Greenhouse gas emissions

Conceptual Variable

Greenhouse gas emissions en-NZ
Greenhouse gas emissions en-NZ

Stats NZ produces estimates of greenhouse gases on a production basis, at both the national and regional levels, and on a consumption basis (national level only). These are all compiled using the residency principle, which allocates emissions to New Zealand residents regardless of where the emission occurs. The SEEA central framework calls this an air emissions account because all air pollutants are in scope. However, we have only measured greenhouse gases on an SEEA basis, so we refer to this account in publications as ‘greenhouse gases by industry and household’.

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Revision Date Responsibility Rationale
6 8/12/2022 10:03:17 AM
5 26/05/2022 10:51:29 AM
1 8/12/2022 10:03:17 AM