Transport vehicle registrations



Transport vehicle registrations


Industry sectors

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Industry sectors


NZ Transport Agency


Statistics New Zealand


The Transport (TPT) time series is updated monthly and represents the number of motor vehicle registrations currently licensed by type, new and ex-overseas motor vehicles registered by type, or vehicles that are registered and fit within the exempt vehicles category.


The purpose of this time series is to collect data and statistics that help businesses, government, and other organizations to plan and make decisions.

Significant events impacting this study series

31 December 2023 Clean car discount scheme repealed with all charges and rebates ending. Clean Cars | Ministry of Transport

1 July 2023 Clean car discount rebates and charges changed. Clean Cars | Ministry of Transport

1 April 2022 Charges introduced for high emissions vehicles and rebates given to low-emitting ones, expanding on the scheme introduced in 2021. Clean Cars | Ministry of Transport

1 July 2021 Rebates introduced for buyers of battery electric and plugin-hybrid vehicles. Clean Cars | Ministry of Transport

May 2021 (date estimated) NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) began publication of motor vehicle registrations on their dashboard. Motor vehicle registrations – dashboard and open data | NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (

July 2017 In July 2017, NZ Transport Agency introduced new engine type definitions to ensure all types of electric-powered vehicles could be clearly and correctly identified in the Motor Vehicle Register (MVR).

July 2008 Source changed to NZ Transport Agency after Land Transport Authority was disestablished in July 2008.

December 2004 Source changed to Land Transport Safety Authority in December 2004, after Land Transport New Zealand was disestablished.

May and June 1998 Data within Motor Vehicles Currently Licensed by Type series for 12 Months, 6 Months, and Total both periods for the Cars 12 month license series was unavailable in May and June of 1998.

January 1998 The Total Trade Plates Issued series within Motor Vehicles Currently Licensed by Type series for 12 Months, 6 Months, and Total both periods began in January 1998.

December 1997 The Trade Plates - D series, and Trade Plates - C series within Motor Vehicles Currently Licensed by Type series for 12 Months, 6 Months, and Total both periods were discontinued after December 1997.

April 1997 Data within Motor Vehicles Currently Licensed by Type series for 12 Months, 6 Months, and Total both periods for the April 1997 month was unavailable.

November 1995 The Trucks series within Motor Vehicles Currently Licensed by Type series for 12 Months, 6 Months, and Total both periods began in November 1995.

October 1995 The Light Trucks, Vans and Utilities series, Heavy Trucks series, and the Caravans series within Motor Vehicles Currently Licensed by Type series for 12 months, 6 months, and total both periods were discontinued in October 1995.

October 1993 The Goods Service Cars series within Motor Vehicles Currently Licensed by Type series for 12 Months, 6 Months, and Total both periods was discontinued in October 1993.

The Trailers (Including Caravans) series, Miscellaneous (including Tractors) series, Caravans series, and Tractors series within Motor Vehicles Currently Licensed by Type series for 12 Months, 6 Months, and Total both periods began in October 1993.

January 1991 The Goods Service Vehicles series within Motor Vehicles Currently Licensed by Type series for 12 Months, 6 Months, and Total both periods was discontinued in January 1991. The following series replaced this in January 1991: Light Trucks, Vans and Utilities, Heavy Trucks, and Goods Service Cars.

January 1990 The following series replaced those discontinued in December 1989 in January 1990: Taxis series, Omnibuses and Service Coaches series.

December 1989 The following series within Motor Vehicles Currently Licensed by Type series for 12 Months, 6 Months, and Total both periods were discontinued after December 1989: Private taxis series, Public Taxis series, Omnibuses series, and Service Coaches series.

July 1975 The following series within New and ex-overseas motor vehicles registered by type began in July 1975:

  • New Cars&Station Wagons up to 850 cc series

  • New Cars&Station Wagons 851 to 1300 cc series

  • New Cars&Station Wagons 1301 to 1600 cc series

  • New Cars&Station Wagons 1601 to 2000 cc series

  • New Cars&Station Wagons 2001 to 2500 cc series

  • New Cars&Station Wagons 2501 to 5000 cc series

  • New Cars&Station Wagons 5001 cc & Over series

  • New Motor Cycles series

  • New Power Cycles series

  • New Cars/Stat'n Wags Prev Reg'd Ovrseas series.

The Motor Vehicles Currently Licensed by Type series for 12 Months, 6 Months, and Total both periods, began with the following types:

  • Cars series

  • Rental Cars series

  • Goods Service Vehicles series

  • Private Taxis series Public Taxis series

  • Omnibuses series

  • Service Coaches series.

March 1974 The New tractors series within New and ex-overseas motor vehicles registered by type began in March 1974

January 1961 The New and ex-overseas motor vehicles registered by type New Cars and station wagons Total series began in January 1961.

  • Commercial Vehicles 1500 Kg or Less series

  • Commercial Vehicles 1501 to 2500 Kg series

  • Commercial Vehicles 2501 to 3500 Kg series

  • Commercial Vehicles 3501 to 4500 Kg series

  • Commercial Vehicles 4501 to 6500 Kg series

  • Commercial Vehicles 6501 to 7500 Kg series

  • Commercial Vehicles 7501 to 9000 Kg series

  • Commercial Vehicles 9001 to 10500 Kg series

  • Commercial Vehicles 10501 to 14500 Kg series

  • Commercial Vehicles 14501 Kg and Over series

  • Buses and Coaches 3500 Kg or Less series

  • Buses and Coaches 3501 Kg and Over series

  • Tot Com'l Vehicles Exc Buses & Coaches series

  • Total Commercial Vehicles series.

