Greenhouse gas emissions (consumption-based): Year ended 2022 (provisional)



Greenhouse gas emissions (consumption-based): Year ended 2022 (provisional)



Consumption-based emissions are the emissions embodied in the consumption and investment by domestic units, based on consistent classifications and concepts used in economic statistics. Tables are available with a breakdown by domestic final use category, trade (including gas breakdown), and a supplementary table on tourism consumption-based emissions. Domestic final use categories are households, government, non-profit institutions serving households, and investment in physical assets. The methodology uses the production-based emissions from the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (industry and households), and economic data from National Accounts.

This release is described as provisional, due to the assumptions required at this point in its development and the absence of internationally agreed standards and methods. Consumption-based emissions are currently considered an analytical extension of the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA).

The Greenhouse gas emissions (consumption-based): Year ended 2022 (provisional) account estimates annual gross consumption-based emissions for the period 2007 through to December 2022.

For more information see:

This greenhouse gas emissions (consumption-based) release extends the suite of annual emissions data to include the emissions embodied in final consumption, giving us:

  • GHG Inventory (MfE)
  • SEEA – Production-based emissions (Stats NZ)
  • SEEA – Regional production-based emissions (Stats NZ)
  • SEEA – Consumption-based emissions (Stats NZ)

Updates and improvements 2022

When updates/improvements are made to the methodology or input data used to compile the emissions estimates, changes to the time series may occur. Revisions can be applied to the whole timeseries, which means that data in the most recent version of the account may not be comparable to figures published in previous releases.

Updates in this release:

  • The use of global warming potentials from the fifth assessment report (AR5), and
  • The estimation of the emissions intensity of imported refined petroleum manufacturing.

Global warming potentials used to calculate carbon dioxide equivalents

Emissions are expressed in carbon dioxide equivalents which are the emissions of greenhouse gases weighted by their 100-year global warming potential (GWP100). This is the first consumption-based emissions release in the Stats NZ Greenhouse gas emissions consumption-based emissions series to apply the GWP100 values from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC’s) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). This update maintains alignment with the New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Inventory (1990-2022) and international greenhouse gas reporting standards.  Revisions to the global warming potentials flow through from the Greenhouse gas emissions (industry and household): Year ended 2022.

Updates to 2024 greenhouse gas emissions (industry and household) statistics has more information about the effect of the AR5 global warming potentials on Stats NZ greenhouse gas emissions series.

Refined petroleum manufacturing 2022

Due to the use of the domestic technology assumption in Stats NZ’s estimation of consumption-based emissions, the closure of the Marsden Point refinery resulted in there being no domestic emissions intensity to use as a proxy for the emissions associated with overseas petroleum refining in 2022.  For this release, the 2021 emissions intensity, adjusted for inflation, has been used as a proxy for 2022 estimates.


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Greenhouse gas emissions (consumption-based): Year ended 2022 (provisional)



Greenhouse gas emissions (consumption-based): Sources and methods



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15 6/12/2024 10:45:23 AM