01OthNR_R17 - HUMS1Q01OthNR_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07_16 - HUMQ07_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_qFirstLanguage_3 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_fItem_10 - SOICT1_fItem_10
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_14_R17 - HUMS1Q01_14_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04_23 - LEIQ04_23
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVMWI - DVMWI
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Ethnic - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Ethnic
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_21 - HUMS1Q1_21
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_11_R21 - HUMS1Q01_11_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_11_R11 - HUMS1Q01_11_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_25 - SOCQ12_25
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_22 - HUMS1Q1_22
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_24_R16 - HUMS1Q01_24_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01OthNR_R18 - HUMS1Q01OthNR_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qLimitByMoney - MHS_qLimitByMoney
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qSOBRelig - SOI_qSOBRelig
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qBillsLate - MHS_qBillsLate
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_7 - SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_7
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Disabled - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Disabled
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_14_R18 - HUMS1Q01_14_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_20_R21 - HUMS1Q01_20_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12OthNR - SOCQ12OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_14_R11 - HUMS1Q01_14_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ16 - SOCQ16
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Other - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_14_R19 - HUMS1Q01_14_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumChildDepNK - DVFam_NumChildDepNK
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qFrndPhone - SOC_qFrndPhone
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Police - DSC_qSituDiscrim_Police
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_14_R12 - HUMS1Q01_14_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_18_R20 - HUMS1Q01_18_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01OthNR_R25 - HUMS1Q01OthNR_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qInsurance - MHS_qInsurance
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qFamLiveHH -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_19_R19 - HUMS1Q01_19_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_17_R21 - HUMS1Q01_17_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ02 - LEIQ02
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_88_R12 - HUMS1Q01_88_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_21_R24 - HUMS1Q01_21_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_fItem_2 - SOICT1_fItem_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_88_R18 - HUMS1Q01_88_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Refused_ - DSC_qSituDiscrim_Refused_
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_17_R16 - HUMS1Q01_17_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_20_R15 - HUMS1Q01_20_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_88 - SOCQ12_88
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_16_R21 - HUMS1Q01_16_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ07 - SOCQ07
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qBuyShoesLimited - SOL_qBuyShoesLimited
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_24_R25 - HUMS1Q01_24_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_WithPartner - DVFam_WithPartner
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_fLanguage - LAN_fLanguage
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_14_R14 - HUMS1Q01_14_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ01 - SOCQ01
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04_15 - LEIQ04_15
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qSOBNZ - SOI_qSOBNZ
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ03 - SOCQ03
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qWhichLanguages_Other4 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_23_R14 - HUMS1Q01_23_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_12_R19 - HUMS1Q01_12_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_20_R14 - HUMS1Q01_20_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qSOBNeigh - SOI_qSOBNeigh
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Other - DSC_qSituDiscrim_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qLessShops - MHS_qLessShops
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_21_R11 - HUMS1Q01_21_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qWhichLanguages_Refused_ - LAN_qWhichLanguages_Refused_
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qWhichLanguages_Dont_Know - LAN_qWhichLanguages_Dont_Know
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_24_R24 - HUMS1Q01_24_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_23 - HUMS1Q1_23
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ02Oth - HUMQ02Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_WithPartner - DVFam_WithPartner
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_15_R21 - HUMS1Q01_15_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_fLanguage_1 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_22_R21 - HUMS1Q01_22_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qMaoriSpeakWell -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_26 - SOCQ12_26
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_ChildRole - DVFam_ChildRole
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Rent - DSC_qSituDiscrim_Rent
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_6 - SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_6
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_14 - SOCQ12_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Sex - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Sex
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qFamNumber - PWB_qFamNumber
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamNumberNR - FAM_qFamNumberNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ08b - HUMQ08b
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_23_R21 - HUMS1Q01_23_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_24_R17 - HUMS1Q01_24_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.FourOutcomes - FourOutcomes
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_2 - SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_2
This variable is not part of a dataset.Dep17 - Deprivation Index 2017
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_16 - HUMS1Q1_16
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_99_R13 - HUMS1Q01_99_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_11_R15 - HUMS1Q01_11_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamGroups_Refused_ - FAM_qFamGroups_Refused_
