Labour Market Statistics Universe


Labour Market Statistics Universe en-NZ


The target population for the HLFS/Income is the usually resident, non-institutionalised population aged 15 years and over. The statistics in this release do not cover:

  • people who have been living in New Zealand for less than 12 months, and who do not propose to stay in New Zealand for a total of 12 months or more
  • long-term residents of homes for older people, hospitals, and psychiatric institutions (long-term is defined as six weeks or more)
  • people in prison


The QES samples economically significant enterprises in surveyed industries. An economically significant enterprise is one that meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • has greater than $30,000 annual GST expenses or sales
  • has at least three employees for its rolling mean employment (the average employee count over the previous 12 months)
  • recorded over $40,000 of income in the IR10 annual tax return
  • is part of a group of enterprises
  • is a new GST registration that is compulsory, special, or forced
  • is registered for GST.

The QES does not include data from the agriculture, fisheries, and several smaller industries.


Jobs filled by paid employees in all occupations and in all industries except private households employing staff. We extended coverage to include jobs filled by paid employees aged under 15 years when the index was reweighted and re-expressed on a base of the June 2001 quarter (=1000).

Is Inclusive
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7 30/11/2021 3:46:45 PM