Greenhouse gas emissions (consumption-based): Year ended 2019 (provisional)



Greenhouse gas emissions (consumption-based): Year ended 2019 (provisional)



Consumption-based emissions are the emissions embodied in the consumption and investment by domestic units, based on consistent classifications and concepts used in economic statistics. Tables are available with a breakdown by domestic final use category, trade (including gas breakdown), and a supplementary table on tourism consumption-based emissions. The methodology uses the production-based emissions from the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (industry and households), and economic data from National Accounts.

For more information see:

This greenhouse gas emissions (consumption-based) release extends the suite of annual emissions data to include the emissions embodied in final consumption, giving us:

  • GHG Inventory (MfE)
  • SEEA – Production-based emissions (Stats NZ)
  • SEEA – Regional production-based emissions (Stats NZ)
  • SEEA – Consumption-based emissions (Stats NZ)

This release is described as provisional, due to the assumptions required at this point in its development and the absence of internationally agreed standards and methods. Consumption-based emissions are currently considered an analytical extension of the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA).

Methodological improvements and revisions 2019

Methodological improvements in this release include:

  • methane consumption-based emissions split into biogenic and non-biogenic estimates are available on request
  • household consumption-based emissions time series has been extended back to 2007

Revisions to time series have been made due to revisions in input data from Stats NZ’s annual greenhouse gas emissions production account and national accounts. Please note that the production-based emission estimates in this release will not match the production-based estimates in Greenhouse gas emissions (industry and household): Year ended 2019 published in July 2021, due to subsequent revisions in input data.



Environmental-economic accounts: Sources and methods (third edition)


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Greenhouse gas emissions (consumption-based): Year ended 2019 (provisional)



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6 8/12/2022 10:03:17 AM
5 5/12/2022 11:03:34 AM