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qTrustParl - PWB_qTrustParl
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ04 - SOCQ04
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qTrustHlth - PWB_qTrustHlth
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamWellbeing - FAM_qFamWellbeing
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_20_R16 - HUMS1Q01_20_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qFamWellbeing - PWB_qFamWellbeing
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qMaoriGovSup -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qEnoughContactFam - SOC_qEnoughContactFam
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01Oth_R17 - HUMS1Q01Oth_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_21 - SOCQ12_21
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_15_R14 - HUMS1Q01_15_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_14_R16 - HUMS1Q01_14_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qNoDentist - MHS_qNoDentist
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_22_R17 - HUMS1Q01_22_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_qFirstLanguage_4 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVWHO5_Raw -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrimOth -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_4 - SOICT1_qSOBCountryOth_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qGotHelp - MHS_qGotHelp
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_16_R14 - HUMS1Q01_16_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04_17 - LEIQ04_17
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_School - DSC_qSituDiscrim_School
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_21_R15 - HUMS1Q01_21_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_15_R13 - HUMS1Q01_15_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qGoodShoes - MHS_qGoodShoes
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qCostDownShops - SOL_qCostDownShops
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_16_R19 - HUMS1Q01_16_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_99_R18 - HUMS1Q01_99_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrimOth - DSC_qSituDiscrimOth
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qFamWrite - SOC_qFamWrite
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Dont_Know - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Dont_Know
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_24_R12 - HUMS1Q01_24_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Relig -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_12_R22 - HUMS1Q01_12_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ21 - SOCQ21
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_16_R25 - HUMS1Q01_16_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_20_R24 - HUMS1Q01_20_R24
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qHappyYest -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_21_R13 - HUMS1Q01_21_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qTrustPol - PWB_qTrustPol
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_99 - SOCQ12_99
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_16_R17 - HUMS1Q01_16_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qOldAppliance - MHS_qOldAppliance
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ12_24 - SOCQ12_24
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOI_qDefNZDiversity - SOI_qDefNZDiversity
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS2Q01_5 - HUMS2Q01_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamGroups_Grands - FAM_qFamGroups_Grands
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_19_R11 - HUMS1Q01_19_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_13_R14 - HUMS1Q01_13_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_19 - HUMS1Q1_19
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qCostDownShops - SOL_qCostDownShops
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01Oth_R13 - HUMS1Q01Oth_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_20_R18 - HUMS1Q01_20_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01Oth_R11 - HUMS1Q01Oth_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_17_R14 - HUMS1Q01_17_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01Oth_R23 - HUMS1Q01Oth_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qMeat - MHS_qMeat
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qCostDownVege - SOL_qCostDownVege
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumChild - DVFam_NumChild
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_16_R13 - HUMS1Q01_16_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_20_R13 - HUMS1Q01_20_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qFamVideo - SOC_qFamVideo
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qCostDownDoctor - SOL_qCostDownDoctor
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_99_R11 - HUMS1Q01_99_R11
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Refused_ -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_24_R15 - HUMS1Q01_24_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_88_R15 - HUMS1Q01_88_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_11_R23 - HUMS1Q01_11_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_qFirstLanguage_4 - LANLT1_qFirstLanguage_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_4 - MHSS1_qReasonNotHave_4
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_12_R25 - HUMS1Q01_12_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Refused_ - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Refused_
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_17_R22 - HUMS1Q01_17_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_88_R23 - HUMS1Q01_88_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_NumIndepChild - DVFam_NumIndepChild
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOICT1_fItem_5 - SOICT1_fItem_5
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_16_R15 - HUMS1Q01_16_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_22_R15 - HUMS1Q01_22_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Medic - DSC_qSituDiscrim_Medic
This variable is not part of a dataset.LANLT1_qFirstLanguage_3 - LANLT1_qFirstLanguage_3
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_20_R22 - HUMS1Q01_20_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVFam_ChildRole - DVFam_ChildRole
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Other - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Other
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01OthNR_R23 - HUMS1Q01OthNR_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07OthNR - HUMQ07OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_17_R15 - HUMS1Q01_17_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ01 - LEIQ01
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q1_14 - HUMS1Q1_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamGroups_Others - FAM_qFamGroups_Others
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Lang - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Lang