Main users of the data

· Statistics New Zealand - National Accounts · Statistics New Zealand - Overseas Trade · Consultants · Researchers





Vehicle licenses, Vehicle registrations

Transport vehicle registrations

Transport vehicle registrations en-NZ



Data source

We release data on vehicle licenses from aggregated administrative data generated by the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) in the process of administering New Zealand-based vehicle registrations and licences.

NZTA now publish most of this data themselves, you can find it on their dashboard Motor vehicle registrations – dashboard and open data | NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi ( There are some differences between the data sets based on the timing of data supplied to Stats NZ and differing categories.

Vehicle classification descriptions

The table below describes the aggregated vehicle classifications.

Vehicle classifications in TPT releases
Vehicle classification Descriptor
Cars A motor vehicle that is primarily built for the transportation of passengers and either has a minimum of 4 wheels, or has three wheels and a gross vehicle mass over one tonne. The vehicle cannot exceed more than nine seating positions (inclusive of the driver's position).

This includes vehicles that fit the above description with engine volumes (ccs) of 0cc to 5001cc and over.

Rental Cars A motor vehicle that is primarily built for the transportation of passengers and either has a minimum of 4 wheels, or has three wheels and a gross vehicle mass over one tonne. The vehicle cannot exceed more than nine seating positions (inclusive of the driver's position). With the additional condition, that the owner of the motor vehicle grants the possession of the motor vehicle to lessee in return of payment for use. This includes vehicles that fit the above description with engine volumes (ccs) of 0cc to 5001cc and over.
Trailers (including Caravans) An unmotorized vehicle, that is built for the purpose of being drawn behind a motor vehicle. This is inclusive of towed caravans. This includes vehicles that fit the above description with weights from 0 tonnes to 10 tonnes and over.
Motor Cycles A motor vehicle that has two wheels, or not exceeding three wheels when fitted with a side car, and has an engine volume (cc) exceeding 50cc, or has a maximum speed over 50km/h.

This includes any vehicle with motorcycle controls declared by the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Transport (exclusive of mopeds).

This includes vehicles that fit the above description with engine volumes of 0cc to 601cc and over.

Mopeds A motor vehicle that has two or three wheels that has an engine volume of less than 50 cc and a maximum speed not over 50 km/h under normal conditions of use. This includes vehicles that fit the above description with engine volumes (ccs) of 0cc to 50cc.
Power Cycles A pedal cycle that has at minimum one auxiliary propulsion motors having a combined power output of at most 300 watts.
Miscellaneous (Including Tractors) Vehicles that are n.e.c. in the other categories.
Exempt Vehicles In certain situations you may use a registered but unlicensed vehicle on a road. Vehicles used on a private road are exempt from the requirement to be registered and licensed. These vehicles can be driven directly across a public access road only to cross the road.

A vehicle does not have to have a current license if on a road being taken directly to get a warrant of fitness (WoF), certificate of fitness (CoF), servicing or repairs. The vehicle must still be safe to use on the road.

This includes any vehicles also covered as exempt in the Land Transport (motor Vehicle Registration and Licensing) Regulations 2011.

Taxis A vehicle that transports passengers for fare or rewards.
Omnibuses and Service Coaches A motor vehicle that is primarily built for the transportation of passengers and either has a minimum of 4 wheels, or has three wheels and a gross vehicle mass over one tonne, and has greater than nine seating positions (inclusive of the driver's position). This includes vehicles that fit the above description with a weights from 0 tonnes to 5 tonnes and over.
Tractors A motor vehicle (other than a traction engine) built primarily for towing an agricultural trailer, powering agricultural implements, and for other agricultural uses. The vehicle must have a maximum speed of no more than 50 km/h.
Trucks A motor vehicle that is built primarily for the transportation of goods and either has a minimum of 4 wheels, or has three wheels and a gross vehicle mass over one tonne. Vehicles used for vehicle recovery (towing services), despite the size or design of the vehicle. This includes vehicles that fit the above description with weights from 0 tonnes to 12 tonnes and over.
Trade Plates Businesses participating in the sale, manufacturing, repair and maintenance of vehicles can apply for trade plates to move vehicles when they are unregistered.
Totals Vehicles The sum of all vehicles licensed or exempt from licensing as captured in the above definitions, excluding Trade Plates and Tractors.
6 months license This refers to the issuing of a licence to a vehicle to allow it to be used on the road for a period of 6 months.

Licensing is more commonly referred to as ‘rego’, but is not the same thing as vehicle registration.

12 months license This refers to the issuing of a licence to a vehicle to allow it to be used on the road for a period of 12 months.

Licensing is more commonly referred to as ‘rego’, but is not the same thing as vehicle registration.

Commercial Vehicle A vehicle that is primarily operated for the profit of an individual or business.

Interpreting the data


Transport vehicle registrations record motor vehicles currently licensed by type and new and ex-overseas motor vehicles registered by type, or vehicles that are registered and fit within the exempt vehicles category within New Zealand.


Transport vehicles in New Zealand that are unregistered. Transport vehicles in New Zealand that are registered and unlicensed that do not fit within the exempt vehicles category.




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19 18/06/2024 11:51:12 AM
12 30/11/2021 4:28:51 PM