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Work - DSC_qSituDiscrim_Work
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_16_R18 - HUMS1Q01_16_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04Oth - LEIQ04Oth
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_13_R12 - HUMS1Q01_13_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamWellbeing - FAM_qFamWellbeing
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07_13 - HUMQ07_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07_14 - HUMQ07_14
This variable is not part of a dataset.MHS_qUnexpected500 - MHS_qUnexpected500
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qDiscriminated -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ07_23 - HUMQ07_23
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_19_R20 - HUMS1Q01_19_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ13 - SOCQ13
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_19_R21 - HUMS1Q01_19_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_23_R22 - HUMS1Q01_23_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04_89 - LEIQ04_89
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qEnoughContactFriends - SOC_qEnoughContactFriends
This variable is not part of a dataset.LEIQ04_13 - LEIQ04_13
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_22_R13 - HUMS1Q01_22_R13
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOCQ06 - SOCQ06
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_15_R25 - HUMS1Q01_15_R25
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Ethnic - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Ethnic
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_99_R22 - HUMS1Q01_99_R22
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qTrustMed - PWB_qTrustMed
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qSituDiscrim_Job -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_18_R15 - HUMS1Q01_18_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_17_R20 - HUMS1Q01_17_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ08d - HUMQ08d
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_16_R16 - HUMS1Q01_16_R16
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qMaoriSigns -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_17_R19 - HUMS1Q01_17_R19
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamGroups_ParChild - FAM_qFamGroups_ParChild
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOL_qCostDownAppliances - SOL_qCostDownAppliances
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_23_R15 - HUMS1Q01_23_R15
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01Oth_R20 - HUMS1Q01Oth_R20
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVWHO5 -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_88_R17 - HUMS1Q01_88_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMQ04OthNR - HUMQ04OthNR
This variable is not part of a dataset.LAN_qWhichLanguages_Refused_ -
This variable is not part of a dataset.PWB_qRested -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Relig - DSC_qReasonDiscrim_Relig
This variable is not part of a dataset.FAM_qFamRelOrFriend1 - FAM_qFamRelOrFriend1
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_22_R18 - HUMS1Q01_22_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_14_R21 - HUMS1Q01_14_R21
This variable is not part of a dataset.SOC_qStayEasyHard - SOC_qStayEasyHard
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_22_R23 - HUMS1Q01_22_R23
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_15_R17 - HUMS1Q01_15_R17
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_11_R18 - HUMS1Q01_11_R18
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_21_R12 - HUMS1Q01_21_R12
This variable is not part of a dataset.HUMS1Q01_88_R14 - HUMS1Q01_88_R14
This variable is not part of a dataset.AOD_qGLBT -
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qDampOrMould - HCQ_qDampOrMould
This variable is not part of a dataset.HCQ_qKeepingWarm - HCQ_qKeepingWarm
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_period_start_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_pref_ethnicity_code] - Ethnicity of the offender
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_pro_programme_type_text] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_period_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_period_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_pro_completion_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_next_mmc_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_ethnic_grp3_snz_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_prev_mmc_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_ethnic_grp5_snz_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_max_period_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_period_end_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_birth_year_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_mmc_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_name_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_birthplace_city_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_modified_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_event_id_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_period_start_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_period_end_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_max_period_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_mmc_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_imposed_sentence_length] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_index_offence_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_prev_mmc_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_ever_gang_member_ind] - Offender has ever been involved with a gang
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_ps_primary_identity_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_homeless_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_in_muster_flag] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_event_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_ethnic_grp1_snz_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_event_id_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_mmc_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_cor_track_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_active_gang_member_ind] - Active gang member
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_ethnic_grp4_snz_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_from_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_cor_track_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_imposed_sentence_length_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_imposed_sentence_length_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_period_start_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_deleted_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_period_end_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_ethnic_snz_code] - Ethnicity
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_birth_month_nbr] - The month the offender was born.
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_next_period_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_start_event_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_next_mmc_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_birth_month_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_modified_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_external_ref_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_period_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.SAF_qProblemsHood_Assault - SAF_qProblemsHood_Assault
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_external_ref_type_code] - Where the information for this offender came from,
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_pro_completion_year_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_birth_year_nbr] - The year the offender was born.
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_birthplace_country_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_pro_location_text] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_sex_snz_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_index_offence_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_modified_date] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mmp_sentence_location_text] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_jus_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_period_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_birthplace_country_code] - The country the offender was born in.
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_start_record_id_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_cor_identity_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_cor_track_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_ethnic_grp6_snz_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_prev_period_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_source_agency_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_event_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_end_event_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_per_end_record_id_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_mpe_index_offence_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_off_sex_snz_code] - Sex of the offender
This variable is not part of a dataset.[cor_ali_cps_primary_identity_ind] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_Work - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.DVLocUnsuit_Family - Why is the location of your house or flat unsuitable?
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_injury_contact_text] - ACC Injury Contact
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_ethnic2_text - Ethnicity2 - standard classification 2005 ethnicity.
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_birth_month_nbr - Month of Birth
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_ethnic_grp5_snz_ind] - SNZ MELAA Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_ethnic1_text - Ethnicity1 - standard classification 2005 ethnicity.
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_primary_injury_site_text] - ACC Primary Injury Site
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_ethnic1_snz_code] - SNZ Ethnicity 1
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_prioritised_ethnic_snz_code] - SNZ Prioritised Ethnic Code
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_work_related_ind] - ACC Work-Related Accident Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_ethnic_grp2_snz_ind - Ethnicity Group 2 SNZ indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_ethnic_grp4_snz_ind] - SNZ Asian Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_at_work_ind] - ACC Accident at Work Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_prioritised_ethnic_snz_code - Ethnicity Prioritised SNZ Code
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_acc_claim_uid] - SNZ ACC Claim Number
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_employee_ird_invalid_ind] - SNZ Valid IRD Number Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_ethnic_grp1_snz_ind] - SNZ European Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_classification_unit_text] - ACC Classification Unit Description
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_ethnic_grp3_snd_ind] - SNZ Pacific Peoples Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_tot_med_fee_paid_amt] - ACC Total Medical Fees Paid
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_primary_diagnosis_group_text] - ACC Primary Diagnosis Category
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_occupation_level1_text] - ACC Occupation Level 1
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_ta_code - Territorial Authority Code
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_tot_weekly_comp_paid_amt] - ACC Total Weekly Compensation Paid
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_secondary_road_agency_text] - ACC Road Accident Secondary Agency
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_fund_account_text] - ACC Fund Account
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_fatal_ind] - ACC Fatality Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_meshblock_imputed_ind] - SNZ Meshblock Imputation Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_birth_year_nbr - Year of Birth
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_prioritised_ethnic_text] - ACC Prioritised Ethnicity
This variable is not part of a dataset.snz_employee_ird_uid - Encrypted IRD number
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_ethnic3_snz_code] - SNZ Ethnicity 3
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_ethnic3_text - Ethnicity3 - standard classification 2005 ethnicity.
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_accident_date] - ACC Date of Accident
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_ethnic_grp4_snz_ind - Ethnicity Group 4 SNZ indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_meshblock_code] - SNZ Meshblock Code
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_region_code - Region Code
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_sex_snz_code - Sex
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_med_icd10_code] - ACC ICD 10 Codes
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_ethnic1_text] - ACC Ethnicity 1
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_classification_unit_code] - ACC Classification Unit
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_wilful_self_inflicted_status_text] - ACC Wilful Self Inflicted Status Description
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_ethnic_grp6_snz_ind] - SNZ Other Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_ethnic_grp3_snz_ind - Ethnicity Group 3 SNZ indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_weekly_comp_days_nbr] - ACC Number of Weekly Compensation Days
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_accident_region_text] - ACC Accident Region
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_ethnic_grp5_snz_ind - Ethnicity Group 5 SNZ indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_lodgement_date] - ACC Claim Lodgement Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_client_earner_status_text] - ACC Earner Status
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_accident_calendar_year_nbr] - ACC Accident Calendar Year
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_registration_date] - ACC Registration Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_industry_code] - ACC Industry Code
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_primary_diagnosis_text] - ACC Primary Diagnosis Description
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_decision_text] - ACC Decision
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_birth_year_nbr] - SNZ Birth Year
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_ICD9_code] - ACC ICD9 Codes
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_ethnic2_text] - ACC Ethnicity 2
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_scene_text] - ACC Accident Scene Description
This variable is not part of a dataset.snz_idi_address_register_uid - Encrypted Address ID
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_accident_ta_text] - ACC Accident Territorial Authority
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_acc_nhi_uid] - SNZ NHI Number
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_accredited_employer_ind] - ACC Accredited Employer Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_injury_cause_text] - ACC Injury Cause
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_ethnic3_snz_code - Ethnicity3 - SNZ Code
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_accident_in_NZ_ind] - ACC NZ Accident Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_occupation_level5_text] - ACC Occupation Level 5
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_acc_claim_form_45_uid] - SNZ ACC45 Code
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_road_agency_text] - ACC Road Accident Agency Description
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_ICD10_code] - ACC ICD 10 Codes
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_ethnic2_snz_code] - SNZ Ethnicity 2
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_claim_costs_to_date_ex_gst_amt] - ACC Total Claim Costs
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_gradual_process_ind] - ACC Gradual Process Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_industry_desc_text] - ACC Industry Description
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_ethnic_grp2_snz_ind] - SNZ Maori Ethnicity Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_meshblock_imputed_ind - Meshblock Imputed Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_region_code] - SNZ Regional council
This variable is not part of a dataset.snz_acc_nhi_uid - Encrypted NHI number
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_external_agency_text] - ACC External Agency Involved
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_ethnic3_text] - ACC Ethnicity 3
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_acc_uid] - SNZ ACC Unique Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_ethnic1_snz_code - Ethnicity1 - SNZ Code
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_ethnic2_snz_code - Ethnicity2 - SNZ Code
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_employee_ird_uid] - SNZ IRD Number
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_ethnic_grp6_snz_ind - Ethnicity Group 6 SNZ indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.snz_acc_uid - Individual ID
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_activity_prior_text] - ACC Activity Prior to Accident
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_age_at_accident_nbr] - ACC Age at Accident
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_read_code_text] - ACC Injury Read Code Description
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_wilful_self_inflicted_ind_date] - ACC Wilful Self Inflected Status Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_primary_injury_body_side_text] - ACC Primary Injury Body Side
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_meshblock_code - Meshblock Code
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_read_code] - ACC Injury Read Code
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_entitlement_claim_ind] - ACC Entitlement Claim Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_ethnic_grp1_snz_ind - Ethnicity Group 1 SNZ indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_idi_address_register_uid] - SNZ Address Register Identifier
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_work_type_text] - ACC Work Type
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_sex_snz_code] - SNZ Sex
This variable is not part of a dataset.acc_cli_prioritised_ethnic_text - Ethnicity Prioritised
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_road_accident_ind] - ACC Road Accident Indicator
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_med_accident_date] - ACC Accident Date
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_birth_month_nbr] - SNZ Birth Month
This variable is not part of a dataset.[acc_cla_ta_code] - SNZ Territorial Authority
This variable is not part of a dataset.CORPQ10_11 - Person belongs to New Zealand European ethnic group
This variable is not part of a dataset.CORPQ10 - Which ethnic group orgroups do you belong to?
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_4] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[is_trustee_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[valuation_year_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[income_imputed_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[amount_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[total_hhold_nworth_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_hes_hhld_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[prop_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_1] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[benef_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[is_other_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[receiving_pension_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_10] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[age_retired_nr_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[person_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_2] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[source_of_wealth_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[imputation_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_7] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_6] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[mortgage_value_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[total_per_nworth_amt] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_9] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[person_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[is_beneficiary_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[weight_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[total_per_liab_amt] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[age_retired_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[is_deceased_trust_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[pct_bus_owned_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[business_class_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[asset_or_liab_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[pct_trust_owned_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[wealth_program_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[benef_in_hhold_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[prop_valuation_year_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_hes_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_hes_hhld_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[raised_kids_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[pct_quasis_owned_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[age_start_work_nr_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_2] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[imputation_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[wealth_record_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_11] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[is_sett_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[pct_ind_owned_before_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[sequence_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[health_status_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_hes_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[trust_class_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[valuation_year_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_hes_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_hes_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[weight_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_3] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[pct_resp_owned_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[total_value_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[pct_ind_owned_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[is_adult_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_hes_hhld_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[locn_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[resp_inscope_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[quasis_in_hhold_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_hes_hhld_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[asset_or_liab_locn_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[total_per_assets_amt] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[sequence_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[wealth_class_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[person_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[age_first_prop_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[business_locn_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[time_not_work_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_hes_hhld_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[ownership_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[sequence_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[asset_or_liab_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[pct_benef_sett_owned_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_6] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[mortgage_id_text] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[asset_or_liab_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[prop_capital_value_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[number_of_assets_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_5] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[pct_ind_owned_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[pct_liab_trust_owned_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[total_value_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[interview_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_8] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[age_first_prop_nr_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_7] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_3] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[entity_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_10] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_hes_hhld_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[source_of_wealth_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[pct_quasis_owned_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[snz_hes_uid] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_9] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[wealth_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[amount_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[locn_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[super_start_year_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[imputation_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[asset_or_liab_type_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[benefit_or_contrib_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[locn_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_4] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[trust_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[person_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[trust_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[pct_settlor_owned_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[sett_not_benef_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[pct_liab_resp_owned_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_8] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[amount_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[entity_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[total_hhold_assets_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[prop_id_text] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[total_hhold_liab_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[age_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[source_of_wealth_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[number_sett_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[pct_trust_owned_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_11] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[person_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_5] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[farm_type_code_1] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[super_end_year_nbr int] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[contributing_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[age_start_work_nbr] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.[asset_or_liab_code] -
This variable is not part of a dataset.Conceptual Variables
Housing quality en-NZ
Acceptance of diversity en-NZ
Speaking en-NZ
Culture en-NZ
Crime and justice en-NZ
Local council services en-NZ
Households (society) en-NZ
Disability en-NZ
Access to facilities en-NZ
Children en-NZ
Health en-NZ
Moving en-NZ
Housing (society) en-NZ
Seeing en-NZ
Natural environment en-NZ
Hearing en-NZ
Expenditure en-NZ
Injuries en-NZ
Citizen participation en-NZ
Civil defence en-NZ
Abortions en-NZ
Ethnicity en-NZ
Income en-NZ
Knowledge and skills en-NZ
Life satisfaction en-NZ
Language en-NZ
Well-being en-NZ
Education (society) en-NZ
Material hardship en-NZ
Leisure and recreation en-NZ
Discrimination en-NZ
Family (society) en-NZ
Trust en-NZ
Society (see also Census)
Society (see also Census)